% if ctx.get('button_access'): % endif
% if ctx.get('button_access'): ${ctx['button_access']['title']} % endif % if ctx.get('button_follow'): ${ctx['button_follow']['title']} % elif ctx.get('button_unfollow'): ${ctx['button_unfollow']['title']} % endif % if not ctx.get('button_access') and not ctx.get('button_follow') and not ctx.get('button_unfollow') and ctx.get('model_name'):

About ${ctx['model_name']} % if ctx.get('record_name'): : ${ctx['record_name']} % endif

% endif

% if ctx.get('actions'): % for action in ctx['actions']: ${action['title']} %if cmp(len(ctx['actions']), 1) == 1 and cmp(len(ctx['actions']), loop.index) == 1: | % endif % endfor % else: Sent by % if ctx.get('website_url'): % endif ${ctx.get('company_name')} % if ctx.get('website_url'): % endif % endif

${object.body | safe} % if ctx.get('tracking'):
    % for tracking in ctx['tracking']
  • ${tracking[0]} : ${tracking[1]} -> ${tracking[2]}
  • % endfor
% endif
% if ctx.get('signature'):
${ctx['signature'] | safe}
% endif ]]>