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This module was written to extend the standard functionality regarding users
and groups management.
It helps creating well-defined user roles and associating them to users.
It can become very hard to maintain a large number of user profiles over time,
juggling with many technical groups. For this purpose, this module will help
you to:
* define functional roles by aggregating low-level groups,
* set user accounts with the predefined roles (roles are cumulative),
* update groups of all relevant user accounts (all at once),
* ensure that user accounts will have the groups defined in their roles
(nothing more, nothing less). In other words, you can not set groups
manually on a user as long as there is roles configured on it,
* activate/deactivate roles depending on the date (useful to plan holidays, etc)
* get a quick overview of roles and the related user accounts.
That way you make clear the different responsabilities within a company, and
are able to add and update user accounts in a scalable and reliable way.