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122 lines
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# Copyright 2015, 2017 Jairo Llopis <jairo.llopis@tecnativa.com>
# Copyright 2016 Tecnativa, S.L. - Vicent Cubells
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.tools import (DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT,
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
# Available modes for :param:`.ResLang.datetime_formatter.template`
class ResLang(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.lang"
def best_match(self, lang=None, failure_safe=True):
"""Get best match of current default lang.
:param str lang:
If a language in the form of "en_US" is supplied, it will have the
highest priority.
:param bool failure_safe:
If ``False`` and the best matched language is not found installed,
an exception will be raised. Otherwise, the first installed
language found in the DB will be returned.
# Find some installed language, as fallback
first_installed = self.search([("active", "=", True)], limit=1)
if not lang:
lang = (
# Object's language, if called like
# ``record.lang.datetime_formatter(datetime_obj)``
(self.ids and self[0].code) or
# Context language
self.env.context.get("lang") or
# User's language
self.env.user.lang or
# First installed language found
# Get DB lang record
record = self.search([("code", "=", lang)])
except ValueError:
if not failure_safe:
raise UserError(
_("Best matched language (%s) not found.") % lang
record = first_installed
return record
def datetime_formatter(self, value, lang=None, template=MODE_DATETIME,
separator=" ", failure_safe=True):
"""Convert a datetime field to lang's default format.
:type value: `str`, `float` or `datetime.datetime`
:param value:
Datetime that will be formatted to the user's preferred format.
:param str lang:
See :param:`lang` from :meth:`~.best_match`.
:param bool failure_safe:
See :param:`failure_safe` from :meth:`~.best_match`.
:param str template:
Will be used to format :param:`value`. If it is one of the special
constants :const:`MODE_DATETIME`, :const:`MODE_DATE` or
:const:`MODE_TIME`, it will use the :param:`lang`'s default
template for that mode.
:param str separator:
Only used when :param:`template` is :const:`MODE_DATETIME`, as the
separator between the date and time parts.
# Get the correct lang
lang = self.best_match(lang)
# Get the template
defaults = []
if "DATE" in template:
defaults.append(lang.date_format or
if "TIME" in template:
defaults.append(lang.time_format or
template = separator.join(defaults)
# Convert str to datetime objects
if isinstance(value, str):
value = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(value)
except ValueError:
# Probably failed due to value being only time
value = datetime.strptime(value, DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT)
# Time-only fields are floats for Odoo
elif isinstance(value, float):
# Patch values >= 24 hours
if value >= 24:
template = template.replace("%H", "%d" % value)
# Convert to time
value = (datetime.min + timedelta(hours=value)).time()
return value.strftime(template)