/* Copyright 2017 LasLabs Inc.
* License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). */
odoo.define_section('web_widget_slick', ['web.core', 'web.form_common'], function(test) {
"use strict";
function appendWidget (core, formCommon, $fix) {
var fieldManager = new formCommon.DefaultFieldManager(null, {});
var node = {'attrs': {}};
var FieldSlickImages = core.form_widget_registry.get('one2many_slick_images');
var widget = new FieldSlickImages(fieldManager, node);
return widget;
function imageUrl (modelName, fieldName, id) {
return '/web/image/' + modelName + '/' + id + '/' + fieldName;
test('It should add a slick widget',
function(assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var slickContainerCount = $fix.find('.slick-container').length;
assert.strictEqual(slickContainerCount, 1);
test('.init() should add defaults to options',
function(assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var fieldManager = new formCommon.DefaultFieldManager(null, {});
var node = {'attrs': {}};
var FieldSlickImages = core.form_widget_registry.get('one2many_slick_images');
var widget = new FieldSlickImages(fieldManager, node);
widget.defaults.testing = 'tested';
widget.init(fieldManager, node);
assert.strictEqual(widget.options.testing, 'tested');
test('.destroy_content() should remove images',
function(assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var $slickImage = $('
widget.$slick.slick('slickAdd', $slickImage);
var slickImageCount = widget.$slick.find('img').length;
assert.strictEqual(slickImageCount, 0);
test('.destroy_content() should remove carousel',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var slickChildren = widget.$slick.children().length;
assert.strictEqual(slickChildren, 0);
test('.render_value() should add images corresponding to field value',
function(assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var fieldValues = [1, 2];
widget.set({'value': fieldValues});
var slickImages = widget.$slick.find('img');
var slickImageUrls = slickImages.map(function() {
return $(this).data('lazy');
var modelName = widget.options.modelName;
var fieldName = widget.options.fieldName;
var expectedUrls = fieldValues.map(function(id) {
return '/web/image/' + modelName + '/' + id + '/' + fieldName;
assert.deepEqual(slickImageUrls, expectedUrls);
test('._resizeCarousel() should resize the widget',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var $nosheet = $('');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $nosheet);
var setWidth = 50;
assert.notStrictEqual(widget.$slick.outerWidth(), setWidth);
test('._resizeCarousel() should be called when container is resized',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var $nosheet = $('');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $nosheet);
var setWidth = 50;
assert.notStrictEqual(widget.$slick.outerWidth(), setWidth);
test('._resizeLabelWidth() should return the width of the preceding ' +
'sibling label cell if it exists',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var width = 100;
var $cell = $(' | ');
var $labelCell = $(' | ');
assert.strictEqual(widget._resizeLabelWidth($cell), width);
test('._resizeLabelWidth() should return 0 if the previous sibling cell ' +
' of the provided element is not a label cell',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var width = '100px';
var $cell = $(' | ');
widget.$slick.append($(' | '));
assert.strictEqual(widget._resizeLabelWidth($cell), 0);
test('._resizeMarginWidth() should return the total left and right ' +
' margins of the provided element',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var elementStyle = 'margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 7px;';
var marginTotal = 19;
var $element = $('');
assert.strictEqual(widget._resizeMarginWidth($element), marginTotal);
test('._resizeMaxWidth() should return the width of the closest sheet element',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var $sheet1 = $('');
var $sheet2 = $('');
var expectedWidth = 266;
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $sheet2);
assert.strictEqual(widget._resizeMaxWidth(), expectedWidth);
test('._resizeMaxWidth() should return the width of the closest nosheet element',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var $nosheet1 = $('');
var $nosheet2 = $('');
var expectedWidth = 266;
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $nosheet2);
assert.strictEqual(widget._resizeMaxWidth(), expectedWidth);
test('._resizeScaledWidth() should return the provided integer, scaled' +
'to the % width in the provided element style attribute',
function (assert, core, formCommon) {
var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture');
var widget = appendWidget(core, formCommon, $fix);
var givenWidth = 100;
var widthPercent = 54;
var expectedWidth = widthPercent;
var $cell = $(' | ');
assert.strictEqual(widget._resizeScaledWidth($cell, givenWidth), expectedWidth);