@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-AGPL--3-blue.svg |
:target: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0-standalone.html |
:alt: License: AGPL-3 |
====================================== |
Base for Vertical Resizing of Snippets |
====================================== |
This module extends the functionality of the website mail designer to support |
setting a fixed height in pixels to some elements. |
Installation |
============ |
This module is a technical dependency for other modules that want to inherit |
its features, so you don't need to install this manually unless you want to use |
its features directly (maybe by putting the class in a template element). |
When installed, any HTML element in the website mail designer that has the |
``vertical_resizable`` will have a new option to ask the user to input its |
desired height in pixels. |
Usage |
===== |
When any module installs this one, just click on the desired element and choose |
the *Change Height* option to use it. |
.. image:: https://odoo-community.org/website/image/ir.attachment/5784_f2813bd/datas |
:alt: Try me on Runbot |
:target: https://runbot.odoo-community.org/runbot/205/8.0 |
Bug Tracker |
=========== |
Bugs are tracked on `GitHub Issues |
<https://github.com/OCA/social/issues>`_. In case of trouble, please |
check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, |
help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed `feedback |
<https://github.com/OCA/ |
social/issues/new?body=module:%20 |
website_mail_snippet_vertical_resize_base%0Aversion:%20 |
8.0%0A%0A**Steps%20to%20reproduce**%0A-%20...%0A%0A**Current%20behavior**%0A%0A**Expected%20behavior**>`_. |
Credits |
======= |
Images |
------ |
* FontAwesome: `Icon <http://fontawesome.io/icon/arrows-v/>`_. |
Contributors |
------------ |
* Rafael Blasco <rafabn@antiun.com> |
* Jairo Llopis <yajo.sk8@gmail.com> |
Maintainer |
---------- |
.. image:: https://odoo-community.org/logo.png |
:alt: Odoo Community Association |
:target: https://odoo-community.org |
This module is maintained by the OCA. |
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose |
mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and |
promote its widespread use. |
To contribute to this module, please visit https://odoo-community.org. |