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# 2019 Vauxoo (<>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import logging
from psycopg2.extensions import AsIs
from odoo import api, models
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SequenceStandardDefault(models.TransientModel):
_name = "sequence.standard.default"
_description = "Wizard to set all sequences to Standard implementation"
def change_all_sequences(self):
sequences = self.env['ir.sequence'].sudo().with_context(
active_test=False).search([('implementation', '=', 'no_gap')])"Changing sequences to Standard: %s", sequences.ids)
for item in sequences:
seq_name = "ir_sequence_%03d" % (
self._cr.execute("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS %s", [AsIs(seq_name), ])
if item.use_date_range:
range_ids = {}
for line in item.date_range_ids:
range_ids[] = line.number_next_actual
seq_name = "ir_sequence_%03d_%03d" % (,
"DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS %s", [AsIs(seq_name), ])
item.write({'implementation': 'standard'})
for line in item.date_range_ids:
line.write({'number_next_actual': range_ids[]})
item.write({'implementation': 'standard'})
def execute(self):
return self.env.ref('base.ir_sequence_form').read()[0]