//-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
// OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
// This module copyright (C) 2015 Therp BV <http://therp.nl>.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
openerp.web_menu_autohide = function(instance) { instance.web.WebClient.include({ show_bar_threshold_navbar: 10, show_bar_threshold_leftbar: 10, hide_delay_navbar: 10000, hide_delay_leftbar: 10000, leftbar_hide_timeout_id: null, main_menu_hide_timeout_id: null, navbar_query: '#oe_main_menu_navbar', leftbar_query: '.oe_leftbar', start: function() { var self = this, addon_name = 'web_menu_autohide', parameters = _.map( ['show_bar_threshold_navbar', 'hide_delay_navbar', 'show_bar_threshold_leftbar', 'hide_delay_leftbar', ], function(a) { return addon_name + '.' + a }); return (new openerp.web.Model('ir.config_parameter')) .query(['key', 'value']) .filter([['key', 'in', parameters]]) .all() .then(function(params) { _.each(params, function(param) { self[param.key.replace(addon_name + '.', '')] = parseInt(param.value); }); }) .then(this.proxy(this._super)) .then(function() { if(self.hide_delay_navbar) { jQuery('.openerp.openerp_webclient_container') .css('height', '100%'); jQuery(self.navbar_query) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '0px', right: '0px', top: '0px', 'z-index': 1110 }); } if(self.hide_delay_leftbar) { jQuery(self.leftbar_query) .css({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: '0px', bottom: '0px', 'z-index': 1110, width: 'auto', }); jQuery('.openerp .oe_leftbar > div') .css('width', 'auto'); } if(self.hide_delay_navbar || self.hide_delay_leftbar) { self.$el .bind('mousemove', _.bind(self.on_mousemove, self)) .bind('click', _.bind(self.on_click, self)); } }) }, show_application: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); openerp.client.toggle_main_menu(false, this.hide_delay_navbar); }, toggle_bars: function(hide) { this.toggle_main_menu(hide); this.toggle_left_bar(hide); }, toggle_menu_element: function(selector, timeout_id, show, delay) { if(this[timeout_id]) { clearTimeout(this[timeout_id]); this[timeout_id] = null; } if(delay) { this[timeout_id] = setTimeout( _.bind( this.toggle_menu_element, this, selector, timeout_id, show), delay); } else { this.$(selector).toggle(show); } }, toggle_main_menu: function(show, delay) { if(!this.hide_delay_navbar) { return; } this.toggle_menu_element( this.navbar_query, 'main_menu_hide_timeout_id', show, delay); }, toggle_left_bar: function(show, delay) { if(!this.hide_delay_leftbar) { return; } this.toggle_menu_element( this.leftbar_query, 'leftbar_hide_timeout_id', show, delay); }, on_click: function(e) { var on_main_menu = jQuery(e.target) .parents(this.navbar_query).length > 0, on_left_bar = jQuery(e.target) .parents(this.leftbar_query).length > 0; if(!on_left_bar && !on_main_menu) { this.toggle_left_bar(false); } }, on_mousemove: function(e) { var on_main_menu = jQuery(e.target) .parents(this.navbar_query).length > 0, on_left_bar = jQuery(e.target) .parents(this.leftbar_query).length > 0; if(on_left_bar && openerp.client.leftbar_hide_timeout_id) { clearTimeout(openerp.client.leftbar_hide_timeout_id); openerp.client.leftbar_hide_timeout_id = null; } if(on_main_menu && openerp.client.main_menu_hide_timeout_id) { clearTimeout(openerp.client.main_menu_hide_timeout_id); openerp.client.main_menu_hide_timeout_id = null; } if(!on_left_bar && !openerp.client.leftbar_hide_timeout_id) { this.toggle_left_bar(false, openerp.client.hide_delay_leftbar); } if(!on_main_menu && !openerp.client.main_menu_hide_timeout_id) { this.toggle_main_menu(false); } if(e.pageX < this.show_bar_threshold_leftbar) { this.toggle_left_bar(true); } if(e.pageY < this.show_bar_threshold_navbar) { this.toggle_main_menu(true); } }, }); instance.web.Menu.include({ close_leftbar: false, start: function() { this.on('menu_click', this, this.on_menu_click_with_action); openerp.client.toggle_left_bar(false, openerp.client.hide_delay_leftbar); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, on_menu_click_with_action: function(menu, $element) { //close if it's not a menu containing other menus
this.close_leftbar = ( $element.parents(openerp.client.navbar_query).length == 0 && $element.parent().children('ul').length == 0 ); }, open_menu: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); if(this.close_leftbar) { openerp.client.toggle_left_bar(false); } this.close_leftbar = false; }, }); }