/* License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). */ odoo.define("web_decimal_numpad_dot.FieldFloat", function (require) { "use strict"; var basic_fields = require("web.basic_fields"); var translation = require("web.translation"); var NumpadDotReplaceMixin = { l10n_decimal_point: function () { return this.formatType === "float_time" ? ":" : translation._t.database.parameters.decimal_point; }, _replaceAt: function (cur_val, from, to, replacement) { return cur_val.substring(0, from) + replacement + cur_val.substring(to); }, _onKeydown: function (event) { // Only act on numpad dot key if (event.keyCode !== 110) { return this._super.apply(this, arguments); } event.preventDefault(); var from = this.$input.prop("selectionStart"), to = this.$input.prop("selectionEnd"), cur_val = this.$input.val(), point = this.l10n_decimal_point(); var new_val = this._replaceAt(cur_val, from, to, point); this.$input.val(new_val); // Put user caret in place to = from + point.length; this.$input.prop("selectionStart", to).prop("selectionEnd", to); }, }; basic_fields.FieldFloat.include(NumpadDotReplaceMixin); basic_fields.FieldMonetary.include(NumpadDotReplaceMixin); return { NumpadDotReplaceMixin: NumpadDotReplaceMixin, }; });