<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <template id="view_email_template_corporate_identity">
                <img style="float: right" t-attf-src="data:image;base64,{{env.user.company_id.logo}}" />
                <!-- if some template calling us sets this variable,
                     we print a h1 tag /-->
                <h1 t-if="email_heading"><t t-esc="email_heading" /></h1>
                <t t-raw="0" />
                <!-- use some standard footer if the user doesn't have
                     a signature /-->
                <footer t-if="not email_use_user_signature">
                        <a t-att-href="env.user.company_id.website">
                            <t t-esc="env.user.company_id.name" />
                    <p><t t-esc="env.user.company_id.phone" /></p>
                <footer t-if="email_use_user_signature">
                    <t t-raw="env.user.signature" />
    <template id="view_email_template_demo1">
        <!-- because we can simply call the ci here, we don't need to
             repeat it /-->
        <t t-call="email_template_qweb.view_email_template_corporate_identity">
            <!-- the template we call uses this as title if we set it /-->
            <t t-set="email_heading" t-value="email_template.subject" />
            <h2>Dear <t t-esc="object.name" />,</h2>
                This is an email template using qweb.