6 changed files with 333 additions and 259 deletions
@ -1,32 +1,26 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
############################################################################## |
# |
# Author: Guewen Baconnier |
# Copyright 2012 Camptocamp SA |
# |
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as |
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
# License, or (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
# |
############################################################################## |
{"name": "Web Translate Dialog", |
"category": "Web", |
"summary": "Easy-to-use pop-up to translate fields in several languages", |
"license": "AGPL-3", |
"author": "Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)", |
"version": "", |
"depends": ['web'], |
'data': ['view/web_translate.xml'], |
'qweb': ["static/src/xml/base.xml"], |
'installable': False, |
} |
# Copyright 2012 Guewen Baconnier (Camptocamp SA) |
# Copyright 2016 Antonio Espinosa <antonio.espinosa@tecnativa.com> |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
{ |
"name": "Web Translate Dialog", |
"summary": "Easy-to-use pop-up to translate fields in several languages", |
"version": "", |
"category": "Web", |
"website": "https://odoo-community.org/", |
"author": "Camptocamp, " |
"Tecnativa, " |
"Odoo Community Association (OCA)", |
"license": "AGPL-3", |
"application": False, |
"installable": True, |
"depends": [ |
"web", |
], |
"data": [ |
"view/web_translate.xml", |
], |
"qweb": [ |
"static/src/xml/base.xml", |
] |
} |
@ -1,209 +1,228 @@ |
openerp.web_translate_dialog = function (instance) { |
/* Copyright 2012 Guewen Baconnier (Camptocamp SA) |
Copyright 2016 Antonio Espinosa <antonio.espinosa@tecnativa.com> |
* License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). */
"use strict"; |
odoo.define('web_translate_dialog.translate_dialog', function(require){ |
"use strict"; |
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb, |
_t = instance.web._t, |
_lt = instance.web._lt; |
var _ = require('_'); |
var $ = require('$'); |
instance.web.FormView.include({ |
load_form: function(data) { |
var self = this; |
this._super(data); |
if (this.sidebar) { |
this.sidebar.add_items('other', _.compact([ |
self.is_action_enabled('edit') && { label: _t('Translate'), callback: self.on_button_translate }, |
])); |
} |
}, |
on_button_translate: function() { |
var self = this; |
$.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function() { |
self.open_translate_dialog(this); |
}); |
}, |
}); |
var core = require('web.core'); |
var data = require('web.data'); |
var common = require('web.form_common'); |
instance.web.View.include({ |
open_translate_dialog: function() { |
new instance.web_translate_dialog.TranslateDialog(this).open(); |
} |
}); |
var FormView = require('web.FormView'); |
var View = require('web.View'); |
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog'); |
instance.web_translate_dialog.TranslateDialog = instance.web.Dialog.extend({ |
template: "TranslateDialog", |
init: function(parent, options, content) { |
this._super(parent, |
{title: _t("Translations"), |
width: '90%', |
height: '80%'}, |
content); |
this.view_language = this.session.user_context.lang; |
this.view = parent; |
this.view_type = parent.fields_view.type || ''; |
this.$view_form = null; |
this.$sidebar_form = null; |
this.translatable_fields_keys = _.map(this.view.translatable_fields || [], function(i) { return i.name;}); |
this.languages = null; |
this.languages_loaded = $.Deferred(); |
(new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, |
'res.lang', |
this.view.dataset.get_context(), |
[['translatable', '=', '1']])) |
.read_slice(['code', 'name'], { sort: 'id' }) |
.then(this.on_languages_loaded); |
}, |
on_languages_loaded: function(langs) { |
this.languages = langs; |
this.languages_loaded.resolve(); |
}, |
open: function() { |
var self = this, |
sup = this._super; |
// the template needs the languages
$.when(this.languages_loaded).then(function() { |
return sup.call(self); |
}); |
}, |
start: function() { |
var self = this; |
this.$el.find('.oe_translation_field').change(function() { |
$(this).toggleClass('touched', ($(this).val() != $(this).attr('data-value'))); |
}); |
this.$buttons.html(QWeb.render("TranslateDialog.buttons")); |
this.$buttons.find(".oe_form_translate_dialog_save_button").click(function(){ |
self.on_button_save(); |
self.on_button_close(); |
}); |
this.$buttons.find(".oe_form_translate_dialog_cancel_button").click(function(){ |
self.on_button_close(); |
}); |
this.initialize_html_fields(); |
var _t = core._t; |
var QWeb = core.qweb; |
this.do_load_fields_values(); |
}, |
initialize_html_fields: function() { |
this.$el.find('.oe_form_field_html textarea').each(function() { |
var $textarea = $(this); |
var width = 100; // forced to fixed size on initialization
// will be changed to percentage right after
// the creation
var height = 250; |
$textarea.cleditor({ |
width: width, // width not including margins, borders or padding
height: height, // height not including margins, borders or padding
controls: // controls to add to the toolbar
"bold italic underline strikethrough " + |
"| removeformat | bullets numbering | outdent " + |
"indent | link unlink | source", |
bodyStyle: // style to assign to document body contained within the editor
"margin:4px; color:#4c4c4c; font-size:13px; font-family:'Lucida Grande',Helvetica,Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; cursor:text" |
}); |
var translateDialog = Dialog.extend({ |
template: "TranslateDialog", |
init: function(parent, field, content) { |
this._super(parent, |
{title: _t("Translations"), |
width: '90%', |
height: '80%'}, |
content); |
this.view_language = this.session.user_context.lang; |
this.view = parent; |
this.view_type = parent.fields_view.type || ''; |
this.$view_form = null; |
this.$sidebar_form = null; |
if (!!field) { |
this.translatable_fields_keys = [field]; |
this.translatable_fields = _.filter( |
this.view.translatable_fields || [], |
function(i) {return i.name == field;} |
); |
} else { |
this.translatable_fields_keys = _.map( |
this.view.translatable_fields || [], |
function(i) {return i.name;} |
); |
this.translatable_fields = this.view.translatable_fields.slice(0); |
} |
this.languages = null; |
this.languages_loaded = $.Deferred(); |
(new data.DataSetSearch(this, 'res.lang', this.view.dataset.get_context(), |
[['translatable', '=', '1']])) |
.read_slice(['code', 'name'], { sort: 'id' }) |
.then(this.on_languages_loaded); |
}, |
on_languages_loaded: function(langs) { |
this.languages = langs; |
this.languages_loaded.resolve(); |
}, |
open: function() { |
var self = this, |
sup = this._super; |
// the template needs the languages
$.when(this.languages_loaded).then(function() { |
return sup.call(self); |
}); |
}, |
start: function() { |
var self = this; |
this.$el.find('.oe_translation_field').change(function() { |
$(this).toggleClass('touched', ($(this).val() != $(this).attr('data-value'))); |
}); |
this.$footer.html(QWeb.render("TranslateDialog.buttons")); |
this.$footer.find(".oe_form_translate_dialog_save_button").click(function(){ |
self.on_button_save(); |
self.on_button_close(); |
}); |
this.$footer.find(".oe_form_translate_dialog_cancel_button").click(function(){ |
self.on_button_close(); |
}); |
var $cleditor = $textarea.cleditor()[0]; |
// Down to -- end, this is a workaround for the bug
// https://bugs.launchpad.net/openerp-web/+bug/1258463
// The editor is initially created with a fixed size so
// the buggy event is not bound to $(window), then we restore
// a percentage width and bind the "normal" event without the
// CHM's buggy change.
$cleditor.$main.width('95%'); |
$cleditor.options.width = '95%'; |
$(window).resize(function() { |
//Forcefully blurred iframe contentWindow, chrome, IE, safari doesn't trigger blur on window resize and due to which text disappears
var contentWindow = $cleditor.$frame[0].contentWindow; |
if(!$.browser.mozilla && contentWindow){ |
$(contentWindow).trigger('blur'); |
this.do_load_fields_values(); |
}, |
initialize_html_fields: function(lang) { |
var self = this; |
_.each(this.translatable_fields_keys, function(f) { |
// Initialize summernote if HTML field
self.$el.find('.oe_form_field_html .oe_translation_field[name="' + lang.code + '-' + f + '"]').each(function() { |
var $parent = $(this).summernote({ |
'focus': false, |
'toolbar': [ |
['style', ['style']], |
['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], |
['fontsize', ['fontsize']], |
['color', ['color']], |
['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], |
['table', ['table']], |
['insert', ['link', 'picture']], |
['history', ['undo', 'redo']] |
], |
'prettifyHtml': false, |
'styleWithSpan': false, |
'inlinemedia': ['p'], |
'lang': "odoo", |
'onChange': function (value) { |
$(this).toggleClass('touched', (value != $(this).attr('data-value'))); |
} |
}).parent(); |
// Triggers a mouseup to refresh the editor toolbar
$parent.find('.note-editable').trigger('mouseup'); |
$parent.find('.note-editing-area').css({ |
minHeight:'100px', |
minWidth:'260px', |
}); |
$cleditor.refresh(); |
// -- end
}); |
}); |
}, |
set_fields_values: function(lang, values) { |
var self = this; |
_.each(this.translatable_fields_keys, function(f) { |
self.$el.find('.oe_translation_field[name="' + lang.code + '-' + f + '"]') |
.val(values[f] || '') |
.attr('data-value', values[f] || ''); |
}); |
this.$el.find('textarea.oe_translation_field').css({ |
minHeight:'100px', |
}); |
$(window).resize(); // triggers the autosize
this.initialize_html_fields(lang); |
}, |
do_load_fields_values: function() { |
var self = this, |
deferred = []; |
$cleditor.change(function() { |
this.updateTextArea(); |
this.$area.toggleClass('touched', |
(this.$area.val() != this.$area.attr('data-value'))); |
this.$el.find('.oe_translation_field').val('').removeClass('touched'); |
_.each(self.languages, function(lg) { |
var deff = $.Deferred(); |
deferred.push(deff); |
if (lg.code === self.view_language) { |
var values = {}; |
_.each(self.translatable_fields_keys, function(field) { |
values[field] = self.view.fields[field].get_value(); |
}); |
self.set_fields_values(lg, values); |
deff.resolve(); |
} else { |
self.view.dataset.call( |
'read', |
[[self.view.datarecord.id], |
self.translatable_fields_keys, |
self.view.dataset.get_context({ |
'lang': lg.code |
})]).done(function (rows) { |
self.set_fields_values(lg, rows[0]); |
deff.resolve(); |
}); |
} |
}); |
return deferred; |
}, |
on_button_save: function() { |
var translations = {}, |
self = this, |
translation_mutex = new $.Mutex(); |
self.$el.find('.oe_translation_field.touched').each(function() { |
var field = $(this).attr('name').split('-'); |
if (!translations[field[0]]) { |
translations[field[0]] = {}; |
} |
translations[field[0]][field[1]] = $(this).val(); |
}); |
_.each(translations, function(text, code) { |
if (code === self.view_language) { |
self.view.set_values(text); |
} |
translation_mutex.exec(function() { |
return new data.DataSet(self, self.view.dataset.model, |
self.view.dataset.get_context()) |
.write(self.view.datarecord.id, text, |
{ context : { 'lang': code }}); |
}); |
}, |
set_fields_values: function(lang, values) { |
var self = this; |
_.each(this.translatable_fields_keys, function(f) { |
self.$el.find('.oe_translation_field[name="' + lang.code + '-' + f + '"]') |
.val(values[f] || '') |
.attr('data-value', values[f] || ''); |
}); |
this.close(); |
}, |
on_button_close: function() { |
this.close(); |
}, |
var $tarea = self.$el.find('.oe_form_field_html .oe_translation_field[name="' + lang.code + '-' + f + '"]'); |
if ($tarea.length) { |
$tarea.cleditor()[0].updateFrame(); |
} |
}); |
var $textarea = this.$el.find('textarea.oe_translation_field'); |
$textarea.css({minHeight:'100px'}); |
$textarea.autosize(); |
$(window).resize(); // triggers the autosize
}, |
do_load_fields_values: function() { |
var self = this, |
deferred = []; |
}); |
this.$el.find('.oe_translation_field').val('').removeClass('touched'); |
_.each(self.languages, function(lg) { |
var deff = $.Deferred(); |
deferred.push(deff); |
if (lg.code === self.view_language) { |
var values = {}; |
_.each(self.translatable_fields_keys, function(field) { |
values[field] = self.view.fields[field].get_value(); |
}); |
self.set_fields_values(lg, values); |
deff.resolve(); |
} else { |
self.view.dataset.call( |
'read', |
[[self.view.datarecord.id], |
self.translatable_fields_keys, |
self.view.dataset.get_context({ |
'lang': lg.code |
})]).done(function (rows) { |
self.set_fields_values(lg, rows[0]); |
deff.resolve(); |
}); |
}; |
}); |
return deferred; |
}, |
on_button_save: function() { |
var translations = {}, |
self = this, |
translation_mutex = new $.Mutex(); |
self.$el.find('.oe_translation_field.touched').each(function() { |
var field = $(this).attr('name').split('-'); |
if (!translations[field[0]]) { |
translations[field[0]] = {}; |
} |
translations[field[0]][field[1]] = $(this).val(); |
}); |
_.each(translations, function(data, code) { |
if (code === self.view_language) { |
self.view.set_values(data); |
} |
translation_mutex.exec(function() { |
return new instance.web.DataSet(self, self.view.dataset.model, self.view.dataset.get_context()).write(self.view.datarecord.id, data, { context : { 'lang': code }}); |
}); |
}); |
this.close(); |
}, |
on_button_close: function() { |
this.close(); |
}, |
FormView.include({ |
render_sidebar: function($node) { |
this._super($node); |
if (this.sidebar) { |
this.sidebar.add_items('other', _.compact([ |
this.is_action_enabled('edit') && |
this.translatable_fields.length > 0 && { |
label: _t('Translate'), |
callback: this.on_button_translate |
}, |
])); |
} |
}, |
on_button_translate: function() { |
var self = this; |
$.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function() { |
self.open_translate_dialog(); |
}); |
}, |
}); |
}); |
View.include({ |
open_translate_dialog: function(field) { |
new translateDialog(this, field).open(); |
} |
}); |
instance.web.form.AbstractField.include({ |
on_translate: function() { |
// the image next to the fields opens the translate dialog
this.view.open_translate_dialog(); |
}, |
}); |
common.AbstractField.include({ |
on_translate: function() { |
// the image next to the fields opens the translate dialog
this.view.open_translate_dialog(this.name); |
}, |
}); |
return { |
translateDialog: translateDialog, |
}; |
}); // odoo.define
@ -1,34 +1,51 @@ |
<templates> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<!-- Copyright 2012 Guewen Baconnier (Camptocamp SA) |
Copyright 2016 Antonio Espinosa <antonio.espinosa@tecnativa.com> |
License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). --> |
<template> |
<t t-name="TranslateDialog"> |
<table t-if="widget.view.translatable_fields" class="oe_frame oe_forms oe_translation_form" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> |
<tr> |
<td class="oe_form_separator" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap"> |
<div class="separator horizontal">Field</div> |
</td> |
<th t-foreach="widget.languages" align="left"> |
<div class="separator horizontal"><t t-esc="name"/></div> |
</th> |
</tr> |
<tr t-foreach="widget.view.translatable_fields" t-as="field" t-att-data-field="field.name"> |
<td class="oe_form_frame_cell" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap"> |
<label class="oe_label"><t t-esc="field.string"/>:</label> |
</td> |
<td t-foreach="widget.languages" t-as="lg" class="oe_form_frame_cell"> |
<input t-if="field.field.type == 'char' || field.field.type == 'url'" type="text" t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" value="" data-value="" class="oe_translation_field"/> |
<textarea t-if="field.field.type == 'text'" t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" data-value="" class="oe_translation_field" ></textarea> |
<div t-if="field.field.type == 'html'" class="oe_form_field_html"> |
<textarea class="oe_translation_field oe_form_field" t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" data-value=""/> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<div class="modal-body"> |
<table t-if="widget.view.translatable_fields" |
class="oe_frame oe_forms oe_translation_form" |
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> |
<tr> |
<td class="oe_form_separator" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap"> |
<div class="separator horizontal">Field</div> |
</td> |
<th t-foreach="widget.languages" align="left"> |
<div class="separator horizontal"><t t-esc="name"/></div> |
</th> |
</tr> |
<tr t-foreach="widget.translatable_fields" t-as="field" |
t-att-data-field="field.name"> |
<td class="oe_form_frame_cell" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap"> |
<label class="oe_label"><t t-esc="field.string"/>:</label> |
</td> |
<td t-foreach="widget.languages" t-as="lg" class="oe_form_frame_cell"> |
<input t-if="field.field.type == 'char' || field.field.type == 'url'" |
type="text" t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" |
value="" data-value="" class="oe_translation_field"/> |
<textarea t-if="field.field.type == 'text'" |
t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" data-value="" |
class="oe_translation_field" ></textarea> |
<div t-if="field.field.type == 'html'" class="oe_form_field_html"> |
<textarea class="oe_translation_field oe_form_field" |
t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" data-value=""/> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
</t> |
<t t-name="TranslateDialog.buttons"> |
<button class="oe_form_translate_dialog_save_button oe_button oe_highlight">Save</button> |
<button class="oe_form_translate_dialog_cancel_button oe_button">Cancel</button> |
<button class="btn btn-sm oe_button btn-primary oe_form_translate_dialog_save_button"> |
<span>Save</span> |
</button> |
<button class="btn btn-sm oe_button btn-default oe_form_translate_dialog_cancel_button"> |
<span>Cancel</span> |
</button> |
</t> |
</templates> |
</template> |
Reference in new issue