# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2016 Antonio Espinosa - <antonio.espinosa@tecnativa.com> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
import logging import urlparse import time import re from datetime import datetime
from odoo import models, api, fields, tools import odoo.addons.decimal_precision as dp
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
EVENT_OPEN_DELTA = 10 # seconds EVENT_CLICK_DELTA = 5 # seconds
class MailTrackingEmail(models.Model): _name = "mail.tracking.email" _order = 'time desc' _rec_name = 'display_name' _description = 'MailTracking email'
# This table is going to grow fast and to infinite, so we index: # - name: Search in tree view # - time: default order fields # - recipient_address: Used for email_store calculation (non-store) # - state: Search and group_by in tree view name = fields.Char(string="Subject", readonly=True, index=True) display_name = fields.Char( string="Display name", readonly=True, store=True, compute="_compute_tracking_display_name") timestamp = fields.Float( string='UTC timestamp', readonly=True, digits=dp.get_precision('MailTracking Timestamp')) time = fields.Datetime(string="Time", readonly=True, index=True) date = fields.Date( string="Date", readonly=True, compute="_compute_date", store=True) mail_message_id = fields.Many2one( string="Message", comodel_name='mail.message', readonly=True) mail_id = fields.Many2one( string="Email", comodel_name='mail.mail', readonly=True) partner_id = fields.Many2one( string="Partner", comodel_name='res.partner', readonly=True) recipient = fields.Char(string='Recipient email', readonly=True) recipient_address = fields.Char( string='Recipient email address', readonly=True, store=True, compute='_compute_recipient_address', index=True) sender = fields.Char(string='Sender email', readonly=True) state = fields.Selection([ ('error', 'Error'), ('deferred', 'Deferred'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ('delivered', 'Delivered'), ('opened', 'Opened'), ('rejected', 'Rejected'), ('spam', 'Spam'), ('unsub', 'Unsubscribed'), ('bounced', 'Bounced'), ('soft-bounced', 'Soft bounced'), ], string='State', index=True, readonly=True, default=False, help=" * The 'Error' status indicates that there was an error " "when trying to sent the email, for example, " "'No valid recipient'\n" " * The 'Sent' status indicates that message was succesfully " "sent via outgoing email server (SMTP).\n" " * The 'Delivered' status indicates that message was " "succesfully delivered to recipient Mail Exchange (MX) server.\n" " * The 'Opened' status indicates that message was opened or " "clicked by recipient.\n" " * The 'Rejected' status indicates that recipient email " "address is blacklisted by outgoing email server (SMTP). " "It is recomended to delete this email address.\n" " * The 'Spam' status indicates that outgoing email " "server (SMTP) consider this message as spam.\n" " * The 'Unsubscribed' status indicates that recipient has " "requested to be unsubscribed from this message.\n" " * The 'Bounced' status indicates that message was bounced " "by recipient Mail Exchange (MX) server.\n" " * The 'Soft bounced' status indicates that message was soft " "bounced by recipient Mail Exchange (MX) server.\n") error_smtp_server = fields.Char(string='Error SMTP server', readonly=True) error_type = fields.Char(string='Error type', readonly=True) error_description = fields.Char( string='Error description', readonly=True) bounce_type = fields.Char(string='Bounce type', readonly=True) bounce_description = fields.Char( string='Bounce description', readonly=True) tracking_event_ids = fields.One2many( string="Tracking events", comodel_name='mail.tracking.event', inverse_name='tracking_email_id', readonly=True)
@api.model def _email_score_tracking_filter(self, domain, order='time desc', limit=10): """Default tracking search. Ready to be inherited.""" return self.search(domain, limit=limit, order=order)
@api.model def email_is_bounced(self, email): return len(self._email_score_tracking_filter([ ('recipient_address', '=ilike', email), ('state', 'in', ('error', 'rejected', 'spam', 'bounced')), ])) > 0
@api.model def email_score_from_email(self, email): return self._email_score_tracking_filter([ ('recipient_address', '=ilike', email) ]).email_score()
@api.model def _email_score_weights(self): """Default email score weights. Ready to be inherited""" return { 'error': -50.0, 'rejected': -25.0, 'spam': -25.0, 'bounced': -25.0, 'soft-bounced': -10.0, 'unsub': -10.0, 'delivered': 1.0, 'opened': 5.0, }
def email_score(self): """Default email score algorimth. Ready to be inherited
Must return a value beetwen 0.0 and 100.0 - Bad reputation: Value between 0 and 50.0 - Unknown reputation: Value 50.0 - Good reputation: Value between 50.0 and 100.0 """
weights = self._email_score_weights() score = 50.0 for tracking in self: score += weights.get(tracking.state, 0.0) if score > 100.0: score = 100.0 elif score < 0.0: score = 0.0 return score
@api.depends('recipient') def _compute_recipient_address(self): for email in self: matches = re.search(r'<(.*@.*)>', email.recipient) if matches: email.recipient_address = matches.group(1) else: email.recipient_address = email.recipient
@api.depends('name', 'recipient') def _compute_tracking_display_name(self): for email in self: parts = [email.name or ''] if email.recipient: parts.append(email.recipient) email.display_name = ' - '.join(parts)
@api.depends('time') def _compute_date(self): for email in self: email.date = fields.Date.to_string( fields.Date.from_string(email.time))
def _get_mail_tracking_img(self): m_config = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] base_url = (m_config.get_param('mail_tracking.base.url') or m_config.get_param('web.base.url')) path_url = ( 'mail/tracking/open/%(db)s/%(tracking_email_id)s/blank.gif' % { 'db': self.env.cr.dbname, 'tracking_email_id': self.id, }) track_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, path_url) return ( '<img src="%(url)s" alt="" ' 'data-odoo-tracking-email="%(tracking_email_id)s"/>' % { 'url': track_url, 'tracking_email_id': self.id, })
@api.multi def _partners_email_bounced_set(self, reason, event=None): recipients = [] if event and event.recipient_address: recipients.append(event.recipient_address) else: recipients = list(filter(None, self.mapped('recipient_address'))) for recipient in recipients: self.env['res.partner'].search([ ('email', '=ilike', recipient) ]).email_bounced_set(self, reason, event=event)
@api.multi def smtp_error(self, mail_server, smtp_server, exception): self.sudo().write({ 'error_smtp_server': tools.ustr(smtp_server), 'error_type': exception.__class__.__name__, 'error_description': tools.ustr(exception), 'state': 'error', }) self.sudo()._partners_email_bounced_set('error') return True
@api.multi def tracking_img_add(self, email): self.ensure_one() tracking_url = self._get_mail_tracking_img() if tracking_url: body = tools.append_content_to_html( email.get('body', ''), tracking_url, plaintext=False, container_tag='div') email['body'] = body return email
def _message_partners_check(self, message, message_id): mail_message = self.mail_message_id partners = ( mail_message.needaction_partner_ids | mail_message.partner_ids) if (self.partner_id and self.partner_id not in partners): # If mail_message haven't tracking partner, then # add it in order to see his tracking status in chatter if mail_message.subtype_id: mail_message.sudo().write({ 'needaction_partner_ids': [(4, self.partner_id.id)], }) else: mail_message.sudo().write({ 'partner_ids': [(4, self.partner_id.id)], }) return True
@api.multi def _tracking_sent_prepare(self, mail_server, smtp_server, message, message_id): self.ensure_one() ts = time.time() dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts) self._message_partners_check(message, message_id) self.sudo().write({'state': 'sent'}) return { 'recipient': message['To'], 'timestamp': '%.6f' % ts, 'time': fields.Datetime.to_string(dt), 'tracking_email_id': self.id, 'event_type': 'sent', 'smtp_server': smtp_server, }
def _event_prepare(self, event_type, metadata): self.ensure_one() m_event = self.env['mail.tracking.event'] method = getattr(m_event, 'process_' + event_type, None) if method and hasattr(method, '__call__'): return method(self, metadata) else: # pragma: no cover _logger.info('Unknown event type: %s' % event_type) return False
def _concurrent_events(self, event_type, metadata): m_event = self.env['mail.tracking.event'] self.ensure_one() concurrent_event_ids = False if event_type in {'open', 'click'}: ts = metadata.get('timestamp', time.time()) delta = EVENT_OPEN_DELTA if event_type == 'open' \ else EVENT_CLICK_DELTA domain = [ ('timestamp', '>=', ts - delta), ('timestamp', '<=', ts + delta), ('tracking_email_id', '=', self.id), ('event_type', '=', event_type), ] if event_type == 'click': domain.append(('url', '=', metadata.get('url', False))) concurrent_event_ids = m_event.search(domain) return concurrent_event_ids
@api.multi def event_create(self, event_type, metadata): event_ids = self.env['mail.tracking.event'] for tracking_email in self: other_ids = tracking_email._concurrent_events(event_type, metadata) if not other_ids: vals = tracking_email._event_prepare(event_type, metadata) if vals: events = event_ids.sudo().create(vals) if event_type in {'hard_bounce', 'spam', 'reject'}: for event in events: self.sudo()._partners_email_bounced_set( event_type, event=event) event_ids += events else: _logger.debug("Concurrent event '%s' discarded", event_type) return event_ids
@api.model def event_process(self, request, post, metadata, event_type=None): # Generic event process hook, inherit it and # - return 'OK' if processed # - return 'NONE' if this request is not for you # - return 'ERROR' if any error return 'NONE' # pragma: no cover