# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015-2017 Compassion CH (http://www.compassion.ch) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import models, fields, api, exceptions, _ from odoo.tools.config import config import json import re import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import sendgrid except ImportError: _logger.info("ImportError raised while loading module.") _logger.debug("ImportError details:", exc_info=True) class SendgridTemplate(models.Model): """ Reference to a template available on the SendGrid user account. """ _name = 'sendgrid.template' ########################################################################## # FIELDS # ########################################################################## name = fields.Char() remote_id = fields.Char(readonly=True) html_content = fields.Html(readonly=True) plain_content = fields.Text(readonly=True) detected_keywords = fields.Char(compute='_compute_keywords') def _compute_keywords(self): for template in self: if template.html_content: keywords = template.get_keywords() self.detected_keywords = ';'.join(keywords) @api.model def update_templates(self): api_key = config.get('sendgrid_api_key') if not api_key: raise exceptions.UserError( _('Missing sendgrid_api_key in conf file')) sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey=api_key) template_client = sg.client.templates msg = template_client.get().body result = json.loads(msg) for template in result.get("templates", list()): id = template["id"] msg = template_client._(id).get().body template_versions = json.loads(msg)['versions'] for version in template_versions: if version['active']: template_vals = version break else: continue vals = { "remote_id": id, "name": template["name"], "html_content": template_vals["html_content"], "plain_content": template_vals["plain_content"], } record = self.search([('remote_id', '=', id)]) if record: record.write(vals) else: self.create(vals) return True def get_keywords(self): """ Search in the Sendgrid template for keywords included with the following syntax: {keyword_name} and returns the list of keywords. keyword_name shouldn't be longer than 50 characters and not contain whitespaces. You can replace the substitution prefix and suffix by adding values in the system parameters - mail_sendgrid.substitution_prefix - mail_sendgrid.substitution_suffix """ self.ensure_one() params = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] prefix = params.search([ ('key', '=', 'mail_sendgrid.substitution_prefix') ]).value or '{' suffix = params.search([ ('key', '=', 'mail_sendgrid.substitution_suffix') ]) or '}' pattern = prefix + r'\S{1,50}' + suffix return list(set(re.findall(pattern, self.html_content)))