For accessing the timeline view, you have to click on the button with the clock icon in the view switcher. The first time you access to it, the timeline window is zoomed to fit all the current elements, the same as when you perform a search, filter or group by operation. You can use the mouse scroll to zoom in or out in the timeline, and click on any free area and drag for panning the view in that direction. The records of your model will be shown as rectangles whose widths are the duration of the event according our definition. You can select them clicking on this rectangle. You can also use Ctrl or Shift keys for adding discrete or range selections. Selected records are hightlighted with a different color (but the difference will be more noticeable depending on the background color). Once selected, you can drag and move the selected records across the timeline. When a record is selected, a red cross button appears on the upper left corner that allows to remove that record. This doesn't work for multiple records although they were selected. Records are grouped in different blocks depending on the group by criteria selected (if none is specified, then the default group by is applied). Dragging a record from one block to another change the corresponding field to the value that represents the block. You can also click on the group name to edit the involved record directly. Double-click on the record to edit it. Double-click in open area to create a new record with the group and start date linked to the area you clicked in. By holding the Ctrl key and dragging left to right, you can create a new record with the dragged start and end date.