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# coding: utf-8
# @ 2015 Valentin CHEMIERE @ Akretion
# © @author Mourad EL HADJ MIMOUNE <>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from openerp import models, fields, api
from .helper import itersubclasses, get_erp_module, is_module_installed
from ..tasks.abstract_task import AbstractTask
class Task(models.Model):
_name = 'external.file.task'
_description = 'External file task'
name = fields.Char(required=True)
method = fields.Selection(selection='_get_method', required=True,
help='procotol and trasmitting info')
method_type = fields.Char()
filename = fields.Char(help='File name which is imported.'
'You can use file pattern like *.txt'
'to import all txt files')
filepath = fields.Char(help='Path to imported file')
location_id = fields.Many2one('external.file.location', string='Location',
attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment.metadata', 'task_id',
move_path = fields.Char(string='Move path',
help='Imported File will be moved to this path')
new_name = fields.Char(string='New name',
help='Imported File will be renamed to this name'
'Name can use mako template where obj is an '
'ir_attachement. template exemple : '
' ${}-${obj.create_date}.csv')
md5_check = fields.Boolean(help='Control file integrity after import with'
' a md5 file')
after_import = fields.Selection(selection='_get_action',
help='Action after import a file')
file_type = fields.Selection(
string="File type",
help="The file type determines an import method to be used "
"to parse and transform data before their import in ERP")
def _get_action(self):
return [('rename', 'Rename'),
('move', 'Move'),
('move_rename', 'Move & Rename'),
('delete', 'Delete'),
def _get_file_type(self):
"""This is the method to be inherited for adding file types
The basic import do not apply any parsing or transform of the file.
The file is just added as an attachement
return [('basic_import', 'Basic import')]
def _get_method(self):
res = []
for cls in itersubclasses(AbstractTask):
if not is_module_installed(self.env, get_erp_module(cls)):
if cls._synchronize_type and (
'protocol' not in self._context or
cls._key == self._context['protocol']):
cls_info = (cls._key + '_' + cls._synchronize_type,
cls._name + ' ' + cls._synchronize_type)
return res
def onchange_method(self):
if self.method:
if 'import' in self.method:
self.method_type = 'import'
elif 'export' in self.method:
self.method_type = 'export'
def _run(self, domain=None):
if not domain:
domain = []
tasks = self.env['external.file.task'].search(domain)
def run(self):
for tsk in self:
for cls in itersubclasses(AbstractTask):
if not is_module_installed(self.env, get_erp_module(cls)):
cls_build = '%s_%s' % (cls._key, cls._synchronize_type)
if cls._synchronize_type and cls_build == tsk.method:
method_class = cls
config = {
'host': tsk.location_id.address,
# ftplib does not support unicode
'user': tsk.location_id.login and\
'pwd': tsk.location_id.password and \
'port': tsk.location_id.port,
'allow_dir_creation': False,
'file_name': tsk.filename,
'path': tsk.filepath,
'attachment_ids': tsk.attachment_ids,
'task': tsk,
'move_path': tsk.move_path,
'new_name': tsk.new_name,
'after_import': tsk.after_import,
'file_type': tsk.file_type,
'md5_check': tsk.md5_check,
conn = method_class(self.env, config)