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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 LasLabs Inc.
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (
from datetime import datetime
from mock import patch
from openerp.fields import Datetime
from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
from ..controllers.main import AuthTotpPasswordSecurity
CONTROLLER_PATH = 'openerp.addons.auth_totp_password_security.controllers.main'
MODEL_PATH = 'openerp.addons.password_security.models.res_users.ResUsers'
@patch(CONTROLLER_PATH + '.AuthTotp.mfa_login_post')
class TestAuthTotpPasswordSecurity(TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestAuthTotpPasswordSecurity, self).setUp()
self.test_controller = AuthTotpPasswordSecurity()
self.test_user = self.env.ref('base.user_root')
self.test_user.company_id.password_expiration = 1
pass_date = datetime(year=2016, month=1, day=1)
self.test_user.password_write_date = Datetime.to_string(pass_date)
request_patcher = patch(CONTROLLER_PATH + '.request')
self.request_mock = request_patcher.start()
self.request_mock.params = {'login_success': True}
self.request_mock.uid =
self.request_mock.env = self.env
# Needed when tests are run with no prior requests
base_request_patcher = patch('openerp.http.request')
def test_mfa_login_post_no_mfa_login(self, super_mock):
"""Should return result of super if MFA login not complete"""
test_response = 'Test Response'
super_mock.return_value = test_response
self.request_mock.params = {}
result = self.test_controller.mfa_login_post().get_data()
self.assertEqual(result, test_response)
def test_mfa_login_post_pass_not_expired(self, super_mock):
"""Should return result of super if user's password not expired"""
test_response = 'Test Response'
super_mock.return_value = test_response
self.test_user.password_write_date = Datetime.to_string(
result = self.test_controller.mfa_login_post().get_data()
self.assertEqual(result, test_response)
@patch(MODEL_PATH + '.action_expire_password')
def test_mfa_login_post_expired_helper(self, helper_mock, super_mock):
"""Should correctly call helper if user's password is expired"""
def test_mfa_login_post_expired_log_out(self, super_mock):
"""Should log out user and update params if password is expired"""
def test_mfa_login_post_expired_redirect(self, super_mock):
"""Should return correct redirect if password is expired"""
result = self.test_controller.mfa_login_post().get_data()
expected = self.test_user.partner_id.signup_url
self.assertIn(expected, result)