You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

378 lines
43 KiB

  1. CKEditor 4 Changelog
  2. ====================
  3. ## CKEditor 4.3.1
  4. **Important Notes:**
  5. * To match the naming convention, the `language` button is now `Language` ([#11201](
  6. * [Enhanced Image]( button, context menu, command, and icon names match those of the [Image]( plugin ([#11222](
  7. Fixed Issues:
  8. * [#11244]( Changed: The [`widget.repository.checkWidgets()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-checkWidgets) method now fires the [`widget.repository.checkWidgets`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-event-checkWidgets) event, so from CKEditor 4.3.1 it is preferred to use the method rather than fire the event.
  9. * [#11171]( Fixed: [`editor.insertElement()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertElement) and [`editor.insertText()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertText) methods do not call the [`widget.repository.checkWidgets()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-checkWidgets) method.
  10. * [#11085]( [IE8] Replaced preview generated by the [Mathematical Formulas]( widget with a placeholder.
  11. * [#11044]( Enhanced WAI-ARIA support for the [Language]( plugin drop-down menu.
  12. * [#11075]( With drop-down menu button focused, pressing the *Down Arrow* key will now open the menu and focus its first option.
  13. * [#11165]( Fixed: The [File Browser]( plugin cannot be removed from the editor.
  14. * [#11159]( [IE9-10] [Enhanced Image]( Fixed buggy discovery of image dimensions.
  15. * [#11101]( Drop-down lists no longer break when given double quotes.
  16. * [#11077]( [Enhanced Image]( Empty undo step recorded when resizing the image.
  17. * [#10853]( [Enhanced Image]( Widget has paragraph wrapper when de-captioning unaligned image.
  18. * [#11198]( Widgets: Drag handler is not fully visible when an inline widget is in a heading.
  19. * [#11132]( [Firefox] Fixed: Caret is lost after drag and drop of an inline widget.
  20. * [#11182]( [IE10-11] Fixed: Editor crashes (IE11) or works with minor issues (IE10) if a page is loaded in Quirks Mode. See [`env.quirks`](!/api/CKEDITOR.env-property-quirks) for more details.
  21. * [#11204]( Added `figure` and `figcaption` styles to the `contents.css` file so [Enhanced Image]( looks nicer.
  22. * [#11202]( Fixed: No newline in [BBCode]( mode.
  23. * [#10890]( Fixed: Error thrown when pressing the *Delete* key in a list item.
  24. * [#10055]( [IE8-10] Fixed: *Delete* pressed on a selected image causes the browser to go back.
  25. * [#11183]( Fixed: Inserting a horizontal rule or a table in multiple row selection causes a browser crash. Additionally, the [`editor.insertElement()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertElement) method does not insert the element into every range of a selection any more.
  26. * [#11042]( Fixed: Selection made on an element containing a non-editable element was not auto faked.
  27. * [#11125]( Fixed: Keyboard navigation through menu and drop-down items will now cycle.
  28. * [#11011]( Fixed: The [`editor.applyStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-applyStyle) method removes attributes from nested elements.
  29. * [#11179]( Fixed: [`editor.destroy()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-destroy) does not cleanup content generated by the [Table Resize]( plugin for inline editors.
  30. * [#11237]( Fixed: Table border attribute value is deleted when pasting content from Microsoft Word.
  31. * [#11250]( Fixed: HTML entities inside the `<textarea>` element are not encoded.
  32. * [#11260]( Fixed: Initially disabled buttons are not read by JAWS as disabled.
  33. * [#11200]( Added [Clipboard]( plugin as a dependency for [Widget]( to fix drag and drop.
  34. ## CKEditor 4.3
  35. New Features:
  36. * [#10612]( Internet Explorer 11 support.
  37. * [#10869]( Widgets: Added better integration with the [Elements Path]( plugin.
  38. * [#10886]( Widgets: Added tooltip to the drag handle.
  39. * [#10933]( Widgets: Introduced drag and drop of block widgets with the [Line Utilities]( plugin.
  40. * [#10936]( Widget System changes for easier integration with other dialog systems.
  41. * [#10895]( [Enhanced Image]( Added file browser integration.
  42. * [#11002]( Added the [`draggable`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition-property-draggable) option to disable drag and drop support for widgets.
  43. * [#10937]( [Mathematical Formulas]( widget improvements:
  44. * loading indicator ([#10948](,
  45. * applying paragraph changes (like font color change) to iframe ([#10841](,
  46. * Firefox and IE9 clipboard fixes ([#10857](,
  47. * fixing same origin policy issue ([#10840](,
  48. * fixing undo bugs ([#10842](, [#10930](,
  49. * fixing other minor bugs.
  50. * [#10862]( [Placeholder]( plugin was rewritten as a widget.
  51. * [#10822]( Added styles system integration with non-editable elements (for example widgets) and their nested editables. Styles cannot change non-editable content and are applied in nested editable only if allowed by its type and content filter.
  52. * [#10856]( Menu buttons will now toggle the visibility of their panels when clicked multiple times. [Language]( plugin fixes: Added active language highlighting, added an option to remove the language.
  53. * [#10028]( New [`config.dialog_noConfirmCancel`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-dialog_noConfirmCancel) configuration option that eliminates the need to confirm closing of a dialog window when the user changed any of its fields.
  54. * [#10848]( Integrate remaining plugins ([Styles](, [Format](, [Font](, [Color Button](, [Language]( and [Indent]( with [active filter](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-activeFilter).
  55. * [#10855]( Change the extension of emoticons in the [BBCode]( sample from GIF to PNG.
  56. Fixed Issues:
  57. * [#10831]( [Enhanced Image]( Merged `image2inline` and `image2block` into one `image2` widget.
  58. * [#10835]( [Enhanced Image]( Improved visibility of the resize handle.
  59. * [#10836]( [Enhanced Image]( Preserve custom mouse cursor while resizing the image.
  60. * [#10939]( [Firefox] [Enhanced Image]( hovering the image causes it to change.
  61. * [#10866]( Fixed: Broken *Tab* key navigation in the [Enhanced Image]( dialog window.
  62. * [#10833]( Fixed: *Lock ratio* option should be on by default in the [Enhanced Image]( dialog window.
  63. * [#10881]( Various improvements to *Enter* key behavior in nested editables.
  64. * [#10879]( [Remove Format]( should not leak from a nested editable.
  65. * [#10877]( Fixed: [WebSpellChecker]( fails to apply changes if a nested editable was focused.
  66. * [#10877]( Fixed: [SCAYT]( blocks typing in nested editables.
  67. * [#11079]( Add button icons to the [Placeholder]( sample.
  68. * [#10870]( The `paste` command is no longer being disabled when the clipboard is empty.
  69. * [#10854]( Fixed: Firefox prepends `<br>` to `<body>`, so it is stripped by the HTML data processor.
  70. * [#10823]( Fixed: [Link]( plugin does not work with non-editable content.
  71. * [#10828]( [Magic Line]( integration with the Widget System.
  72. * [#10865]( Improved hiding copybin, so copying widgets works smoothly.
  73. * [#11066]( Widget's private parts use CSS reset.
  74. * [#11027]( Fixed: Block commands break on widgets; added the [`contentDomInvalidated`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-contentDomInvalidated) event.
  75. * [#10430]( Resolve dependence of the [Image]( plugin on the [Form Elements]( plugin.
  76. * [#10911]( Fixed: Browser *Alt* hotkeys will no longer be blocked while a widget is focused.
  77. * [#11082]( Fixed: Selected widget is not copied or cut when using toolbar buttons or context menu.
  78. * [#11083]( Fixed list and div element application to block widgets.
  79. * [#10887]( Internet Explorer 8 compatibility issues related to the Widget System.
  80. * [#11074]( Temporarily disabled inline widget drag and drop, because of seriously buggy native `range#moveToPoint` method.
  81. * [#11098]( Fixed: Wrong selection position after undoing widget drag and drop.
  82. * [#11110]( Fixed: IFrame and Flash objects are being incorrectly pasted in certain conditions.
  83. * [#11129]( Page break is lost when loading data.
  84. * [#11123]( [Firefox] Widget is destroyed after being dragged outside of `<body>`.
  85. * [#11124]( Fixed the [Elements Path]( in an editor using the [Div Editing Area](
  86. ## CKEditor 4.3 Beta
  87. New Features:
  88. * [#9764]( Widget System.
  89. * [Widget plugin]( introducing the [Widget API](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget).
  90. * New [`editor.enterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-enterMode) and [`editor.shiftEnterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-shiftEnterMode) properties &ndash; normalized versions of [`config.enterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-enterMode) and [`config.shiftEnterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-shiftEnterMode).
  91. * Dynamic editor settings. Starting from CKEditor 4.3 Beta, *Enter* mode values and [content filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) instances may be changed dynamically (for example when the caret was placed in an element in which editor features should be adjusted). When you are implementing a new editor feature, you should base its behavior on [dynamic](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-activeEnterMode) or [static](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-enterMode) *Enter* mode values depending on whether this feature works in selection context or globally on editor content.
  92. * Dynamic *Enter* mode values &ndash; [`editor.setActiveEnterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setActiveEnterMode) method, [`editor.activeEnterModeChange`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-activeEnterModeChange) event, and two properties: [`editor.activeEnterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-activeEnterMode) and [`editor.activeShiftEnterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-activeShiftEnterMode).
  93. * Dynamic content filter instances &ndash; [`editor.setActiveFilter`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setActiveFilter) method, [`editor.activeFilterChange`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-activeFilterChange) event, and [`editor.activeFilter`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-activeFilter) property.
  94. * "Fake" selection was introduced. It makes it possible to virtually select any element when the real selection remains hidden. See the [`selection.fake`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-fake) method.
  95. * Default [`htmlParser.filter`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter) rules are not applied to non-editable elements (elements with `contenteditable` attribute set to `false` and their descendants) anymore. To add a rule which will be applied to all elements you need to pass an additional argument to the [`filter.addRules`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter-method-addRules) method.
  96. * Dozens of new methods were introduced &ndash; most interesting ones:
  97. * [`document.find`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.document-method-find),
  98. * [`document.findOne`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.document-method-findOne),
  99. * [`editable.insertElementIntoRange`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editable-method-insertElementIntoRange),
  100. * [`range.moveToClosestEditablePosition`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.range-method-moveToClosestEditablePosition),
  101. * New methods for [`htmlParser.node`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node) and [`htmlParser.element`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element).
  102. * [#10659]( New [Enhanced Image]( plugin that introduces a widget with integrated image captions, an option to center images, and dynamic "click and drag" resizing.
  103. * [#10664]( New [Mathematical Formulas]( plugin that introduces the MathJax widget.
  104. * [#7987]( New [Language]( plugin that implements Language toolbar button to support [WCAG 3.1.2 Language of Parts](
  105. * [#10708]( New [smileys](
  106. ## CKEditor 4.2.3
  107. Fixed Issues:
  108. * [#10994]( Fixed: Loading external jQuery library when opening the [jQuery Adapter](!/guide/dev_jquery) sample directly from file.
  109. * [#10975]( [IE] Fixed: Error thrown while opening the color palette.
  110. * [#9929]( [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: A non-breaking space is created once a character is deleted and a regular space is typed.
  111. * [#10963]( Fixed: JAWS issue with the keyboard shortcut for [Magic Line](
  112. * [#11096]( Fixed: TypeError: Object has no method 'is'.
  113. ## CKEditor 4.2.2
  114. Fixed Issues:
  115. * [#9314]( Fixed: Incorrect error message on closing a dialog window without saving changs.
  116. * [#10308]( [IE10] Fixed: Unspecified error when deleting a row.
  117. * [#10945]( [Chrome] Fixed: Clicking with a mouse inside the editor does not show the caret.
  118. * [#10912]( Prevent default action when content of a non-editable link is clicked.
  119. * [#10913]( Fixed [`CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal`](!/api/CKEDITOR.resourceManager-method-addExternal) not handling paths including file name specified.
  120. * [#10666]( Fixed [``](!/api/ not working cross frame.
  121. * [#10910]( [IE9] Fixed JavaScript error thrown in Compatibility Mode when clicking and/or typing in the editing area.
  122. * [#10868]( [IE8] Prevent the browser from crashing when applying the Inline Quotation style.
  123. * [#10915]( Fixed: Invalid CSS filter in the Kama skin.
  124. * [#10914]( Plugins [Indent List]( and [Indent Block]( are now included in the build configuration.
  125. * [#10812]( Fixed [`range#createBookmark2`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.range-method-createBookmark2) incorrectly normalizing offsets. This bug was causing many issues: [#10850](, [#10842](
  126. * [#10951]( Reviewed and optimized focus handling on panels (combo, menu buttons, color buttons, and context menu) to enhance accessibility. Fixed [#10705](, [#10706]( and [#10707](
  127. * [#10704]( Fixed a JAWS issue with the Select Color dialog window title not being announced.
  128. * [#10753]( The floating toolbar in inline instances now has a dedicated accessibility label.
  129. ## CKEditor 4.2.1
  130. Fixed Issues:
  131. * [#10301]( [IE9-10] Undo fails after 3+ consecutive paste actions with a JavaScript error.
  132. * [#10689]( Save toolbar button saves only the first editor instance.
  133. * [#10368]( Move language reading direction definition (`dir`) from main language file to core.
  134. * [#9330]( Fixed pasting anchors from MS Word.
  135. * [#8103]( Fixed pasting nested lists from MS Word.
  136. * [#9958]( [IE9] Pressing the "OK" button will trigger the `onbeforeunload` event in the popup dialog.
  137. * [#10662]( Fixed styles from the Styles drop-down list not registering to the ACF in case when the [Shared Spaces plugin]( is used.
  138. * [#9654]( Problems with Internet Explorer 10 Quirks Mode.
  139. * [#9816]( Floating toolbar does not reposition vertically in several cases.
  140. * [#10646]( Removing a selected sublist or nested table with *Backspace/Delete* removes the parent element.
  141. * [#10623]( [WebKit] Page is scrolled when opening a drop-down list.
  142. * [#10004]( [ChromeVox] Button names are not announced.
  143. * [#10731]( [WebSpellChecker]( plugin breaks cloning of editor configuration.
  144. * It is now possible to set per instance [WebSpellChecker]( plugin configuration instead of setting the configuration globally.
  145. ## CKEditor 4.2
  146. **Important Notes:**
  147. * Dropped compatibility support for Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3.6.
  148. * Both the Basic and the Standard distribution packages will not contain the new [Indent Block]( plugin. Because of this the [Advanced Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) might remove block indentations from existing contents. If you want to prevent this, either [add an appropriate ACF rule to your filter](!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules) or create a custom build based on the Basic/Standard package and add the Indent Block plugin in [CKBuilder](
  149. New Features:
  150. * [#10027]( Separated list and block indentation into two plugins: [Indent List]( and [Indent Block](
  151. * [#8244]( Use *(Shift+)Tab* to indent and outdent lists.
  152. * [#10281]( The [jQuery Adapter](!/guide/dev_jquery) is now available. Several jQuery-related issues fixed: [#8261](, [#9077](, [#8710](, [#8530](, [#9019](, [#6181](, [#7876](, [#6906](
  153. * [#10042]( Introduced [`config.title`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-title) setting to change the human-readable title of the editor.
  154. * [#9794]( Added [`editor.onChange`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-change) event.
  155. * [#9923]( HiDPI support in the editor UI. HiDPI icons for [Moono skin]( added.
  156. * [#8031]( Handle `required` attributes on `<textarea>` elements &mdash; introduced [`editor.required`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-required) event.
  157. * [#10280]( Ability to replace `<textarea>` elements with the inline editor.
  158. Fixed Issues:
  159. * [#10599]( [Indent]( plugin is no longer required by the [List]( plugin.
  160. * [#10370]( Inconsistency in data events between framed and inline editors.
  161. * [#10438]( [FF, IE] No selection is done on an editable element on executing [`editor.setData()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setData).
  162. ## CKEditor 4.1.3
  163. New Features:
  164. * Added new translation: Indonesian.
  165. Fixed Issues:
  166. * [#10644]( Fixed a critical bug when pasting plain text in Blink-based browsers.
  167. * [#5189]( [Find/Replace]( dialog window: rename "Cancel" button to "Close".
  168. * [#10562]( [Housekeeping] Unified CSS gradient filter formats in the [Moono]( skin.
  169. * [#10537]( Advanced Content Filter should register a default rule for [`config.shiftEnterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-shiftEnterMode).
  170. * [#10610]( [`CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dialog-static-method-addIframe) incorrectly sets the iframe size in dialog windows.
  171. ## CKEditor 4.1.2
  172. New Features:
  173. * Added new translation: Sinhala.
  174. Fixed Issues:
  175. * [#10339]( Fixed: Error thrown when inserted data was totally stripped out after filtering and processing.
  176. * [#10298]( Fixed: Data processor breaks attributes containing protected parts.
  177. * [#10367]( Fixed: [`editable.insertText()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editable-method-insertText) loses characters when `RegExp` replace controls are being inserted.
  178. * [#10165]( [IE] Access denied error when `document.domain` has been altered.
  179. * [#9761]( Update the *Backspace* key state in [`keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes`](!/api/CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler-property-blockedKeystrokes) when calling [`editor.setReadOnly()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setReadOnly).
  180. * [#6504]( Fixed: Race condition while loading several [`config.customConfig`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-customConfig) files.
  181. * [#10146]( [Firefox] Empty lines are being removed while [`config.enterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-enterMode) is [`CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR`](!/api/CKEDITOR-property-ENTER_BR).
  182. * [#10360]( Fixed: ARIA `role="application"` should not be used for dialog windows.
  183. * [#10361]( Fixed: ARIA `role="application"` should not be used for floating panels.
  184. * [#10510]( Introduced unique voice labels to differentiate between different editor instances.
  185. * [#9945]( [iOS] Scrolling not possible on iPad.
  186. * [#10389]( Fixed: Invalid HTML in the "Text and Table" template.
  187. * [WebSpellChecker]( plugin user interface was changed to match CKEditor 4 style.
  188. ## CKEditor 4.1.1
  189. New Features:
  190. * Added new translation: Albanian.
  191. Fixed Issues:
  192. * [#10172]( Pressing *Delete* or *Backspace* in an empty table cell moves the cursor to the next/previous cell.
  193. * [#10219]( Error thrown when destroying an editor instance in parallel with a `mouseup` event.
  194. * [#10265]( Wrong loop type in the [File Browser]( plugin.
  195. * [#10249]( Wrong undo/redo states at start.
  196. * [#10268]( [Show Blocks]( does not recover after switching to Source view.
  197. * [#9995]( HTML code in the `<textarea>` should not be modified by the [`htmlDataProcessor`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor).
  198. * [#10320]( [Justify]( plugin should add elements to Advanced Content Filter based on current [Enter mode](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-enterMode).
  199. * [#10260]( Fixed: Advanced Content Filter blocks [`tabSpaces`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-tabSpaces). Unified `data-cke-*` attributes filtering.
  200. * [#10315]( [WebKit] [Undo manager](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.UndoManager) should not record snapshots after a filling character was added/removed.
  201. * [#10291]( [WebKit] Space after a filling character should be secured.
  202. * [#10330]( [WebKit] The filling character is not removed on `keydown` in specific cases.
  203. * [#10285]( Fixed: Styled text pasted from MS Word causes an infinite loop.
  204. * [#10131]( Fixed: [`undoManager.update()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.UndoManager-method-update) does not refresh the command state.
  205. * [#10337]( Fixed: Unable to remove `<s>` using [Remove Format](
  206. ## CKEditor 4.1
  207. Fixed Issues:
  208. * [#10192]( Closing lists with the *Enter* key does not work with [Advanced Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) in several cases.
  209. * [#10191]( Fixed allowed content rules unification, so the [`filter.allowedContent`](!/api/CKEDITOR.filter-property-allowedContent) property always contains rules in the same format.
  210. * [#10224]( Advanced Content Filter does not remove non-empty `<a>` elements anymore.
  211. * Minor issues in plugin integration with Advanced Content Filter:
  212. * [#10166]( Added transformation from the `align` attribute to `float` style to preserve backward compatibility after the introduction of Advanced Content Filter.
  213. * [#10195]( [Image]( plugin no longer registers rules for links to Advanced Content Filter.
  214. * [#10213]( [Justify]( plugin is now correctly registering rules to Advanced Content Filter when [`config.justifyClasses`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-justifyClasses) is defined.
  215. ## CKEditor 4.1 RC
  216. New Features:
  217. * [#9829]( Advanced Content Filter - data and features activation based on editor configuration.
  218. Brand new data filtering system that works in 2 modes:
  219. * Based on loaded features (toolbar items, plugins) - the data will be filtered according to what the editor in its
  220. current configuration can handle.
  221. * Based on [`config.allowedContent`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-allowedContent) rules - the data
  222. will be filtered and the editor features (toolbar items, commands, keystrokes) will be enabled if they are allowed.
  223. See the `datafiltering.html` sample, [guides](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) and [`CKEDITOR.filter` API documentation](!/api/CKEDITOR.filter).
  224. * [#9387]( Reintroduced [Shared Spaces]( - the ability to display toolbar and bottom editor space in selected locations and to share them by different editor instances.
  225. * [#9907]( Added the [`contentPreview`](!/api/CKEDITOR-event-contentPreview) event for preview data manipulation.
  226. * [#9713]( Introduced the [Source Dialog]( plugin that brings raw HTML editing for inline editor instances.
  227. * Included in [#9829]( Introduced new events, [`toHtml`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-toHtml) and [`toDataFormat`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-toDataFormat), allowing for better integration with data processing.
  228. * [#9981]( Added ability to filter [`htmlParser.fragment`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment), [`htmlParser.element`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element) etc. by many [`htmlParser.filter`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter)s before writing structure to an HTML string.
  229. * Included in [#10103](
  230. * Introduced the [`editor.status`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-status) property to make it easier to check the current status of the editor.
  231. * Default [`command`](!/api/CKEDITOR.command) state is now [`CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLE`](!/api/CKEDITOR-property-TRISTATE_DISABLED). It will be activated on [`editor.instanceReady`](!/api/CKEDITOR-event-instanceReady) or immediately after being added if the editor is already initialized.
  232. * [#9796]( Introduced `<s>` as a default tag for strikethrough, which replaces obsolete `<strike>` in HTML5.
  233. ## CKEditor 4.0.3
  234. Fixed Issues:
  235. * [#10196]( Fixed context menus not opening with keyboard shortcuts when [Autogrow]( is enabled.
  236. * [#10212]( [IE7-10] Undo command throws errors after multiple switches between Source and WYSIWYG view.
  237. * [#10219]( [Inline editor] Error thrown after calling [`editor.destroy()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-destroy).
  238. ## CKEditor 4.0.2
  239. Fixed Issues:
  240. * [#9779]( Fixed overriding [`CKEDITOR.getUrl()`](!/api/CKEDITOR-method-getUrl) with `CKEDITOR_GETURL`.
  241. * [#9772]( Custom buttons in the dialog window footer have different look and size ([Moono](, [Kama]( skins).
  242. * [#9029]( Custom styles added with the [`stylesSet.add()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.stylesSet-method-add) are displayed in the wrong order.
  243. * [#9887]( Disable [Magic Line]( when [`editor.readOnly`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-readOnly) is set.
  244. * [#9882]( Fixed empty document title on [`editor.getData()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData) if set via the Document Properties dialog window.
  245. * [#9773]( Fixed rendering problems with selection fields in the Kama skin.
  246. * [#9851]( The [`selectionChange`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-selectionChange) event is not fired when mouse selection ended outside editable.
  247. * [#9903]( [Inline editor] Bad positioning of floating space with page horizontal scroll.
  248. * [#9872]( [`editor.checkDirty()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-checkDirty) returns `true` when called onload. Removed the obsolete `editor.mayBeDirty` flag.
  249. * [#9893]( [IE] Fixed broken toolbar when editing mixed direction content in Quirks mode.
  250. * [#9845]( Fixed TAB navigation in the [Link]( dialog window when the Anchor option is used and no anchors are available.
  251. * [#9883]( Maximizing was making the entire page editable with [divarea]( editors.
  252. * [#9940]( [Firefox] Navigating back to a page with the editor was making the entire page editable.
  253. * [#9966]( Fixed: Unable to type square brackets with French keyboard layout. Changed [Magic Line]( keystrokes.
  254. * [#9507]( [Firefox] Selection is moved before editable position when the editor is focused for the first time.
  255. * [#9947]( [WebKit] Editor overflows parent container in some edge cases.
  256. * [#10105]( Fixed: Broken [sourcearea]( view when an RTL language is set.
  257. * [#10123]( [WebKit] Fixed: Several dialog windows have broken layout since the latest WebKit release.
  258. * [#10152]( Fixed: Invalid ARIA property used on menu items.
  259. ## CKEditor
  260. Fixed Issues:
  261. * Security update: Added protection against XSS attack and possible path disclosure in the PHP sample.
  262. ## CKEditor 4.0.1
  263. Fixed Issues:
  264. * [#9655]( Support for IE Quirks Mode in the new [Moono skin](
  265. * Accessibility issues (mainly in inline editor): [#9364](, [#9368](, [#9369](, [#9370](, [#9541](, [#9543](, [#9841](, [#9844](
  266. * [Magic Line]( plugin:
  267. * [#9481]( Added accessibility support for Magic Line.
  268. * [#9509]( Added Magic Line support for forms.
  269. * [#9573]( Magic Line does not disappear on `mouseout` in a specific case.
  270. * [#9754]( [WebKit] Cutting & pasting simple unformatted text generates an inline wrapper in WebKit browsers.
  271. * [#9456]( [Chrome] Properly paste bullet list style from MS Word.
  272. * [#9699](, [#9758]( Improved selection locking when selecting by dragging.
  273. * Context menu:
  274. * [#9712]( Opening the context menu destroys editor focus.
  275. * [#9366]( Context menu should be displayed over the floating toolbar.
  276. * [#9706]( Context menu generates a JavaScript error in inline mode when the editor is attached to a header element.
  277. * [#9800]( Hide float panel when resizing the window.
  278. * [#9721]( Padding in content of div-based editor puts the editing area under the bottom UI space.
  279. * [#9528]( Host page `box-sizing` style should not influence the editor UI elements.
  280. * [#9503]( [Form Elements]( plugin adds context menu listeners only on supported input types. Added support for `tel`, `email`, `search` and `url` input types.
  281. * [#9769]( Improved floating toolbar positioning in a narrow window.
  282. * [#9875]( Table dialog window does not populate width correctly.
  283. * [#8675]( Deleting cells in a nested table removes the outer table cell.
  284. * [#9815]( Cannot edit dialog window fields in an editor initialized in the jQuery UI modal dialog.
  285. * [#8888]( CKEditor dialog windows do not show completely in a small window.
  286. * [#9360]( [Inline editor] Blocks shown for a `<div>` element stay permanently even after the user exits editing the `<div>`.
  287. * [#9531]( [Firefox & Inline editor] Toolbar is lost when closing the Format drop-down list by clicking its button.
  288. * [#9553]( Table width incorrectly set when the `border-width` style is specified.
  289. * [#9594]( Cannot tab past CKEditor when it is in read-only mode.
  290. * [#9658]( [IE9] Justify not working on selected images.
  291. * [#9686]( Added missing contents styles for `<pre>` elements.
  292. * [#9709]( [Paste from Word]( should not depend on configuration from other styles.
  293. * [#9726]( Removed [Color Dialog]( plugin dependency from [Table Tools](
  294. * [#9765]( Toolbar Collapse command documented incorrectly in the [Accessibility Instructions]( dialog window.
  295. * [#9771]( [WebKit & Opera] Fixed scrolling issues when pasting.
  296. * [#9787]( [IE9] `onChange` is not fired for checkboxes in dialogs.
  297. * [#9842]( [Firefox 17] When opening a toolbar menu for the first time and pressing the *Down Arrow* key, focus goes to the next toolbar button instead of the menu options.
  298. * [#9847]( [Elements Path]( should not be initialized in the inline editor.
  299. * [#9853]( [`editor.addRemoveFormatFilter()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-addRemoveFormatFilter) is exposed before it really works.
  300. * [#8893]( Value of the [`pasteFromWordCleanupFile`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordCleanupFile) configuration option is now taken from the instance configuration.
  301. * [#9693]( Removed "Live Preview" checkbox from UI color picker.
  302. ## CKEditor 4.0
  303. The first stable release of the new CKEditor 4 code line.
  304. The CKEditor JavaScript API has been kept compatible with CKEditor 4, whenever
  305. possible. The list of relevant changes can be found in the [API Changes page of
  306. the CKEditor 4 documentation][1].
  307. [1]:!/guide/dev_api_changes "API Changes"