/* Copyright 2016 0k.io,ACSONE SA/NV * * License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). */
odoo.define('web_m2x_options.web_m2x_options', function (require) { "use strict";
var core = require('web.core'), data = require('web.data'), Dialog = require('web.Dialog'), view_dialogs = require('web.view_dialogs'), relational_fields = require('web.relational_fields'), rpc = require('web.rpc');
var _t = core._t, FieldMany2ManyTags = relational_fields.FieldMany2ManyTags, FieldMany2One = relational_fields.FieldMany2One, FormFieldMany2ManyTags = relational_fields.FormFieldMany2ManyTags;
var web_m2x_options = rpc.query({ model: "ir.config_parameter", method: 'get_web_m2x_options', });
var M2ODialog = Dialog.extend({ template: "M2ODialog", init: function (parent, name, value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; this._super(parent, { title: _.str.sprintf(_t("Create a %s"), this.name), size: 'medium', buttons: [{ text: _t('Create'), classes: 'btn-primary', click: function () { if (this.$("input").val() !== '') { this.trigger_up('quick_create', {value: this.$('input').val()}); this.close(true); } else { this.$("input").focus(); } }, }, { text: _t('Create and edit'), classes: 'btn-primary', close: true, click: function () { this.trigger_up('search_create_popup', { view_type: 'form', value: this.$('input').val(), }); }, }, { text: _t('Cancel'), close: true, }], }); }, start: function () { this.$("p").text(_.str.sprintf(_t("You are creating a new %s, are you sure it does not exist yet?"), this.name)); this.$("input").val(this.value); }, /** * @override * @param {boolean} isSet */ close: function (isSet) { this.isSet = isSet; this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * @override */ destroy: function () { if (!this.isSet) { this.trigger_up('closed_unset'); } this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, });
start: function () { this._super.apply(this, arguments); return this.get_options(); },
get_options: function () { var self = this; if (_.isUndefined(this.ir_options_loaded)) { this.ir_options_loaded = $.Deferred(); this.ir_options = {}; web_m2x_options.done(function (records) { _(records).each(function(record) { self.ir_options[record.key] = record.value; }); self.ir_options_loaded.resolve(); }); } return $.when(); },
is_option_set: function (option) { if (_.isUndefined(option)) return false; if (typeof option === 'string') return option === 'true' || option === 'True'; if (typeof option === 'boolean') return option; return false },
_onInputFocusout: function () { var m2o_dialog_opt = this.is_option_set(this.nodeOptions.m2o_dialog) || _.isUndefined(this.nodeOptions.m2o_dialog) && this.is_option_set(this.ir_options['web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog']) || _.isUndefined(this.nodeOptions.m2o_dialog) && _.isUndefined(this.ir_options['web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog']); if (this.can_create && this.floating && m2o_dialog_opt) { new M2ODialog(this, this.string, this.$input.val()).open(); } },
_search: function (search_val) { var self = this; var def = $.Deferred(); this.orderer.add(def);
// add options limit used to change number of selections record
// returned.
if (!_.isUndefined(this.ir_options['web_m2x_options.limit'])) { this.limit = parseInt(this.ir_options['web_m2x_options.limit'], 10); }
if (typeof this.nodeOptions.limit === 'number') { this.limit = this.nodeOptions.limit; }
// add options field_color and colors to color item(s) depending on field_color value
this.field_color = this.nodeOptions.field_color; this.colors = this.nodeOptions.colors;
var context = this.record.getContext(this.recordParams); var domain = this.record.getDomain(this.recordParams);
var blacklisted_ids = this._getSearchBlacklist(); if (blacklisted_ids.length > 0) { domain.push(['id', 'not in', blacklisted_ids]); }
this._rpc({ model: this.field.relation, method: "name_search", kwargs: { name: search_val, args: domain, operator: "ilike", limit: this.limit + 1, context: context, } }).then(function (result) { // possible selections for the m2o
var values = _.map(result, function (x) { x[1] = self._getDisplayName(x[1]); return { label: _.str.escapeHTML(x[1].trim()) || data.noDisplayContent, value: x[1], name: x[1], id: x[0], }; });
// Search result value colors
if (self.colors && self.field_color) { var value_ids = []; for (var index in values) { value_ids.push(values[index].id); } self._rpc({ model: self.field.relation, method: 'search_read', fields: [self.field_color], domain: [['id', 'in', value_ids]] }).then(function (objects) { for (var index in objects) { for (var index_value in values) { if (values[index_value].id == objects[index].id) { // Find value in values by comparing ids
var value = values[index_value]; // Find color with field value as key
var color = self.colors[objects[index][self.field_color]] || 'black'; value.label = '<span style="color:' + color + '">' + value.label + '</span>'; break; } } } def.resolve(values); })
// search more... if more results that max
var can_search_more = (self.nodeOptions && self.is_option_set(self.nodeOptions.search_more)), search_more_undef = _.isUndefined(self.nodeOptions.search_more) && _.isUndefined(self.ir_options['web_m2x_options.search_more']), search_more = self.is_option_set(self.ir_options['web_m2x_options.search_more']);
if (values.length > self.limit) { values = values.slice(0, self.limit); if (can_search_more || search_more_undef || search_more) { values.push({ label: _t("Search More..."), action: function () { // limit = 80 for improving performance, similar
// to Odoo implementation here:
// https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/8c3cdce539d87775b59b3f2d5ceb433f995821bf
self._rpc({ model: self.field.relation, method: 'name_search', kwargs: { name: search_val, args: domain, operator: "ilike", limit: 80, context: context, }, }) .then(self._searchCreatePopup.bind(self, "search")); }, classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option', }); } }
var create_enabled = self.can_create && !self.nodeOptions.no_create; // quick create
var raw_result = _.map(result, function (x) { return x[1]; }); var quick_create = self.is_option_set(self.nodeOptions.create), quick_create_undef = _.isUndefined(self.nodeOptions.create), m2x_create_undef = _.isUndefined(self.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create']), m2x_create = self.is_option_set(self.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create']); var show_create = (!self.nodeOptions && (m2x_create_undef || m2x_create)) || (self.nodeOptions && (quick_create || (quick_create_undef && (m2x_create_undef || m2x_create)))); if (create_enabled && !self.nodeOptions.no_quick_create && search_val.length > 0 && !_.contains(raw_result, search_val) && show_create) { values.push({ label: _.str.sprintf(_t('Create "<strong>%s</strong>"'), $('<span />').text(search_val).html()), action: self._quickCreate.bind(self, search_val), classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option' }); } // create and edit ...
var create_edit = self.is_option_set(self.nodeOptions.create) || self.is_option_set(self.nodeOptions.create_edit), create_edit_undef = _.isUndefined(self.nodeOptions.create) && _.isUndefined(self.nodeOptions.create_edit), m2x_create_edit_undef = _.isUndefined(self.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create_edit']), m2x_create_edit = self.is_option_set(self.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create_edit']); var show_create_edit = (!self.nodeOptions && (m2x_create_edit_undef || m2x_create_edit)) || (self.nodeOptions && (create_edit || (create_edit_undef && (m2x_create_edit_undef || m2x_create_edit)))); if (create_enabled && !self.nodeOptions.no_create_edit && show_create_edit) { var createAndEditAction = function () { // Clear the value in case the user clicks on discard
self.$('input').val(''); return self._searchCreatePopup("form", false, self._createContext(search_val)); }; values.push({ label: _t("Create and Edit..."), action: createAndEditAction, classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option', }); } else if (values.length === 0) { values.push({ label: _t("No results to show..."), }); } // Check if colors specified to wait for RPC
if (!(self.field_color && self.colors)) { def.resolve(values); } });
return def; } });
FieldMany2ManyTags.include({ events: _.extend({}, FieldMany2ManyTags.prototype.events, { 'click .badge': '_onOpenBadge', }),
_onDeleteTag: function (event) { var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments); event.stopPropagation(); return result; },
is_option_set: function (option) { if (_.isUndefined(option)) return false; if (typeof option === 'string') return option === 'true' || option === 'True'; if (typeof option === 'boolean') return option; return false },
_onOpenBadge: function (event) { var self = this; var open = (self.nodeOptions && self.is_option_set(self.nodeOptions.open)); if (open) { var context = self.record.getContext(self.recordParams); var id = parseInt($(event.currentTarget).data('id'), 10);
if (self.mode === 'readonly') { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); self._rpc({ model: self.field.relation, method: 'get_formview_action', args: [[id]], context: context, }) .then(function (action) { self.trigger_up('do_action', {action: action}); }); } else { $.when( self._rpc({ model: self.field.relation, method: 'get_formview_id', args: [[id]], context: context, }), self._rpc({ model: self.field.relation, method: 'check_access_rights', kwargs: {operation: 'write', raise_exception: false} }) ).then(function (view_id, write_access) { var can_write = 'can_write' in self.attrs ? JSON.parse(self.attrs.can_write) : true; new view_dialogs.FormViewDialog(self, { res_model: self.field.relation, res_id: id, context: context, title: _t("Open: ") + self.string, view_id: view_id, readonly: !can_write || !write_access, on_saved: function (record, changed) { if (changed) { self._setValue(self.value.data, {forceChange: true}); self.trigger_up('reload', {db_id: self.value.id}); } }, }).open(); }) } } }, });
FormFieldMany2ManyTags.include({ events: _.extend({}, FormFieldMany2ManyTags.prototype.events, { 'click .badge': '_onOpenBadge', }),
_onOpenBadge: function (event) { var open = this.is_option_set(this.nodeOptions.open); var no_color_picker = this.is_option_set( this.nodeOptions.no_color_picker ); this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (!open && !no_color_picker) { this._onOpenColorPicker(event); } else { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, }); });