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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 LasLabs Inc.
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (
from contextlib import contextmanager
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class ExternalSystem(models.Model):
_name = 'external.system'
_description = 'External System'
name = fields.Char(
help='This is the canonical (humanized) name for the system.',
host = fields.Char(
help='This is the domain or IP address that the system can be reached '
port = fields.Integer(
help='This is the port number that the system is listening on.',
username = fields.Char(
help='This is the username that is used for authenticating to this '
'system, if applicable.',
password = fields.Char(
help='This is the password that is used for authenticating to this '
'system, if applicable.',
private_key = fields.Text(
help='This is the private key that is used for authenticating to '
'this system, if applicable.',
private_key_password = fields.Text(
help='This is the password to unlock the private key that was '
'provided for this sytem.',
fingerprint = fields.Text(
help='This is the fingerprint that is advertised by this system in '
'order to validate its identity.',
ignore_fingerprint = fields.Boolean(
help='Set this to `True` in order to ignore an invalid/unknown '
'fingerprint from the system.',
remote_path = fields.Char(
help='Restrict to this directory path on the remote, if applicable.',
company_ids = fields.Many2many(
default=lambda s: [(6, 0, s.env.user.company_id.ids)],
help='Access to this system is restricted to these companies.',
system_type = fields.Selection(
interface = fields.Reference(
help='This is the interface that this system represents. It is '
'created automatically upon creation of the external system.',
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Connection name must be unique.'),
def _get_system_types(self):
"""Return the adapter interface models that are installed."""
adapter = self.env['external.system.adapter']
return [
(m, self.env[m]._description) for m in adapter._inherit_children
@api.constrains('fingerprint', 'ignore_fingerprint')
def check_fingerprint_ignore_fingerprint(self):
"""Do not allow a blank fingerprint if not set to ignore."""
for record in self:
if not record.ignore_fingerprint and not record.fingerprint:
raise ValidationError(_(
'Fingerprint cannot be empty when Ignore Fingerprint is '
'not checked.',
def client(self):
"""Client object usable as a context manager to include destruction.
Yields the result from ``external_get_client``, then calls
``external_destroy_client`` to cleanup the client.
mixed: An object representing the client connection to the remote
with self.interface.client() as client:
yield client
def create(self, vals):
"""Create the interface for the record and assign to ``interface``."""
record = super(ExternalSystem, self).create(vals)
interface = self.env[vals['system_type']].create({
record.interface = interface
return record
def action_test_connection(self):
"""Test the connection to the external system."""