# Copyright 2015 Antiun IngenierĂa S.L. (http://www.antiun.com) # Copyright 2016 Jairo Llopis <jairo.llopis@tecnativa.com> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import logging from odoo.http import request, route from odoo.addons.website_mass_mailing.controllers.main \ import MassMailController _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CustomUnsubscribe(MassMailController): def reason_form(self, mailing, email, res_id, token): """Get the unsubscription reason form. :param mail.mass_mailing mailing: Mailing where the unsubscription is being processed. :param str email: Email to be unsubscribed. :param int res_id: ID of the unsubscriber. :param str token: Security token for unsubscriptions. """ reasons = request.env["mail.unsubscription.reason"].search([]) return request.render( "mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe.reason_form", { "email": email, "mailing": mailing, "reasons": reasons, "res_id": res_id, "token": token, }) @route() def mailing(self, mailing_id, email=None, res_id=None, token="", **post): """Ask/save unsubscription reason.""" _logger.debug( "Called `mailing()` with: %r", (mailing_id, email, res_id, token, post)) mailing = request.env["mail.mass_mailing"].sudo().browse(mailing_id) # Mass mailing list contacts are a special case because they have a # subscription management form if mailing.mailing_model_real == 'mail.mass_mailing.contact': result = super(CustomUnsubscribe, self).mailing( mailing_id, email, res_id, token=token, **post) result.qcontext.update({ "contacts": result.qcontext["contacts"].filtered( lambda contact: not any(contact.list_ids.mapped( 'not_cross_unsubscriptable')) or contact.list_ids <= mailing.contact_list_ids ), "reasons": request.env["mail.unsubscription.reason"].search([]), }) return result # Any other record type gets a simplified form try: # Check if we already have a reason for unsubscription reason_id = int(post["reason_id"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): # No reasons? Ask for them return self.reason_form(mailing, email, res_id, token) else: # Unsubscribe, saving reason and details by context request.context = dict( request.context, default_reason_id=reason_id, default_details=post.get("details") or False, ) # You could get a DetailsRequiredError here, but only if HTML5 # validation fails, which should not happen in modern browsers return super(CustomUnsubscribe, self).mailing( mailing_id, email, res_id, token=token, **post) @route() def unsubscribe(self, mailing_id, opt_in_ids, opt_out_ids, email, res_id, token, reason_id=None, details=None): """Store unsubscription reasons when unsubscribing from RPC.""" # Update request context and reset environment environ = request.httprequest.headers.environ extra_context = { "default_metadata": "\n".join( "%s: %s" % (val, environ.get(val)) for val in ( "REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_USER_AGENT", "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", ) ), } if reason_id: extra_context["default_reason_id"] = int(reason_id) if details: extra_context["default_details"] = details request.context = dict(request.context, **extra_context) _logger.debug( "Called `unsubscribe()` with: %r", (mailing_id, opt_in_ids, opt_out_ids, email, res_id, token, reason_id, details)) return super(CustomUnsubscribe, self).unsubscribe( mailing_id, opt_in_ids, opt_out_ids, email)