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61 lines
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{% extends "header.template" %}
{% block body %}
'name': '{{ prototype.human_name }}',
'version': '{{ prototype.version }}',
'author': '{{ }}',
'maintainer': '{{ prototype.maintainer }}',
'website': '{{ }}',
'license': '{{ prototype.license }}',
# Categories can be used to filter modules in modules listing
# Check # noqa
# for the full list
{# Use with_context({}) to get english category #}
'category': '{{ prototype.with_context({}) }}',
'summary': '{{ prototype.summary }}',
'description': """
{{ prototype.description }}
* Module exported by the Module Prototyper module for version 8.0.
* If you have any questions, please contact Savoir-faire Linux
# any module necessary for this one to work correctly
'depends': [
{% for dependency in prototype.dependency_ids %}
'{{ }}',
{% endfor %}
'external_dependencies': {
'python': [],
# always loaded
'data': [
{% for data_file in data_files %}
'{{ data_file }}',
{% endfor %}
# only loaded in demonstration mode
'demo': [
{% for demo_file in demo_files %}
'{{ demo_file }}',
{% endfor %}
# used for Javascript Web CLient Testing with QUnit / PhantomJS
# # noqa
'js': [],
'css': [],
'qweb': [],
'installable': True,
# Install this module automatically if all dependency have been previously
# and independently installed. Used for synergetic or glue modules.
'auto_install': {{ prototype.auto_install }},
'application': {{ prototype.application }},
{% endblock %}