/* =================================================== * bootstrap-markdown.js v2.10.0 * http://github.com/toopay/bootstrap-markdown
* =================================================== * Copyright 2013-2016 Taufan Aditya * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================================================== */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // RequireJS
define(["jquery"], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Backbone.js
factory(require('jquery')); } else { // jQuery plugin
factory(jQuery); } }(function($) { "use strict";
/* MARKDOWN CLASS DEFINITION * ========================== */
var Markdown = function(element, options) { // @TODO : remove this BC on next major release
// @see : https://github.com/toopay/bootstrap-markdown/issues/109
var opts = ['autofocus', 'savable', 'hideable', 'width', 'height', 'resize', 'iconlibrary', 'language', 'footer', 'fullscreen', 'hiddenButtons', 'disabledButtons' ]; $.each(opts, function(_, opt) { if (typeof $(element).data(opt) !== 'undefined') { options = typeof options == 'object' ? options : {}; options[opt] = $(element).data(opt); } }); // End BC
// Class Properties
this.$ns = 'bootstrap-markdown'; this.$element = $(element); this.$editable = { el: null, type: null, attrKeys: [], attrValues: [], content: null }; this.$options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.markdown.defaults, options, this.$element.data('options')); this.$oldContent = null; this.$isPreview = false; this.$isFullscreen = false; this.$editor = null; this.$textarea = null; this.$handler = []; this.$callback = []; this.$nextTab = [];
this.showEditor(); };
Markdown.prototype = {
constructor: Markdown, __alterButtons: function(name, alter) { var handler = this.$handler, isAll = (name == 'all'), that = this;
$.each(handler, function(k, v) { var halt = true; if (isAll) { halt = false; } else { halt = v.indexOf(name) < 0; }
if (halt === false) { alter(that.$editor.find('button[data-handler="' + v + '"]')); } }); }, __buildButtons: function(buttonsArray, container) { var i, ns = this.$ns, handler = this.$handler, callback = this.$callback;
for (i = 0; i < buttonsArray.length; i++) { // Build each group container
var y, btnGroups = buttonsArray[i]; for (y = 0; y < btnGroups.length; y++) { // Build each button group
var z, buttons = btnGroups[y].data, btnGroupContainer = $('<div/>', { 'class': 'btn-group' });
for (z = 0; z < buttons.length; z++) { var button = buttons[z], buttonContainer, buttonIconContainer, buttonHandler = ns + '-' + button.name, buttonIcon = this.__getIcon(button), btnText = button.btnText ? button.btnText : '', btnClass = button.btnClass ? button.btnClass : 'btn', tabIndex = button.tabIndex ? button.tabIndex : '-1', hotkey = typeof button.hotkey !== 'undefined' ? button.hotkey : '', hotkeyCaption = typeof jQuery.hotkeys !== 'undefined' && hotkey !== '' ? ' (' + hotkey + ')' : '';
// Construct the button object
buttonContainer = $('<button></button>'); buttonContainer.text(' ' + this.__localize(btnText)).addClass('btn-default btn-sm').addClass(btnClass); if (btnClass.match(/btn\-(primary|success|info|warning|danger|link)/)) { buttonContainer.removeClass('btn-default'); } buttonContainer.attr({ 'type': 'button', 'title': this.__localize(button.title) + hotkeyCaption, 'tabindex': tabIndex, 'data-provider': ns, 'data-handler': buttonHandler, 'data-hotkey': hotkey }); if (button.toggle === true) { buttonContainer.attr('data-toggle', 'button'); } buttonIconContainer = $('<span/>'); buttonIconContainer.addClass(buttonIcon); buttonIconContainer.prependTo(buttonContainer);
// Attach the button object
// Register handler and callback
handler.push(buttonHandler); callback.push(button.callback); }
// Attach the button group into container DOM
container.append(btnGroupContainer); } }
return container; }, __setListener: function() { // Set size and resizable Properties
var hasRows = typeof this.$textarea.attr('rows') !== 'undefined', maxRows = this.$textarea.val().split("\n").length > 5 ? this.$textarea.val().split("\n").length : '5', rowsVal = hasRows ? this.$textarea.attr('rows') : maxRows;
this.$textarea.attr('rows', rowsVal); if (this.$options.resize) { this.$textarea.css('resize', this.$options.resize); }
// Re-attach markdown data
this.$textarea.data('markdown', this); }, __setEventListeners: function() { this.$textarea.on({ 'focus': $.proxy(this.focus, this), 'keyup': $.proxy(this.keyup, this), 'change': $.proxy(this.change, this), 'select': $.proxy(this.select, this) });
if (this.eventSupported('keydown')) { this.$textarea.on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keydown, this)); }
if (this.eventSupported('keypress')) { this.$textarea.on('keypress', $.proxy(this.keypress, this)); } }, __handle: function(e) { var target = $(e.currentTarget), handler = this.$handler, callback = this.$callback, handlerName = target.attr('data-handler'), callbackIndex = handler.indexOf(handlerName), callbackHandler = callback[callbackIndex];
// Trigger the focusin
// Trigger onChange for each button handle
// Unless it was the save handler,
// focusin the textarea
if (handlerName.indexOf('cmdSave') < 0) { this.$textarea.focus(); }
e.preventDefault(); }, __localize: function(string) { var messages = $.fn.markdown.messages, language = this.$options.language; if ( typeof messages !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[language] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[language][string] !== 'undefined' ) { return messages[language][string]; } return string; }, __getIcon: function(src) { if(typeof src == 'object'){ var customIcon = this.$options.customIcons[src.name]; return typeof customIcon == 'undefined' ? src.icon[this.$options.iconlibrary] : customIcon; } else { return src; } }, setFullscreen: function(mode) { var $editor = this.$editor, $textarea = this.$textarea;
if (mode === true) { $editor.addClass('md-fullscreen-mode'); $('body').addClass('md-nooverflow'); this.$options.onFullscreen(this); } else { $editor.removeClass('md-fullscreen-mode'); $('body').removeClass('md-nooverflow'); this.$options.onFullscreenExit(this);
if (this.$isPreview === true) this.hidePreview().showPreview(); }
this.$isFullscreen = mode; $textarea.focus(); }, showEditor: function() { var instance = this, textarea, ns = this.$ns, container = this.$element, originalHeigth = container.css('height'), originalWidth = container.css('width'), editable = this.$editable, handler = this.$handler, callback = this.$callback, options = this.$options, editor = $('<div/>', { 'class': 'md-editor', click: function() { instance.focus(); } });
// Prepare the editor
if (this.$editor === null) { // Create the panel
var editorHeader = $('<div/>', { 'class': 'md-header btn-toolbar' });
// Merge the main & additional button groups together
var allBtnGroups = []; if (options.buttons.length > 0) allBtnGroups = allBtnGroups.concat(options.buttons[0]); if (options.additionalButtons.length > 0) { // iterate the additional button groups
$.each(options.additionalButtons[0], function(idx, buttonGroup) {
// see if the group name of the additional group matches an existing group
var matchingGroups = $.grep(allBtnGroups, function(allButtonGroup, allIdx) { return allButtonGroup.name === buttonGroup.name; });
// if it matches add the additional buttons to that group, if not just add it to the all buttons group
if (matchingGroups.length > 0) { matchingGroups[0].data = matchingGroups[0].data.concat(buttonGroup.data); } else { allBtnGroups.push(options.additionalButtons[0][idx]); }
}); }
// Reduce and/or reorder the button groups
if (options.reorderButtonGroups.length > 0) { allBtnGroups = allBtnGroups .filter(function(btnGroup) { return options.reorderButtonGroups.indexOf(btnGroup.name) > -1; }) .sort(function(a, b) { if (options.reorderButtonGroups.indexOf(a.name) < options.reorderButtonGroups.indexOf(b.name)) return -1; if (options.reorderButtonGroups.indexOf(a.name) > options.reorderButtonGroups.indexOf(b.name)) return 1; return 0; }); }
// Build the buttons
if (allBtnGroups.length > 0) { editorHeader = this.__buildButtons([allBtnGroups], editorHeader); }
if (options.fullscreen.enable) { editorHeader.append('<div class="md-controls"><a class="md-control md-control-fullscreen" href="#"><span class="' + this.__getIcon(options.fullscreen.icons.fullscreenOn) + '"></span></a></div>').on('click', '.md-control-fullscreen', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); instance.setFullscreen(true); }); }
// Wrap the textarea
if (container.is('textarea')) { container.before(editor); textarea = container; textarea.addClass('md-input'); editor.append(textarea); } else { var rawContent = (typeof toMarkdown == 'function') ? toMarkdown(container.html()) : container.html(), currentContent = $.trim(rawContent);
// This is some arbitrary content that could be edited
textarea = $('<textarea/>', { 'class': 'md-input', 'val': currentContent });
// Save the editable
editable.el = container; editable.type = container.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(); editable.content = container.html();
$(container[0].attributes).each(function() { editable.attrKeys.push(this.nodeName); editable.attrValues.push(this.nodeValue); });
// Set editor to block the original container
container.replaceWith(editor); }
var editorFooter = $('<div/>', { 'class': 'md-footer' }), createFooter = false, footer = ''; // Create the footer if savable
if (options.savable) { createFooter = true; var saveHandler = 'cmdSave';
// Register handler and callback
handler.push(saveHandler); callback.push(options.onSave);
editorFooter.append('<button class="btn btn-success" data-provider="' + ns + '" data-handler="' + saveHandler + '"><i class="icon icon-white icon-ok"></i> ' + this.__localize('Save') + '</button>');
footer = typeof options.footer === 'function' ? options.footer(this) : options.footer;
if ($.trim(footer) !== '') { createFooter = true; editorFooter.append(footer); }
if (createFooter) editor.append(editorFooter);
// Set width
if (options.width && options.width !== 'inherit') { if (jQuery.isNumeric(options.width)) { editor.css('display', 'table'); textarea.css('width', options.width + 'px'); } else { editor.addClass(options.width); } }
// Set height
if (options.height && options.height !== 'inherit') { if (jQuery.isNumeric(options.height)) { var height = options.height; if (editorHeader) height = Math.max(0, height - editorHeader.outerHeight()); if (editorFooter) height = Math.max(0, height - editorFooter.outerHeight()); textarea.css('height', height + 'px'); } else { editor.addClass(options.height); } }
// Reference
this.$editor = editor; this.$textarea = textarea; this.$editable = editable; this.$oldContent = this.getContent();
this.__setListener(); this.__setEventListeners();
// Set editor attributes, data short-hand API and listener
this.$editor.attr('id', (new Date()).getTime()); this.$editor.on('click', '[data-provider="bootstrap-markdown"]', $.proxy(this.__handle, this));
if (this.$element.is(':disabled') || this.$element.is('[readonly]')) { this.$editor.addClass('md-editor-disabled'); this.disableButtons('all'); }
if (this.eventSupported('keydown') && typeof jQuery.hotkeys === 'object') { editorHeader.find('[data-provider="bootstrap-markdown"]').each(function() { var $button = $(this), hotkey = $button.attr('data-hotkey'); if (hotkey.toLowerCase() !== '') { textarea.bind('keydown', hotkey, function() { $button.trigger('click'); return false; }); } }); }
if (options.initialstate === 'preview') { this.showPreview(); } else if (options.initialstate === 'fullscreen' && options.fullscreen.enable) { this.setFullscreen(true); }
} else { this.$editor.show(); }
if (options.autofocus) { this.$textarea.focus(); this.$editor.addClass('active'); }
if (options.fullscreen.enable && options.fullscreen !== false) { this.$editor.append('<div class="md-fullscreen-controls">' + '<a href="#" class="exit-fullscreen" title="Exit fullscreen"><span class="' + this.__getIcon(options.fullscreen.icons.fullscreenOff) + '">' + '</span></a>' + '</div>'); this.$editor.on('click', '.exit-fullscreen', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); instance.setFullscreen(false); }); }
// hide hidden buttons from options
// disable disabled buttons from options
// enable dropZone if available and configured
if (options.dropZoneOptions) { if (this.$editor.dropzone) { if(!options.dropZoneOptions.init) { options.dropZoneOptions.init = function() { var caretPos = 0; this.on('drop', function(e) { caretPos = textarea.prop('selectionStart'); }); this.on('success', function(file, path) { var text = textarea.val(); textarea.val(text.substring(0, caretPos) + '\n\n' + text.substring(caretPos)); }); this.on('error', function(file, error, xhr) { console.log('Error:', error); }); }; } this.$editor.addClass('dropzone'); this.$editor.dropzone(options.dropZoneOptions); } else { console.log('dropZoneOptions was configured, but DropZone was not detected.'); } }
// enable data-uris via drag and drop
if (options.enableDropDataUri === true) { this.$editor.on('drop', function(e) { var caretPos = textarea.prop('selectionStart'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $.each(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files, function(index, file){ var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (function(file) { var type = file.type.split('/')[0]; return function(e) { var text = textarea.val(); if (type === 'image') textarea.val(text.substring(0, caretPos) + '\n<img src="'+ e.target.result +'" />\n' + text.substring(caretPos) ); else textarea.val(text.substring(0, caretPos) + '\n<a href="'+ e.target.result +'">Download ' + file.name + '</a>\n' + text.substring(caretPos) ); }; })(file); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); }); }); }
// Trigger the onShow hook
return this; }, parseContent: function(val) { var content;
// parse with supported markdown parser
val = val || this.$textarea.val();
if (this.$options.parser) { content = this.$options.parser(val); } else if (typeof markdown == 'object') { content = markdown.toHTML(val); } else if (typeof marked == 'function') { content = marked(val); } else { content = val; }
return content; }, showPreview: function() { var options = this.$options, container = this.$textarea, afterContainer = container.next(), replacementContainer = $('<div/>', { 'class': 'md-preview', 'data-provider': 'markdown-preview' }), content, callbackContent;
if (this.$isPreview === true) { // Avoid sequenced element creation on misused scenario
// @see https://github.com/toopay/bootstrap-markdown/issues/170
return this; }
// Give flag that tells the editor to enter preview mode
this.$isPreview = true; // Disable all buttons
// Try to get the content from callback
callbackContent = options.onPreview(this, replacementContainer); // Set the content based on the callback content if string, otherwise parse value from textarea
content = typeof callbackContent == 'string' ? callbackContent : this.parseContent();
// Build preview element
if (afterContainer && afterContainer.attr('class') == 'md-footer') { // If there is footer element, insert the preview container before it
replacementContainer.insertBefore(afterContainer); } else { // Otherwise, just append it after textarea
container.parent().append(replacementContainer); }
// Set the preview element dimensions
replacementContainer.css({ "width": container.outerWidth() + 'px', "min-height": container.outerHeight() + 'px', "height": "auto" });
if (this.$options.resize) { replacementContainer.css('resize', this.$options.resize); }
// Hide the last-active textarea
// Attach the editor instances
replacementContainer.data('markdown', this);
if (this.$element.is(':disabled') || this.$element.is('[readonly]')) { this.$editor.addClass('md-editor-disabled'); this.disableButtons('all'); }
return this; }, hidePreview: function() { // Give flag that tells the editor to quit preview mode
this.$isPreview = false;
// Obtain the preview container
var container = this.$editor.find('div[data-provider="markdown-preview"]');
// Remove the preview container
// Enable all buttons
this.enableButtons('all'); // Disable configured disabled buttons
// Perform any callbacks
// Back to the editor
this.$textarea.show(); this.__setListener();
return this; }, isDirty: function() { return this.$oldContent != this.getContent(); }, getContent: function() { return this.$textarea.val(); }, setContent: function(content) { this.$textarea.val(content);
return this; }, findSelection: function(chunk) { var content = this.getContent(), startChunkPosition;
if (startChunkPosition = content.indexOf(chunk), startChunkPosition >= 0 && chunk.length > 0) { var oldSelection = this.getSelection(), selection;
this.setSelection(startChunkPosition, startChunkPosition + chunk.length); selection = this.getSelection();
this.setSelection(oldSelection.start, oldSelection.end);
return selection; } else { return null; } }, getSelection: function() {
var e = this.$textarea[0];
return (
('selectionStart' in e && function() { var l = e.selectionEnd - e.selectionStart; return { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd, length: l, text: e.value.substr(e.selectionStart, l) }; }) ||
/* browser not supported */ function() { return null; }
}, setSelection: function(start, end) {
var e = this.$textarea[0];
return (
('selectionStart' in e && function() { e.selectionStart = start; e.selectionEnd = end; return; }) ||
/* browser not supported */ function() { return null; }
}, replaceSelection: function(text) {
var e = this.$textarea[0];
return (
('selectionStart' in e && function() { e.value = e.value.substr(0, e.selectionStart) + text + e.value.substr(e.selectionEnd, e.value.length); // Set cursor to the last replacement end
e.selectionStart = e.value.length; return this; }) ||
/* browser not supported */ function() { e.value += text; return jQuery(e); }
)(); }, getNextTab: function() { // Shift the nextTab
if (this.$nextTab.length === 0) { return null; } else { var nextTab, tab = this.$nextTab.shift();
if (typeof tab == 'function') { nextTab = tab(); } else if (typeof tab == 'object' && tab.length > 0) { nextTab = tab; }
return nextTab; } }, setNextTab: function(start, end) { // Push new selection into nextTab collections
if (typeof start == 'string') { var that = this; this.$nextTab.push(function() { return that.findSelection(start); }); } else if (typeof start == 'number' && typeof end == 'number') { var oldSelection = this.getSelection();
this.setSelection(start, end); this.$nextTab.push(this.getSelection());
this.setSelection(oldSelection.start, oldSelection.end); }
return; }, __parseButtonNameParam: function(names) { return typeof names == 'string' ? names.split(' ') : names;
}, enableButtons: function(name) { var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name), that = this;
$.each(buttons, function(i, v) { that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) { el.removeAttr('disabled'); }); });
return this; }, disableButtons: function(name) { var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name), that = this;
$.each(buttons, function(i, v) { that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) { el.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); });
return this; }, hideButtons: function(name) { var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name), that = this;
$.each(buttons, function(i, v) { that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) { el.addClass('hidden'); }); });
return this; }, showButtons: function(name) { var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name), that = this;
$.each(buttons, function(i, v) { that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) { el.removeClass('hidden'); }); });
return this; }, eventSupported: function(eventName) { var isSupported = eventName in this.$element; if (!isSupported) { this.$element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;'); isSupported = typeof this.$element[eventName] === 'function'; } return isSupported; }, keyup: function(e) { var blocked = false; switch (e.keyCode) { case 40: // down arrow
case 38: // up arrow
case 16: // shift
case 17: // ctrl
case 18: // alt
case 9: // tab
var nextTab; if (nextTab = this.getNextTab(), nextTab !== null) { // Get the nextTab if exists
var that = this; setTimeout(function() { that.setSelection(nextTab.start, nextTab.end); }, 500);
blocked = true; } else { // The next tab's memory contains nothing...
// check the cursor position to determine tab action
var cursor = this.getSelection();
if (cursor.start == cursor.end && cursor.end == this.getContent().length) { // The cursor has reached the end of the content
blocked = false; } else { // Put the cursor to the end
this.setSelection(this.getContent().length, this.getContent().length);
blocked = true; } }
case 13: // enter
blocked = false; var chars = this.getContent().split(''); var enterIndex = this.getSelection().start; var priorNewlineIndex = -1; // initial line break at before index 0
// traverse backwards through chars to check if last line break was num/bullet item
for (var i = enterIndex - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (chars[i] === '\n') { priorNewlineIndex = i; break; } }
var charFollowingLastLineBreak = chars[priorNewlineIndex + 1]; if (charFollowingLastLineBreak === '-') { this.addBullet(enterIndex); } else if ($.isNumeric(charFollowingLastLineBreak)) { var numBullet = this.getBulletNumber(priorNewlineIndex + 1); if (numBullet) { this.addNumberedBullet(enterIndex, numBullet); } } break;
case 27: // escape
if (this.$isFullscreen) this.setFullscreen(false); blocked = false; break;
default: blocked = false; }
if (blocked) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }
this.$options.onChange(this); }, insertContent: function(index, content) { var firstHalf = this.getContent().slice(0, index); var secondHalf = this.getContent().slice(index + 1); this.setContent(firstHalf.concat(content).concat(secondHalf)); }, addBullet: function(index) { this.insertContent(index, '- \n'); this.setSelection(index + 2, index + 2); // Put the cursor after the bullet
}, addNumberedBullet: function(index, num) { var numBullet = (num + 1) + '. \n'; this.insertContent(index, numBullet);
var prefixLength = num.toString().length + 2; this.setSelection(index + prefixLength, index + prefixLength); // Put the cursor after the number
}, getBulletNumber: function(startIndex) { var bulletNum = this.getContent().slice(startIndex).split('.')[0]; return $.isNumeric(bulletNum) ? parseInt(bulletNum) : null; }, change: function(e) { this.$options.onChange(this); return this; }, select: function(e) { this.$options.onSelect(this); return this; }, focus: function(e) { var options = this.$options, isHideable = options.hideable, editor = this.$editor;
// Blur other markdown(s)
$(document).find('.md-editor').each(function() { if ($(this).attr('id') !== editor.attr('id')) { var attachedMarkdown;
if (attachedMarkdown = $(this).find('textarea').data('markdown'), attachedMarkdown === null) { attachedMarkdown = $(this).find('div[data-provider="markdown-preview"]').data('markdown'); }
if (attachedMarkdown) { attachedMarkdown.blur(); } } });
// Trigger the onFocus hook
return this; }, blur: function(e) { var options = this.$options, isHideable = options.hideable, editor = this.$editor, editable = this.$editable;
if (editor.hasClass('active') || this.$element.parent().length === 0) { editor.removeClass('active');
if (isHideable) { // Check for editable elements
if (editable.el !== null) { // Build the original element
var oldElement = $('<' + editable.type + '/>'), content = this.getContent(), currentContent = this.parseContent(content);
$(editable.attrKeys).each(function(k, v) { oldElement.attr(editable.attrKeys[k], editable.attrValues[k]); });
// Get the editor content
editor.replaceWith(oldElement); } else { editor.hide(); } }
// Trigger the onBlur hook
options.onBlur(this); }
return this; }
/* MARKDOWN PLUGIN DEFINITION * ========================== */
var old = $.fn.markdown;
$.fn.markdown = function(option) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('markdown'), options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) $this.data('markdown', (data = new Markdown(this, options))); }); };
$.fn.markdown.messages = {};
$.fn.markdown.defaults = { /* Editor Properties */ autofocus: false, hideable: false, savable: false, width: 'inherit', height: 'inherit', resize: 'none', iconlibrary: 'glyph', language: 'en', initialstate: 'editor', parser: null, dropZoneOptions: null, enableDropDataUri: false,
/* Buttons Properties */ buttons: [ [{ name: 'groupFont', data: [{ name: 'cmdBold', hotkey: 'Ctrl+B', title: 'Bold', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-bold', fa: 'fa fa-bold', 'fa-3': 'icon-bold', octicons: 'octicon octicon-bold' }, callback: function(e) { // Give/remove ** surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent();
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('strong text'); } else { chunk = selected.text; }
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if (content.substr(selected.start - 2, 2) === '**' && content.substr(selected.end, 2) === '**') { e.setSelection(selected.start - 2, selected.end + 2); e.replaceSelection(chunk); cursor = selected.start - 2; } else { e.replaceSelection('**' + chunk + '**'); cursor = selected.start + 2; }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }, { name: 'cmdItalic', title: 'Italic', hotkey: 'Ctrl+I', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-italic', fa: 'fa fa-italic', 'fa-3': 'icon-italic', octicons: 'octicon octicon-italic' }, callback: function(e) { // Give/remove * surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent();
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('emphasized text'); } else { chunk = selected.text; }
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if (content.substr(selected.start - 1, 1) === '_' && content.substr(selected.end, 1) === '_') { e.setSelection(selected.start - 1, selected.end + 1); e.replaceSelection(chunk); cursor = selected.start - 1; } else { e.replaceSelection('_' + chunk + '_'); cursor = selected.start + 1; }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }, { name: 'cmdHeading', title: 'Heading', hotkey: 'Ctrl+H', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-header', fa: 'fa fa-header', 'fa-3': 'icon-font', octicons: 'octicon octicon-text-size' }, callback: function(e) { // Append/remove ### surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent(), pointer, prevChar;
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('heading text'); } else { chunk = selected.text + '\n'; }
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if ((pointer = 4, content.substr(selected.start - pointer, pointer) === '### ') || (pointer = 3, content.substr(selected.start - pointer, pointer) === '###')) { e.setSelection(selected.start - pointer, selected.end); e.replaceSelection(chunk); cursor = selected.start - pointer; } else if (selected.start > 0 && (prevChar = content.substr(selected.start - 1, 1), !!prevChar && prevChar != '\n')) { e.replaceSelection('\n\n### ' + chunk); cursor = selected.start + 6; } else { // Empty string before element
e.replaceSelection('### ' + chunk); cursor = selected.start + 4; }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }] }, { name: 'groupLink', data: [{ name: 'cmdUrl', title: 'URL/Link', hotkey: 'Ctrl+L', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-link', fa: 'fa fa-link', 'fa-3': 'icon-link', octicons: 'octicon octicon-link' }, callback: function(e) { // Give [] surround the selection and prepend the link
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent(), link;
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('enter link description here'); } else { chunk = selected.text; }
link = prompt(e.__localize('Insert Hyperlink'), 'http://');
var urlRegex = new RegExp('^((http|https)://|(mailto:)|(//))[a-z0-9]', 'i'); if (link !== null && link !== '' && link !== 'http://' && urlRegex.test(link)) { var sanitizedLink = $('<div>' + link + '</div>').text();
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
e.replaceSelection('[' + chunk + '](' + sanitizedLink + ')'); cursor = selected.start + 1;
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } } }, { name: 'cmdImage', title: 'Image', hotkey: 'Ctrl+G', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-picture', fa: 'fa fa-picture-o', 'fa-3': 'icon-picture', octicons: 'octicon octicon-file-media' }, callback: function(e) { // Give ![] surround the selection and prepend the image link
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent(), link;
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('enter image description here'); } else { chunk = selected.text; }
link = prompt(e.__localize('Insert Image Hyperlink'), 'http://');
var urlRegex = new RegExp('^((http|https)://|(//))[a-z0-9]', 'i'); if (link !== null && link !== '' && link !== 'http://' && urlRegex.test(link)) { var sanitizedLink = $('<div>' + link + '</div>').text();
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
e.replaceSelection(' + '")'); cursor = selected.start + 2;
// Set the next tab
e.setNextTab(e.__localize('enter image title here'));
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } } }] }, { name: 'groupMisc', data: [{ name: 'cmdList', hotkey: 'Ctrl+U', title: 'Unordered List', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-list', fa: 'fa fa-list', 'fa-3': 'icon-list-ul', octicons: 'octicon octicon-list-unordered' }, callback: function(e) { // Prepend/Give - surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent();
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('list text here');
e.replaceSelection('- ' + chunk); // Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 2; } else { if (selected.text.indexOf('\n') < 0) { chunk = selected.text;
e.replaceSelection('- ' + chunk);
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 2; } else { var list = [];
list = selected.text.split('\n'); chunk = list[0];
$.each(list, function(k, v) { list[k] = '- ' + v; });
e.replaceSelection('\n\n' + list.join('\n'));
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 4; } }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }, { name: 'cmdListO', hotkey: 'Ctrl+O', title: 'Ordered List', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-th-list', fa: 'fa fa-list-ol', 'fa-3': 'icon-list-ol', octicons: 'octicon octicon-list-ordered' }, callback: function(e) {
// Prepend/Give - surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent();
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('list text here'); e.replaceSelection('1. ' + chunk); // Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 3; } else { if (selected.text.indexOf('\n') < 0) { chunk = selected.text;
e.replaceSelection('1. ' + chunk);
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 3; } else { var i = 1; var list = [];
list = selected.text.split('\n'); chunk = list[0];
$.each(list, function(k, v) { list[k] = i + '. ' + v; i++; });
e.replaceSelection('\n\n' + list.join('\n'));
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 5; } }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }, { name: 'cmdCode', hotkey: 'Ctrl+K', title: 'Code', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-console', fa: 'fa fa-code', 'fa-3': 'icon-code', octicons: 'octicon octicon-code' }, callback: function(e) { // Give/remove ** surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent();
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('code text here'); } else { chunk = selected.text; }
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if (content.substr(selected.start - 4, 4) === '```\n' && content.substr(selected.end, 4) === '\n```') { e.setSelection(selected.start - 4, selected.end + 4); e.replaceSelection(chunk); cursor = selected.start - 4; } else if (content.substr(selected.start - 1, 1) === '`' && content.substr(selected.end, 1) === '`') { e.setSelection(selected.start - 1, selected.end + 1); e.replaceSelection(chunk); cursor = selected.start - 1; } else if (content.indexOf('\n') > -1) { e.replaceSelection('```\n' + chunk + '\n```'); cursor = selected.start + 4; } else { e.replaceSelection('`' + chunk + '`'); cursor = selected.start + 1; }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }, { name: 'cmdQuote', hotkey: 'Ctrl+Q', title: 'Quote', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-comment', fa: 'fa fa-quote-left', 'fa-3': 'icon-quote-left', octicons: 'octicon octicon-quote' }, callback: function(e) { // Prepend/Give - surround the selection
var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(), content = e.getContent();
// transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
if (selected.length === 0) { // Give extra word
chunk = e.__localize('quote here');
e.replaceSelection('> ' + chunk);
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 2; } else { if (selected.text.indexOf('\n') < 0) { chunk = selected.text;
e.replaceSelection('> ' + chunk);
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 2; } else { var list = [];
list = selected.text.split('\n'); chunk = list[0];
$.each(list, function(k, v) { list[k] = '> ' + v; });
e.replaceSelection('\n\n' + list.join('\n'));
// Set the cursor
cursor = selected.start + 4; } }
// Set the cursor
e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length); } }] }, { name: 'groupUtil', data: [{ name: 'cmdPreview', toggle: true, hotkey: 'Ctrl+P', title: 'Preview', btnText: 'Preview', btnClass: 'btn btn-primary btn-sm', icon: { glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-search', fa: 'fa fa-search', 'fa-3': 'icon-search', octicons: 'octicon octicon-search' }, callback: function(e) { // Check the preview mode and toggle based on this flag
var isPreview = e.$isPreview, content;
if (isPreview === false) { // Give flag that tells the editor to enter preview mode
e.showPreview(); } else { e.hidePreview(); } } }] }] ], customIcons: {}, additionalButtons: [], // Place to hook more buttons by code
reorderButtonGroups: [], hiddenButtons: [], // Default hidden buttons
disabledButtons: [], // Default disabled buttons
footer: '', fullscreen: { enable: true, icons: { fullscreenOn: { name: "fullscreenOn", icon: { fa: 'fa fa-expand', glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen', 'fa-3': 'icon-resize-full', octicons: 'octicon octicon-link-external' } }, fullscreenOff: { name: "fullscreenOff", icon: { fa: 'fa fa-compress', glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen', 'fa-3': 'icon-resize-small', octicons: 'octicon octicon-browser' } } } },
/* Events hook */ onShow: function(e) {}, onPreview: function(e) {}, onPreviewEnd: function(e) {}, onSave: function(e) {}, onBlur: function(e) {}, onFocus: function(e) {}, onChange: function(e) {}, onFullscreen: function(e) {}, onFullscreenExit: function(e) {}, onSelect: function(e) {} };
$.fn.markdown.Constructor = Markdown;
/* MARKDOWN NO CONFLICT * ==================== */
$.fn.markdown.noConflict = function() { $.fn.markdown = old; return this; };
/* MARKDOWN GLOBAL FUNCTION & DATA-API * ==================================== */ var initMarkdown = function(el) { var $this = el;
if ($this.data('markdown')) { $this.data('markdown').showEditor(); return; }
$this.markdown(); };
var blurNonFocused = function(e) { var $activeElement = $(document.activeElement);
// Blur event
$(document).find('.md-editor').each(function() { var $this = $(this), focused = $activeElement.closest('.md-editor')[0] === this, attachedMarkdown = $this.find('textarea').data('markdown') || $this.find('div[data-provider="markdown-preview"]').data('markdown');
if (attachedMarkdown && !focused) { attachedMarkdown.blur(); } }); };
$(document) .on('click.markdown.data-api', '[data-provide="markdown-editable"]', function(e) { initMarkdown($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }) .on('click focusin', function(e) { blurNonFocused(e); }) .ready(function() { $('textarea[data-provide="markdown"]').each(function() { initMarkdown($(this)); }); });