Message's body can contains styles and other stuff
that can screw the look and feel of digests' mails.
Now we sanitize it if `sanitize_msg_body` is set on the digest (default on).
Improve the tracking of changed values on database fields
("mail.tracking.value" functionality) by adding many2many and one2many support.
As well as a more user friendly view to consult changes recorded.
`force_send` is an option in `mail` core module
that allows to send an email immediately.
Handling the message w/ digest is wrong and in any case
we gonna have a digest w/out the message inside it
since is going to be deleted right after send.
A typical use case is the notification sent to new followers.
- Adds is_synced field to track whether a dynamic list has unsynced
changes or not so the user is aware that the definitive number of
contacts is yet to be determined.
- It fixes an issue that made impossible deleting a res.partner filter
when a list had use it to filter contacts.
- It also shows only the filters available for the user (shared and
belonging to self).
we need to save the complete list of partners because
_message_notification_recipients builds recipients
grouped by users groups. Thus get_additional_footer would get a
partial list of recipients
On our server,
queries based on "mail_tracking_event"."tracking_email_id" improved from 501,924 ms to 1,840 ms
queries based on "mail_tracking_email"."mail_message_id" improved from 167,436 ms to 3,223 ms
The last ones are run several times when a thread has many messages
* [FIX+IMP] mass_mailing_list_dynamic: tests, icons, filters...
* Brand new icon
* Added feature of loading an existing filter as criteria
* Tests as SavepointCase for optimizing times
* Tests in post-install for avoiding errors on res.partner not null constraints
when several modules added them.
* Updated documentation.
* Fix mock in test for not commiting test data.
* [FIX] mass_mailing_list_dynamic: Wasn't able to create contacts in fully synced lists
Syncing context was being set in the wrong object. Added to test too.
* [FIX] mass_mailing_list_dynamic: Allow to write back vals from res.partner
Module mass_mailing_partner writes back certain values from partner to
mass_mailing_contact. Module should allow that write operation.