1 changed files with 196 additions and 1 deletions
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**This file is going to be generated by oca-gen-addon-readme.** |
=============== |
web_m2x_options |
=============== |
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This modules modifies "many2one" and "many2manytags" form widgets so as to add some new display |
control options. |
Options provided includes possibility to remove "Create..." and/or "Create and |
Edit..." entries from many2one drop down. You can also change default number of |
proposition appearing in the drop-down. Or prevent the dialog box poping in |
case of validation error. |
If not specified, the module will avoid proposing any of the create options |
if the current user has no permission rights to create the related object. |
**Table of contents** |
.. contents:: |
:local: |
Usage |
===== |
in the field's options dict |
--------------------------- |
``create`` *boolean* (Default: depends if user have create rights) |
Whether to display the "Create..." entry in dropdown panel. |
``create_edit`` *boolean* (Default: depends if user have create rights) |
Whether to display "Create and Edit..." entry in dropdown panel |
``m2o_dialog`` *boolean* (Default: depends if user have create rights) |
Whether to display the many2one dialog in case of validation error. |
``limit`` *int* (Default: openerp default value is ``7``) |
Number of displayed record in drop-down panel |
``search_more`` *boolean* |
Used to force disable/enable search more button. |
``field_color`` *string* |
A string to define the field used to define color. |
This option has to be used with colors. |
``colors`` *dictionary* |
A dictionary to link field value with a HTML color. |
This option has to be used with field_color. |
``no_open_edit`` *boolean* (Default: value of ``no_open`` which is ``False`` if not set) |
Causes a many2one not to offer to click through in edit mode, but well in read mode |
``open`` *boolean* (Default: ``False``) |
Makes many2many_tags buttons that open the linked resource |
``no_color_picker`` *boolean* (Default: ``False``) |
Deactivates the color picker on many2many_tags buttons to do nothing (ignored if open is set) |
ir.config_parameter options |
--------------------------- |
Now you can disable "Create..." and "Create and Edit..." entry for all widgets in the odoo instance. |
If you disable one option, you can enable it for particular field by setting "create: True" option directly on the field definition. |
``web_m2x_options.create`` *boolean* (Default: depends if user have create rights) |
Whether to display the "Create..." entry in dropdown panel for all fields in the odoo instance. |
``web_m2x_options.create_edit`` *boolean* (Default: depends if user have create rights) |
Whether to display "Create and Edit..." entry in dropdown panel for all fields in the odoo instance. |
``web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog`` *boolean* (Default: depends if user have create rights) |
Whether to display the many2one dialog in case of validation error for all fields in the odoo instance. |
``web_m2x_options.limit`` *int* (Default: openerp default value is ``7``) |
Number of displayed record in drop-down panel for all fields in the odoo instance |
``web_m2x_options.search_more`` *boolean* (Default: default value is ``False``) |
Whether the field should always show "Search more..." entry or not. |
To add these parameters go to Configuration -> Technical -> Parameters -> System Parameters and add new parameters like: |
- web_m2x_options.create: False |
- web_m2x_options.create_edit: False |
- web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog: False |
- web_m2x_options.limit: 10 |
- web_m2x_options.search_more: True |
Example |
------- |
Your XML form view definition could contain:: |
... |
<field name="partner_id" options="{'limit': 10, 'create': false, 'create_edit': false, 'search_more':true 'field_color':'state', 'colors':{'active':'green'}}"/> |
... |
Known issues / Roadmap |
====================== |
Double check that you have no inherited view that remove ``options`` you set on a field ! |
If nothing works, add a debugger in the first line of ``_search method`` and enable debug mode in Odoo. When you write something in a many2one field, javascript debugger should pause. If not verify your installation. |
- Instead of making the tags rectangle clickable, I think it's better to put the text as a clickable link, so we will get a consistent behaviour/aspect with other clickable elements (many2one...). |
- In edit mode, it would be great to add an icon like the one on many2one fields to allow to open the many2many in a popup window. |
- Include this feature as a configurable option via parameter to have this behaviour by default in all many2many tags. |
Bug Tracker |
=========== |
Bugs are tracked on `GitHub Issues <https://github.com/OCA/web/issues>`_. |
In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. |
If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed |
`feedback <https://github.com/OCA/web/issues/new?body=module:%20web_m2x_options%0Aversion:%2011.0%0A%0A**Steps%20to%20reproduce**%0A-%20...%0A%0A**Current%20behavior**%0A%0A**Expected%20behavior**>`_. |
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues. |
Credits |
======= |
Authors |
~~~~~~~ |
* 0k.io |
* Tecnativa |
Contributors |
~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
* David Coninckx <davconinckx@gmail.com> |
* Emanuel Cino <ecino@compassion.ch> |
* Holger Brunn <hbrunn@therp.nl> |
* Nicolas JEUDY <nicolas@sudokeys.com> |
* Yannick Vaucher <yannick.vaucher@camptocamp.com> |
* Zakaria Makrelouf <z.makrelouf@gmail.com> |
* `Tecnativa <https://www.tecnativa.com>`_: |
* Jairo Llopis <jairo.llopis@tecnativa.com> |
* David Vidal <david.vidal@tecnativa.com> |
* Ernesto Tejeda <ernesto.tejeda87@gmail.com> |
Maintainers |
~~~~~~~~~~~ |
This module is maintained by the OCA. |
.. image:: https://odoo-community.org/logo.png |
:alt: Odoo Community Association |
:target: https://odoo-community.org |
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose |
mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and |
promote its widespread use. |
This module is part of the `OCA/web <https://github.com/OCA/web/tree/11.0/web_m2x_options>`_ project on GitHub. |
You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute. |
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