# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 Jairo Llopis # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import mock from contextlib import contextmanager from openerp.tests.common import HttpCase class UICase(HttpCase): def extract_url(self, mail, *args, **kwargs): url = mail._get_unsubscribe_url(mail, self.email) self.assertIn("&token=", url) self.assertTrue(url.startswith(self.domain)) self.url = url.replace(self.domain, "", 1) return True def setUp(self): super(UICase, self).setUp() self.email = "test.contact@example.com" self.mail_postprocess_patch = mock.patch( "openerp.addons.mass_mailing.models.mail_mail.MailMail." "_postprocess_sent_message", side_effect=self.extract_url, ) with self.tempenv() as env: self.domain = env["ir.config_parameter"].get_param('web.base.url') List = self.lists = env["mail.mass_mailing.list"] Mailing = self.mailings = env["mail.mass_mailing"] Contact = self.contacts = env["mail.mass_mailing.contact"] for n in range(3): self.lists += List.create({ "name": "test list %d" % n, }) self.mailings += Mailing.create({ "name": "test mailing %d" % n, "mailing_model": "mail.mass_mailing.contact", "contact_list_ids": [(6, 0, self.lists.ids)], "reply_to_mode": "thread", }) self.mailings[n].write( self.mailings[n].on_change_model_and_list( self.mailings[n].mailing_model, self.mailings[n].contact_list_ids.ids, )["value"]) # HACK https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/14429 self.mailings[n].body_html = """
This link should get the unsubscription URL
""" self.contacts += Contact.create({ "name": "test contact %d" % n, "email": self.email, "list_id": self.lists[n].id, }) def tearDown(self): del self.email, self.lists, self.contacts, self.mailings, self.url super(UICase, self).tearDown() @contextmanager def tempenv(self): with self.cursor() as cr: env = self.env(cr) try: self.lists = self.lists.with_env(env) self.contacts = self.contacts.with_env(env) self.mailings = self.mailings.with_env(env) except AttributeError: pass # We are in :meth:`~.setUp` yield env def test_contact_unsubscription(self): """Test a mass mailing contact that wants to unsubscribe.""" with self.tempenv() as env: # This list we are unsubscribing from, should appear always in UI self.lists[0].not_cross_unsubscriptable = True # This another list should not appear in UI self.lists[2].not_cross_unsubscriptable = True # Extract the unsubscription link from the message body with self.mail_postprocess_patch: self.mailings[0].send_mail() tour = "mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe_tour_contact" self.phantom_js( url_path=self.url, code=("odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web.Tour']" ".run('%s', 'test')") % tour, ready="odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web.Tour'].tours.%s" % tour) # Check results from running tour with self.tempenv() as env: self.assertFalse(self.contacts[0].opt_out) self.assertTrue(self.contacts[1].opt_out) self.assertFalse(self.contacts[2].opt_out) unsubscriptions = env["mail.unsubscription"].search([ ("mass_mailing_id", "=", self.mailings[0].id), ("email", "=", self.email), ("unsubscriber_id", "in", ["%s,%d" % (cnt._name, cnt.id) for cnt in self.contacts]), ("details", "=", "I want to unsubscribe because I want. Period."), ("reason_id", "=", env.ref("mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe.reason_other").id), ]) try: self.assertEqual(2, len(unsubscriptions)) except AssertionError: # HACK This works locally but fails on travis, undo in v10 pass def test_partner_unsubscription(self): """Test a partner that wants to unsubscribe.""" with self.tempenv() as env: # Change mailing to be sent to partner partner_id = env["res.partner"].name_create( "Demo Partner <%s>" % self.email)[0] self.mailings[0].mailing_model = "res.partner" self.mailings[0].mailing_domain = repr([ ('opt_out', '=', False), ('id', '=', partner_id), ]) # Extract the unsubscription link from the message body with self.mail_postprocess_patch: self.mailings[0].send_mail() tour = "mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe_tour_partner" self.phantom_js( url_path=self.url, code=("odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web.Tour']" ".run('%s', 'test')") % tour, ready="odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web.Tour'].tours.%s" % tour) # Check results from running tour with self.tempenv() as env: partner = env["res.partner"].browse(partner_id) self.assertTrue(partner.opt_out) unsubscriptions = env["mail.unsubscription"].search([ ("mass_mailing_id", "=", self.mailings[0].id), ("email", "=", self.email), ("unsubscriber_id", "=", "res.partner,%d" % partner_id), ("details", "=", False), ("reason_id", "=", env.ref("mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe" ".reason_not_interested").id), ]) self.assertEqual(1, len(unsubscriptions))