* [FIX+IMP] mass_mailing_list_dynamic: tests, icons, filters...
* Brand new icon
* Added feature of loading an existing filter as criteria
* Tests as SavepointCase for optimizing times
* Tests in post-install for avoiding errors on res.partner not null constraints
when several modules added them.
* Updated documentation.
* Fix mock in test for not commiting test data.
* [FIX] mass_mailing_list_dynamic: Wasn't able to create contacts in fully synced lists
Syncing context was being set in the wrong object. Added to test too.
* [FIX] mass_mailing_list_dynamic: Allow to write back vals from res.partner
Module mass_mailing_partner writes back certain values from partner to
mass_mailing_contact. Module should allow that write operation.
* Exclude opt_out.
Now opted-out records will not be counted in the "Mailing lists" smart button
in the partner form.
* Avoid duplicate error.
By indicating the exact `partner_id` and ensuring no contacts associated to it are found, you avoid possible duplication errors when several partners share the same name or email.