Oleg Bulkin
[IMP] web_widget_float_formula: Focused bug fix
* Refactor to address bug reported in #431 in more focused fashion, rather
than with broad try/catch
8 years ago
Dave Lasley
[FIX] web_widget_float_formula: Handle undefined and fix lint
* Handle undefined, or otherwise non-string parseable formula
* Fix lint issue on regex creation
8 years ago
Oleg Bulkin
[MIG] web_widget_float_formula: v9 with i18n
* Update JS to use v9 module system
* Fix non-functioning logic for obtaining the value of an input element
* Eliminate redundant calls (e.g. there were multiple calls to eval)
* Modify formula cleanup to use localized decimal point and thousands separator
* Add JS unit tests
8 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[PORT][REF] icon in description folder;
move module description into readme file;
use qweb file to include js file;
10 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[PORT][WIP] move web_widget_float_formula from 'unported' folder;
10 years ago
Holger Brunn
move all addons to __unported__, set all addons as not installable
11 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[FIX] remove company logo in the icon.png file.
11 years ago
Sylvain LE GAL
[REF] change the name of the module.
11 years ago