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# Copyright 2019 Ecosoft Co., Ltd (
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import base64
import uuid
import xlrd
import xlwt
import time
from io import BytesIO
from . import common as co
from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import date, datetime as dt
from import float_compare
from odoo import models, api, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from import safe_eval
class XLSXImport(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'xlsx.import'
_description = 'Excel Import AbstractModel'
def get_eval_context(self, model=False, value=False):
eval_context = {'float_compare': float_compare,
'time': time,
'datetime': dt,
'date': date,
'env': self.env,
'context': self._context,
'value': False,
'model': False,
if model:
eval_context.update({'model': self.env[model]})
if value:
if isinstance(value, str): # Remove non Ord 128 character
value = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else ' ' for i in value])
eval_context.update({'value': value})
return eval_context
def get_external_id(self, record):
""" Get external ID of the record, if not already exists create one """
ModelData = self.env['']
xml_id = record.get_external_id()
if not xml_id or ( in xml_id and xml_id[] == ''):
ModelData.create({'name': '%s_%s' % (record._table,,
'module': '__excel_import_export__',
'model': record._name,
'res_id':, })
xml_id = record.get_external_id()
return xml_id[]
def _get_field_type(self, model, field):
record = self.env[model].new()
for f in field.split('/'):
field_type = record._fields[f].type
if field_type in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
record = record[f]
return field_type
except Exception:
raise ValidationError(
_('Invalid declaration, %s has no valid field type') % field)
def _delete_record_data(self, record, data_dict):
""" If no _NODEL_, delete existing lines before importing """
if not record or not data_dict:
for sheet_name in data_dict:
worksheet = data_dict[sheet_name]
line_fields = filter(lambda x: x != '_HEAD_', worksheet)
for line_field in line_fields:
if '_NODEL_' not in line_field:
if line_field in record and record[line_field]:
# Remove _NODEL_ from dict
for s, sv in data_dict.items():
for f, fv in data_dict[s].items():
if '_NODEL_' in f:
new_fv = data_dict[s].pop(f)
data_dict[s][f.replace('_NODEL_', '')] = new_fv
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(_('Error deleting data\n%s') % e)
def _get_line_vals(self, st, worksheet, model, line_field):
""" Get values of this field from excel sheet """
vals = {}
for rc, columns in worksheet.get(line_field, {}).items():
if not isinstance(columns, list):
columns = [columns]
for field in columns:
rc, key_eval_cond = co.get_field_condition(rc)
x_field, val_eval_cond = co.get_field_condition(field)
row, col = co.pos2idx(rc)
out_field = '%s/%s' % (line_field, x_field)
field_type = self._get_field_type(model, out_field)
vals.update({out_field: []})
for idx in range(row, st.nrows):
value = co._get_cell_value(st.cell(idx, col),
eval_context = self.get_eval_context(model=model,
if key_eval_cond:
value = safe_eval(key_eval_cond, eval_context)
if val_eval_cond:
value = safe_eval(val_eval_cond, eval_context)
if not filter(lambda x: x != '', vals[out_field]):
return vals
def _import_record_data(self, import_file, record, data_dict):
""" From complex excel, create temp simple excel and do import """
if not data_dict:
header_fields = []
decoded_data = base64.decodestring(import_file)
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=decoded_data)
col_idx = 0
out_wb = xlwt.Workbook()
out_st = out_wb.add_sheet("Sheet 1")
xml_id = record and self.get_external_id(record) or \
'%s.%s' % ('xls', uuid.uuid4())
out_st.write(0, 0, 'id') # id and xml_id on first column
out_st.write(1, 0, xml_id)
col_idx += 1
model = record._name
for sheet_name in data_dict: # For each Sheet
worksheet = data_dict[sheet_name]
st = False
if isinstance(sheet_name, str):
st = co.xlrd_get_sheet_by_name(wb, sheet_name)
elif isinstance(sheet_name, int):
st = wb.sheet_by_index(sheet_name - 1)
if not st:
raise ValidationError(
_('Sheet %s not found') % sheet_name)
# HEAD updates
for rc, field in worksheet.get('_HEAD_', {}).items():
rc, key_eval_cond = co.get_field_condition(rc)
field, val_eval_cond = co.get_field_condition(field)
field_type = self._get_field_type(model, field)
value = False
row, col = co.pos2idx(rc)
value = co._get_cell_value(st.cell(row, col),
except Exception:
eval_context = self.get_eval_context(model=model,
if key_eval_cond:
value = str(safe_eval(key_eval_cond, eval_context))
if val_eval_cond:
value = str(safe_eval(val_eval_cond, eval_context))
out_st.write(0, col_idx, field) # Next Column
out_st.write(1, col_idx, value) # Next Value
col_idx += 1
# Line Items
line_fields = filter(lambda x: x != '_HEAD_', worksheet)
for line_field in line_fields:
vals = self._get_line_vals(st, worksheet,
model, line_field)
for field in vals:
# Columns, i.e., line_ids/field_id
out_st.write(0, col_idx, field)
# Data
i = 1
for value in vals[field]:
out_st.write(i, col_idx, value)
i += 1
col_idx += 1
content = BytesIO() # Set index to 0, and start reading
xls_file =
# Do the import
Import = self.env['base_import.import']
imp = Import.create({
'res_model': model,
'file': xls_file,
'file_type': 'application/',
'file_name': 'temp.xls',
errors =
{'headers': True,
'advanced': True,
'keep_matches': False,
'encoding': '',
'separator': '',
'quoting': '"',
'date_format': '%Y-%m-%d',
'datetime_format': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'float_thousand_separator': ',',
'float_decimal_separator': '.',
'fields': []})
if errors.get('messages'):
message = _('Error importing data')
messages = errors['messages']
if isinstance(messages, dict):
message = messages['message']
if isinstance(messages, list):
message = ', '.join([x['message'] for x in messages])
raise ValidationError(message.encode('utf-8'))
return self.env.ref(xml_id)
except xlrd.XLRDError:
raise ValidationError(
_('Invalid file style, only .xls or .xlsx file allowed'))
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(_('Error importing data\n%s') % e)
def _post_import_operation(self, record, operation):
""" Run python code after import """
if not record or not operation:
if '${' in operation:
code = (operation.split('${'))[1].split('}')[0]
eval_context = {'object': record}
safe_eval(code, eval_context)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(_('Post import operation error\n%s') % e)
def import_xlsx(self, import_file, template,
res_model=False, res_id=False):
- If res_id = False, we want to create new document first
- Delete fields' data according to data_dict['__IMPORT__']
- Import data from excel according to data_dict['__IMPORT__']
self = self.sudo()
if res_model and template.res_model != res_model:
raise ValidationError(_("Template's model mismatch"))
record = self.env[template.res_model].browse(res_id)
data_dict = literal_eval(template.instruction.strip())
if not data_dict.get('__IMPORT__'):
raise ValidationError(
_("No data_dict['__IMPORT__'] in template %s") %
if record:
# Delete existing data first
self._delete_record_data(record, data_dict['__IMPORT__'])
# Fill up record with data from excel sheets
record = self._import_record_data(import_file, record,
# Post Import Operation, i.e., cleanup some data
if data_dict.get('__POST_IMPORT__', False):
self._post_import_operation(record, data_dict['__POST_IMPORT__'])
return record