# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2014-2015 Grupo ESOC # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from openerp import api, fields, models class MailForwardComposeMessage(models.TransientModel): """Allow forwarding a message. It duplicates the message and optionally attaches it to another object of the database and sends it to another recipients than the original one. """ _name = "mail_forward.compose.message" _inherits = {"mail.compose.message": "original_wizard_id"} _models = [ "crm.lead", "crm.meeting", "crm.phonecall", "mail.group", "note.note", "product.product", "project.project", "project.task", "res.partner", "sale.order", ] @api.model def default_get(self, fields): """Fix default values. Sometimes :meth:`openerp.addons.mail.mail_compose_message .mail_compose_message.default_get` overwrites the default value for the ``subject`` field, even when it gets the right default value from the context. This method fixes that by getting it from the context if available. """ result = self.original_wizard_id.default_get(fields) if "subject" in result and "default_subject" in self.env.context: result["subject"] = self.env.context["default_subject"] return result @api.model def models(self): """Get allowed models and their names. It searches for the models on the database, so if modules are not installed, models will not be shown. """ model_objs = self.env["ir.model"].search( [("model", "in", self.env.context.get("model_list", self._models))], order="name") return [(m.model, m.name) for m in model_objs] @api.one @api.onchange("destination_object_id") def change_destination_object(self): """Update some fields for the new message.""" if self.destination_object_id: self.model = self.destination_object_id._name self.res_id = self.destination_object_id.id model_name = (self.env["ir.model"] .search([("model", "=", self.model)]) .name) record_name = self.destination_object_id.name_get()[0][1] if model_name: record_name = "%s %s" % (model_name, record_name) self.record_name = record_name else: self.model = self.res_id = self.record_name = False @api.one def send_mail(self): """Send mail and execute the attachment relocation if needed.""" # Let the original wizard do de hard work result = self.original_wizard_id.send_mail() # Relocate attachments if needed if (self.move_attachments and self.model and self.res_id and self.attachment_ids): for attachment in self.attachment_ids: attachment.res_model = self.model attachment.res_id = self.res_id return result destination_object_id = fields.Reference( models, "Destination object", help="Object where the forwarded message will be attached") move_attachments = fields.Boolean( "Move attachments", help="Attachments will be assigned to the chosen destination " "object and you will be able to pick them from its " "'Attachments' button, but they will not be there for " "the current object if any. In any case you can always " "open it from the message itself.") original_wizard_id = fields.Many2one( "mail.compose.message", "Original message compose wizard", delegate=True, ondelete="cascade", required=True)