Note: Data added to the footer ``support_branding`` is not shown while using this module. * Provide full menu search feature instead of just App search * Drag drawer from left to open in mobile * Figure out how to test focus on hidden elements for keyboard nav tests * If you resize the window, body gets a wrong ``overflow: auto`` css property and you need to refresh your view or open/close the app drawer to fix that. * Override LESS styling to allow for responsive widget layouts * Adding ``oe_main_menu_navbar`` ID to the top navigation bar triggers some great styles, but also `JavaScript that causes issues on mobile `_ * Sticky header and footer in list view only works on certain browsers: (note that the used feature is in `thead`). * On Android (FireFox) - clicking the search icon does not focus the search input. * On Android (FireFox & Chrome) - clicking the search query input will show the on screen keyboard for a split second, but the App Drawer immediately closes and the keyboard closes with it. * Filter menu items completely on client-side, to make it smoother and allow users to filter on complete paths of menus and not only on the last item.