# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016-2017 Compassion CH (http://www.compassion.ch) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import models, fields, api, tools from odoo.tools.config import config from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
import base64 import logging import re import time
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
try: from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, Attachment, CustomArg, Content, \ Personalization, Substitution, Mail, Header except ImportError: _logger.warning("ImportError raised while loading module.") _logger.debug("ImportError details:", exc_info=True)
class MailMessage(models.Model): """ Add SendGrid related fields so that they dispatch in all
subclasses of mail.message object """
_inherit = 'mail.message'
body_text = fields.Text(help='Text only version of the body') sent_date = fields.Datetime(copy=False) substitution_ids = fields.Many2many( 'sendgrid.substitution', string='Substitutions', copy=True) sendgrid_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'sendgrid.template', 'Sendgrid Template') send_method = fields.Char(compute='_compute_send_method')
@api.multi def _compute_send_method(self): """ Check whether to use traditional send method, sendgrid or disable.
send_method = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param( 'mail_sendgrid.send_method', 'traditional') for email in self: email.send_method = send_method
class MailMail(models.Model): """ Email message sent through SendGrid """ _inherit = 'mail.mail'
tracking_email_ids = fields.One2many( 'mail.tracking.email', 'mail_id', string='Registered events', readonly=True) click_count = fields.Integer( compute='_compute_tracking', store=True, readonly=True) opened = fields.Boolean( compute='_compute_tracking', store=True, readonly=True) tracking_event_ids = fields.One2many( 'mail.tracking.event', compute='_compute_events')
@api.depends('tracking_email_ids', 'tracking_email_ids.click_count', 'tracking_email_ids.state') def _compute_tracking(self): for email in self: click_count = sum(email.tracking_email_ids.mapped( 'click_count')) opened = self.env['mail.tracking.email'].search_count([ ('state', '=', 'opened'), ('mail_id', '=', email.id) ]) email.update({ 'click_count': click_count, 'opened': opened > 0 })
def _compute_events(self): for email in self: email.tracking_event_ids = email.tracking_email_ids.mapped( 'tracking_event_ids')
@api.multi def send(self, auto_commit=False, raise_exception=False): """ Override send to select the method to send the e-mail. """ traditional = self.filtered(lambda e: e.send_method == 'traditional') sendgrid = self.filtered(lambda e: e.send_method == 'sendgrid') if traditional: super(MailMail, traditional).send(auto_commit, raise_exception) if sendgrid: sendgrid.send_sendgrid() return True
@api.multi def send_sendgrid(self): """ Use sendgrid transactional e-mails : e-mails are sent one by
one. """
outgoing = self.filtered(lambda em: em.state == 'outgoing') api_key = config.get('sendgrid_api_key') if outgoing and not api_key: _logger.error( 'Missing sendgrid_api_key in conf file. Skipping Sendgrid ' 'send.' ) return
sg = SendGridAPIClient(apikey=api_key) for email in outgoing: try: response = sg.client.mail.send.post( request_body=email._prepare_sendgrid_data().get()) except Exception as e: _logger.error(e.message or "mail not sent.") continue
status = response.status_code msg = response.body
if status == STATUS_OK: _logger.info("e-mail sent. " + str(msg)) email._track_sendgrid_emails() email.write({ 'sent_date': fields.Datetime.now(), 'state': 'sent' }) if not self.env.context.get('test_mode'): # Commit at each e-mail processed to avoid any errors # invalidating state. self.env.cr.commit() # pylint: disable=invalid-commit email._postprocess_sent_message(mail_sent=True) else: email._postprocess_sent_message(mail_sent=False) _logger.error("Failed to send email: {}".format(str(msg)))
def _prepare_sendgrid_data(self): """
Prepare and creates the Sendgrid Email object :return: sendgrid.helpers.mail.Email object """
self.ensure_one() s_mail = Mail() s_mail.from_email = Email(self.email_from) if self.reply_to: s_mail.reply_to = Email(self.reply_to)
# Add custom fields to match the tracking s_mail.add_custom_arg(CustomArg('odoo_id', self.message_id)) s_mail.add_custom_arg(CustomArg('odoo_db', self.env.cr.dbname))
headers = { 'Message-Id': self.message_id } if self.headers: try: headers.update(safe_eval(self.headers)) except Exception: pass for h_name, h_val in headers.iteritems(): s_mail.add_header(Header(h_name, h_val))
html = self.body_html or ' '
p = re.compile(r'<.*?>') # Remove HTML markers text_only = self.body_text or p.sub('', html.replace('<br/>', '\n'))
s_mail.add_content(Content("text/plain", text_only or ' ')) s_mail.add_content(Content("text/html", html))
test_address = config.get('sendgrid_test_address')
# We use only one personalization for transactional e-mail personalization = Personalization() subject = self.subject and self.subject.encode( "utf_8") or "(No subject)" personalization.subject = subject addresses = set() if not test_address: if self.email_to: addresses = set(self.email_to.split(',')) for address in addresses: personalization.add_to(Email(address)) for recipient in self.recipient_ids: if recipient.email not in addresses: personalization.add_to(Email(recipient.email)) addresses.add(recipient.email) if self.email_cc and self.email_cc not in addresses: personalization.add_cc(Email(self.email_cc)) else: _logger.info('Sending email to test address {}'.format( test_address)) personalization.add_to(Email(test_address)) self.email_to = test_address
if self.sendgrid_template_id: s_mail.template_id = self.sendgrid_template_id.remote_id
for substitution in self.substitution_ids: personalization.add_substitution(Substitution( substitution.key, substitution.value.encode('utf-8')))
for attachment in self.attachment_ids: s_attachment = Attachment() # Datas are not encoded properly for sendgrid s_attachment.content = base64.b64encode(base64.b64decode( attachment.datas)) s_attachment.filename = attachment.name s_mail.add_attachment(s_attachment)
return s_mail
def _track_sendgrid_emails(self): """ Create tracking e-mails after successfully sent with Sendgrid. """ self.ensure_one() m_tracking = self.env['mail.tracking.email'].sudo() track_vals = self._prepare_sendgrid_tracking() for recipient in tools.email_split_and_format(self.email_to): track_vals['recipient'] = recipient m_tracking += m_tracking.create(track_vals) for partner in self.recipient_ids: track_vals.update({ 'partner_id': partner.id, 'recipient': partner.email, }) m_tracking += m_tracking.create(track_vals) return m_tracking
def _prepare_sendgrid_tracking(self): ts = time.time() return { 'name': self.subject, 'timestamp': '%.6f' % ts, 'time': fields.Datetime.now(), 'mail_id': self.id, 'mail_message_id': self.mail_message_id.id, 'sender': self.email_from, }