/* Odoo web_timeline * Copyright 2015 ACSONE SA/NV * Copyright 2016 Pedro M. Baeza <pedro.baeza@tecnativa.com> * License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). */
_.str.toBoolElse = function (str, elseValues, trueValues, falseValues) { var ret = _.str.toBool(str, trueValues, falseValues); if (_.isUndefined(ret)) { return elseValues; } return ret; };
odoo.define('web_timeline.TimelineView', function (require) { "use strict";
var core = require('web.core'); var form_common = require('web.form_common'); var Model = require('web.DataModel'); var time = require('web.time'); var View = require('web.View'); var widgets = require('web_calendar.widgets');
var _t = core._t; var _lt = core._lt;
function isNullOrUndef(value) { return _.isUndefined(value) || _.isNull(value); }
var TimelineView = View.extend({ template: "TimelineView", display_name: _lt('Timeline'), icon: 'fa-clock-o', quick_create_instance: widgets.QuickCreate,
init: function (parent, dataset, view_id, options) { this.permissions = {}; this.grouped_by = false; return this._super.apply(this, arguments); },
get_perm: function (name) { var self = this; var promise = self.permissions[name]; if (self.permissions[name]) { return $.when(self.permissions[name]); } else { return new Model(this.dataset.model) .call("check_access_rights", [name, false]) .then(function (value) { self.permissions[name] = value; return value; }); } },
parse_colors: function () { if (this.fields_view.arch.attrs.colors) { this.colors = _(this.fields_view.arch.attrs.colors.split(';')).chain().compact().map(function (color_pair) { var pair = color_pair.split(':'), color = pair[0], expr = pair[1]; var temp = py.parse(py.tokenize(expr)); return { 'color': color, 'field': temp.expressions[0].value, 'opt': temp.operators[0], 'value': temp.expressions[1].value }; }).value(); } },
start: function () { var self = this; var attrs = this.fields_view.arch.attrs; var fv = this.fields_view; this.parse_colors(); this.$timeline = this.$el.find(".oe_timeline_widget"); this.$(".oe_timeline_button_today").click( this.proxy(this.on_today_clicked)); this.$(".oe_timeline_button_scale_day").click( this.proxy(this.on_scale_day_clicked)); this.$(".oe_timeline_button_scale_week").click( this.proxy(this.on_scale_week_clicked)); this.$(".oe_timeline_button_scale_month").click( this.proxy(this.on_scale_month_clicked)); this.$(".oe_timeline_button_scale_year").click( this.proxy(this.on_scale_year_clicked)); this.current_window = { start: new moment(), end: new moment().add(24, 'hours') };
this.info_fields = [];
if (!attrs.date_start) { throw new Error(_t("Timeline view has not defined 'date_start' attribute.")); } this.date_start = attrs.date_start; this.date_stop = attrs.date_stop; this.date_delay = attrs.date_delay; this.no_period = this.date_start == this.date_stop; this.zoomKey = attrs.zoomKey || ''; this.mode = attrs.mode || attrs.default_window || 'fit';
if (!isNullOrUndef(attrs.quick_create_instance)) { self.quick_create_instance = 'instance.' + attrs.quick_create_instance; }
// If this field is set ot true, we don't open the event in form
// view, but in a popup with the view_id passed by this parameter
if (isNullOrUndef(attrs.event_open_popup) || !_.str.toBoolElse(attrs.event_open_popup, true)) { this.open_popup_action = false; } else { this.open_popup_action = attrs.event_open_popup; }
this.fields = fv.fields;
for (var fld = 0; fld < fv.arch.children.length; fld++) { this.info_fields.push(fv.arch.children[fld].attrs.name); }
var fields_get = new Model(this.dataset.model) .call('fields_get') .then(function (fields) { self.fields = fields; }); this._super.apply(this, self); return $.when( self.fields_get, self.get_perm('unlink'), self.get_perm('write'), self.get_perm('create') ).then(function () { self.init_timeline(); $(window).trigger('resize'); self.trigger('timeline_view_loaded', fv); }); },
init_timeline: function () { var self = this; var options = { groupOrder: self.group_order, editable: { // add new items by double tapping
add: self.permissions['create'], // drag items horizontally
updateTime: self.permissions['write'], // drag items from one group to another
updateGroup: self.permissions['write'], // delete an item by tapping the delete button top right
remove: self.permissions['unlink'] }, orientation: 'both', selectable: true, showCurrentTime: true, onAdd: self.on_add, onMove: self.on_move, onUpdate: self.on_update, onRemove: self.on_remove, zoomKey: this.zoomKey }; if (this.mode) { var start = false, end = false; switch (this.mode) { case 'day': start = new moment().startOf('day'); end = new moment().endOf('day'); break; case 'week': start = new moment().startOf('week'); end = new moment().endOf('week'); break; case 'month': start = new moment().startOf('month'); end = new moment().endOf('month'); break; } if (end && start) { options['start'] = start; options['end'] = end; }else{ this.mode = 'fit'; } } self.timeline = new vis.Timeline(self.$timeline.empty().get(0)); self.timeline.setOptions(options); if (self.mode && self['on_scale_' + self.mode + '_clicked']) { self['on_scale_' + self.mode + '_clicked'](); } self.timeline.on('click', self.on_click); },
group_order: function (grp1, grp2) { // display non grouped elements first
if (grp1.id === -1) { return -1; } if (grp2.id === -1) { return +1; } return grp1.content - grp2.content;
/* Transform Odoo event object to timeline event object */ event_data_transform: function (evt) { var self = this; var date_start = new moment(); var date_stop;
var date_delay = evt[this.date_delay] || false, all_day = this.all_day ? evt[this.all_day] : false, res_computed_text = '', the_title = '', attendees = [];
if (!all_day) { date_start = time.auto_str_to_date(evt[this.date_start]); date_stop = this.date_stop ? time.auto_str_to_date(evt[this.date_stop]) : null; } else { date_start = time.auto_str_to_date(evt[this.date_start].split(' ')[0], 'start'); if (this.no_period) { date_stop = date_start } else { date_stop = this.date_stop ? time.auto_str_to_date(evt[this.date_stop].split(' ')[0], 'stop') : null; } } if (!date_start) { date_start = new moment(); } if (!date_stop && date_delay) { date_stop = moment(date_start).add(date_delay, 'hours').toDate(); }
var group = evt[self.last_group_bys[0]]; if (group) { group = _.first(group); } else { group = -1; } _.each(self.colors, function (color) { if (eval("'" + evt[color.field] + "' " + color.opt + " '" + color.value + "'")) self.color = color.color; }); var r = { 'start': date_start, 'content': evt.__name != undefined ? evt.__name : evt.display_name, 'id': evt.id, 'group': group, 'evt': evt, 'style': 'background-color: ' + self.color + ';' }; // Check if the event is instantaneous, if so, display it with a point on the timeline (no 'end')
if (date_stop && !moment(date_start).isSame(date_stop)) { r.end = date_stop; } self.color = undefined; return r; },
do_search: function (domains, contexts, group_bys) { var self = this; self.last_domains = domains; self.last_contexts = contexts; // select the group by
var n_group_bys = []; if (this.fields_view.arch.attrs.default_group_by) { n_group_bys = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.default_group_by.split(','); } if (group_bys.length) { n_group_bys = group_bys; } self.last_group_bys = n_group_bys; // gather the fields to get
var fields = _.compact(_.map(["date_start", "date_delay", "date_stop", "progress"], function (key) { return self.fields_view.arch.attrs[key] || ''; }));
fields = _.uniq(fields.concat(_.pluck(this.colors, "field").concat(n_group_bys))); return $.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function () { return self.dataset.read_slice(fields, { domain: domains, context: contexts }).then(function (data) { return self.on_data_loaded(data, n_group_bys); }); }); },
reload: function () { var self = this; if (this.last_domains !== undefined) { self.current_window = self.timeline.getWindow(); return this.do_search(this.last_domains, this.last_contexts, this.last_group_bys); } },
on_data_loaded: function (events, group_bys) { var self = this; var ids = _.pluck(events, "id"); return this.dataset.name_get(ids).then(function (names) { var nevents = _.map(events, function (event) { return _.extend({ __name: _.detect(names, function (name) { return name[0] == event.id; })[1] }, event); }); return self.on_data_loaded_2(nevents, group_bys); }); },
on_data_loaded_2: function (events, group_bys) { var self = this; var data = []; var groups = []; this.grouped_by = group_bys; _.each(events, function (event) { if (event[self.date_start]) { data.push(self.event_data_transform(event)); } }); // get the groups
var split_groups = function (events, group_bys) { if (group_bys.length === 0) return events; var groups = []; groups.push({id: -1, content: _t('-')}) _.each(events, function (event) { var group_name = event[_.first(group_bys)]; if (group_name) { var group = _.find(groups, function (group) { return _.isEqual(group.id, group_name[0]); }); if (group === undefined) { group = {id: group_name[0], content: group_name[1]}; groups.push(group); } } }); return groups; } var groups = split_groups(events, group_bys); this.timeline.setGroups(groups); this.timeline.setItems(data); if (!this.mode || this.mode == 'fit'){ this.timeline.fit(); } },
do_show: function () { this.do_push_state({}); return this._super(); },
is_action_enabled: function (action) { if (action === 'create' && !this.options.creatable) { return false; } return this._super(action); },
create_completed: function (id) { var self = this; this.dataset.ids = this.dataset.ids.concat([id]); this.dataset.trigger("dataset_changed", id); this.dataset.read_ids([id], this.fields).done(function (records) { var new_event = self.event_data_transform(records[0]); var items = self.timeline.itemsData; items.add(new_event); self.timeline.setItems(items); }); },
on_add: function (item, callback) { var self = this; var context = this.dataset.get_context(); // Initialize default values for creation
var default_context = {}; default_context['default_'.concat(this.date_start)] = item.start; if (this.date_delay) { default_context['default_'.concat(this.date_delay)] = 1; } if (this.date_stop) { default_context['default_'.concat(this.date_stop)] = moment(item.start).add(1, 'hours').toDate(); } if (item.group > 0) { default_context['default_'.concat(this.last_group_bys[0])] = item.group; } context.add(default_context); // Show popup
var dialog = new form_common.FormViewDialog(this, { res_model: this.dataset.model, res_id: null, context: context, view_id: +this.open_popup_action }).open(); dialog.on('create_completed', this, this.create_completed); return false; },
write_completed: function (id) { this.dataset.trigger("dataset_changed", id); this.current_window = this.timeline.getWindow(); this.reload(); this.timeline.setWindow(this.current_window); },
on_update: function (item, callback) { var self = this; var id = item.evt.id; var title = item.evt.__name; if (!this.open_popup_action) { var index = this.dataset.get_id_index(id); this.dataset.index = index; if (this.write_right) { this.do_switch_view('form', null, {mode: "edit"}); } else { this.do_switch_view('form', null, {mode: "view"}); } } else { var dialog = new form_common.FormViewDialog(this, { res_model: this.dataset.model, res_id: parseInt(id).toString() == id ? parseInt(id) : id, context: this.dataset.get_context(), title: title, view_id: +this.open_popup_action }).open(); dialog.on('write_completed', this, this.write_completed); } return false; },
on_move: function (item, callback) { var self = this; var event_start = item.start; var event_end = item.end; var group = false; if (item.group != -1) { group = item.group; } var data = {}; // In case of a move event, the date_delay stay the same, only date_start and stop must be updated
data[this.date_start] = time.auto_date_to_str(event_start, self.fields[this.date_start].type); if (this.date_stop) { // In case of instantaneous event, item.end is not defined
if (event_end) { data[this.date_stop] = time.auto_date_to_str(event_end, self.fields[this.date_stop].type); } else { data[this.date_stop] = data[this.date_start] } } if (this.date_delay && event_end) { var diff_seconds = Math.round((event_end.getTime() - event_start.getTime()) / 1000); data[this.date_delay] = diff_seconds / 3600; } if (self.grouped_by) { data[self.grouped_by[0]] = group; } var id = item.evt.id; this.dataset.write(id, data); },
on_remove: function (item, callback) { var self = this;
function do_it() { return $.when(self.dataset.unlink([item.evt.id])).then(function () { callback(item); }); }
if (this.options.confirm_on_delete) { if (confirm(_t("Are you sure you want to delete this record ?"))) { return do_it(); } } else return do_it(); },
on_click: function (e) { // handle a click on a group header
if (e.what == 'group-label') { return this.on_group_click(e); } },
on_group_click: function (e) { if (e.group == -1) { return; } return this.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: this.fields[this.last_group_bys[0]].relation, res_id: e.group, target: 'new', views: [[false, 'form']] }); },
scale_current_window: function (factor) { if (this.timeline) { this.current_window = this.timeline.getWindow(); this.current_window.end = moment(this.current_window.start).add(factor, 'hours'); this.timeline.setWindow(this.current_window); } },
on_today_clicked: function () { this.current_window = { start: new moment(), end: new moment().add(24, 'hours') };
if (this.timeline) { this.timeline.setWindow(this.current_window); } },
on_scale_day_clicked: function () { this.scale_current_window(24); },
on_scale_week_clicked: function () { this.scale_current_window(24 * 7); },
on_scale_month_clicked: function () { this.scale_current_window(24 * 30); },
on_scale_year_clicked: function () { this.scale_current_window(24 * 365); } });
core.view_registry.add('timeline', TimelineView); return TimelineView; });