# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2016 Sunflower IT (http://sunflowerweb.nl) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from openerp import api, fields, models class MailMessage(models.Model): _inherit = "mail.message" @api.model def _get_model_selection(self): """Get allowed models and their names.""" model_objs = self.env["res.request.link"].search( [("mail_edit", "=", True)], order="name") return [(m.object, m.name) for m in model_objs] @api.one @api.onchange("destination_object_id") def change_destination_object(self): """Update some fields for the new message.""" # pylint: disable=api-one-deprecated if self.destination_object_id: self.model = self.destination_object_id._name self.res_id = self.destination_object_id.id model_name = self.env["ir.model"].search([ ("model", "=", self.model)]).name display_name = self.destination_object_id.display_name if model_name: display_name = "%s %s" % (model_name, display_name) self.record_name = display_name else: self.model = self.res_id = self.record_name = False destination_object_id = fields.Reference( _get_model_selection, "Destination object", help="Object where the message will be moved to") @api.model def _message_read_dict_postprocess(self, messages, message_tree): res = super(MailMessage, self)._message_read_dict_postprocess( messages, message_tree) for message_dict in messages: # Check if current user is a superuser if self.env.user.has_group('mail_edit.group_mail_edit_superuser'): message_dict['is_superuser'] = True return res