You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#. You can create an index for the `name` field of `res.partner`.
#. In the search you can use:
``self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '%', 'Jon Miller)])``
#. In this example the function will return positive result for `John Miller`
or `John Mill`.
#. You can tweak the number of strings to be returned by adjusting the set
limit (default: 0.3). NB: Currently you have to set the limit by executing
the following SQL statment:
``"SELECT set_limit(0.2);")``
#. Another interesting feature is the use of ``similarity(column, 'text')``
function in the ``order`` parameter to order by similarity. This module just
contains a basic implementation which doesn't perform validations and has to
start with this function. For example you can define the function as
``similarity(, 'John Mil') DESC" % self.env['res.partner']._table``
For further questions read the Documentation of the
`pg_trgm <>`_ module.