# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Authors: Cédric Pigeon # Copyright (c) 2014 Acsone SA/NV (http://www.acsone.eu) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import logging import base64 import time import copy from lxml import etree as ET from openerp import models, fields, api, exceptions from openerp.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PAGE_PREFIX_PARAMETER = 'help_online_page_prefix' TEMPLATE_PREFIX_PARAMETER = 'help_online_template_prefix' AUTOBACKUP_PARAMETER = 'help_online_autobackup_path' HELP_ONLINE_SNIPPET_IMAGE_PATH = '/help_online/static/src/'\ 'img/snippet/snippet_thumbs.png' class ExportHelpWizard(models.TransientModel): _name = "export.help.wizard" _description = 'Export Help Online' data = fields.Binary('XML', readonly=True) export_filename = fields.Char('Export XML Filename', size=128) def _manage_images_on_page(self, page_node, data_node): """ - Extract images from page and generate a xml node - Replace db id in url with xml id """ def substitute_id_by_xml_id(img_elem): new_src = False attach_id = False img_src = img_elem.get('src') if 'id=' in img_src: id_pos = img_src.index('id=') + 3 attach_id = img_elem.get('src')[id_pos:] new_src = img_src.replace(attach_id, xml_id) else: fragments = img_src.split('ir.attachment/') attach_id, trail = fragments[1].split('_', 1) new_src = "/website/image/ir.attachment/%s|%s" % \ (xml_id, trail) return new_src, attach_id i_img = 0 img_model = 'ir.attachment' for img_elem in page_node.iter('img'): if img_model in img_elem.get('src'): i_img += 1 xml_id = "%s_img_%s" % \ (page_node.attrib['name'], str(i_img).rjust(2, '0')) new_src, attach_id = substitute_id_by_xml_id(img_elem) if not attach_id: continue image = self.env[img_model].browse(int(attach_id)) if not image: continue img_elem.attrib['src'] = new_src img_node = ET.SubElement(data_node, 'record', attrib={'id': xml_id, 'model': img_model}) field_node = ET.SubElement(img_node, 'field', attrib={'name': 'datas'}) field_node.text = str(image.datas) field_node = ET.SubElement(img_node, 'field', attrib={'name': 'datas_fname'}) field_node.text = image.datas_fname field_node = ET.SubElement(img_node, 'field', attrib={'name': 'name'}) field_node.text = image.name field_node = ET.SubElement(img_node, 'field', attrib={'name': 'res_model'}) field_node.text = image.res_model field_node = ET.SubElement(img_node, 'field', attrib={'name': 'mimetype'}) field_node.text = image.mimetype data_node.append(img_node) def _clean_href_urls(self, page_node, page_prefix, template_prefix): """ Remove host address for href urls """ for a_elem in page_node.iter('a'): if not a_elem.get('href'): continue href = a_elem.get('href') if not href.startswith('http'): continue page_url = '/page/%s' % page_prefix template_url = '/page/%s' % template_prefix if page_url not in href and template_url not in href: continue elif page_url in href and template_url not in href: pass elif page_url not in href and template_url in href: page_url = template_url else: if page_prefix in template_prefix: page_url = template_url else: pass if page_url: trail = href.split(page_url, 1)[1] a_elem.attrib['href'] = page_url + trail def _generate_snippet_from_template(self, page_node, template_id, template_prefix): """ Generate a website snippet from a template """ page = copy.deepcopy(page_node) snippet = ET.Element('template') snippet.attrib['id'] = template_id + '_snippet' snippet.attrib['inherit_id'] = 'website.snippets' snippet.attrib['name'] = page_node.attrib['name'] xpath = ET.SubElement(snippet, 'xpath', attrib={'expr': "//div[@id='snippet_structure']", 'position': 'inside'}) main_div = ET.SubElement(xpath, 'div') thumbnail = ET.SubElement(main_div, 'div', attrib={'class': 'oe_snippet_thumbnail'}) ET.SubElement(thumbnail, 'img', attrib={'class': 'oe_snippet_thumbnail_img', 'src': HELP_ONLINE_SNIPPET_IMAGE_PATH}) span = ET.SubElement(thumbnail, 'span', attrib={'class': 'oe_snippet_thumbnail_title'}) span.text = page_node.attrib['name'].replace(template_prefix, '') body = ET.SubElement(main_div, 'section', attrib={'class': 'oe_snippet_body ' 'mt_simple_snippet'}) template = page.find(".//div[@id='wrap']") for node in template.getchildren(): body.append(node) return snippet def _get_qweb_views_data(self): parameter_model = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] page_prefix = parameter_model.get_param(PAGE_PREFIX_PARAMETER, False) template_prefix = parameter_model.get_param(TEMPLATE_PREFIX_PARAMETER, False) if not page_prefix or not template_prefix: return False domain = [('type', '=', 'qweb'), ('page', '=', True), '|', ('name', 'like', '%s%%' % page_prefix), ('name', 'like', '%s%%' % template_prefix)] view_data_list = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search_read(domain, ['arch', 'name'], order='name') xml_to_export = ET.Element('openerp') data_node = ET.SubElement(xml_to_export, 'data') for view_data in view_data_list: parser = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) root = ET.XML(view_data['arch'], parser=parser) root.tag = 'template' template_id = root.attrib.pop('t-name') root.attrib['name'] = view_data['name'].replace('website.', '') root.attrib['id'] = template_id root.attrib['page'] = 'True' self._manage_images_on_page(root, data_node) self._clean_href_urls(root, page_prefix, template_prefix) data_node.append(root) if root.attrib['name'].startswith(template_prefix): snippet = self._generate_snippet_from_template(root, template_id, template_prefix) data_node.append(snippet) if len(view_data_list) > 0: return ET.tostring(xml_to_export, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) else: return False @api.multi def export_help(self): """ Export all Qweb views related to help online in a Odoo data XML file """ xml_data = self._get_qweb_views_data() if not xml_data: raise exceptions.Warning(_('No data to export !')) out = base64.encodestring(xml_data) self.write({'data': out, 'export_filename': 'help_online_data.xml'}) return { 'name': 'Help Online Export', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': self._name, 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_id': self.id, 'views': [(False, 'form')], 'target': 'new', } @api.model def auto_backup(self): """ Export data to a file on home directory of user """ parameter_model = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] autobackup_path = parameter_model.get_param(AUTOBACKUP_PARAMETER, False) if autobackup_path: xml_data = self._get_qweb_views_data() try: timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") filename = '%s/help_online_backup-%s.xml' % (autobackup_path, timestr) backup_file = open(filename, 'w') backup_file.write(xml_data) backup_file.close except: _logger.warning(_('Unable to write autobackup file ' 'in given directory: %s' % autobackup_path))