openerp.web_translate_dialog = function (instance) { "use strict"; var QWeb = instance.web.qweb, _t = instance.web._t, _lt = instance.web._lt; instance.web.FormView.include({ load_form: function(data) { var self = this; this._super(data); if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.add_items('other', _.compact([ self.is_action_enabled('edit') && { label: _t('Translate'), callback: self.on_button_translate }, ])); } }, on_button_translate: function() { var self = this; $.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function() { self.open_translate_dialog(this); }); }, }); instance.web.View.include({ open_translate_dialog: function() { new instance.web_translate_dialog.TranslateDialog(this).open(); } }); instance.web_translate_dialog.TranslateDialog = instance.web.Dialog.extend({ template: "TranslateDialog", init: function(parent, options, content) { this._super(parent, {title: _t("Translations"), width: '90%', height: '80%'}, content); this.view_language = this.session.user_context.lang; this.view = parent; this.view_type = parent.fields_view.type || ''; this.$view_form = null; this.$sidebar_form = null; this.translatable_fields_keys = || [], function(i) { return;}); this.languages = null; this.languages_loaded = $.Deferred(); (new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'res.lang', this.view.dataset.get_context(), [['translatable', '=', '1']])) .read_slice(['code', 'name'], { sort: 'id' }) .then(this.on_languages_loaded); }, on_languages_loaded: function(langs) { this.languages = langs; this.languages_loaded.resolve(); }, open: function() { var self = this, sup = this._super; // the template needs the languages $.when(this.languages_loaded).then(function() { return; }); }, start: function() { var self = this; this.$el.find('.oe_translation_field').change(function() { $(this).toggleClass('touched', ($(this).val() != $(this).attr('data-value'))); }); this.$buttons.html(QWeb.render("TranslateDialog.buttons")); this.$buttons.find(".oe_form_translate_dialog_save_button").click(function(){ self.on_button_save(); self.on_button_close(); }); this.$buttons.find(".oe_form_translate_dialog_cancel_button").click(function(){ self.on_button_close(); }); this.initialize_html_fields(); this.do_load_fields_values(); }, initialize_html_fields: function() { this.$el.find('.oe_form_field_html textarea').each(function() { var $textarea = $(this); var width = 100; // forced to fixed size on initialization // will be changed to percentage right after // the creation var height = 250; $textarea.cleditor({ width: width, // width not including margins, borders or padding height: height, // height not including margins, borders or padding controls: // controls to add to the toolbar "bold italic underline strikethrough " + "| removeformat | bullets numbering | outdent " + "indent | link unlink | source", bodyStyle: // style to assign to document body contained within the editor "margin:4px; color:#4c4c4c; font-size:13px; font-family:'Lucida Grande',Helvetica,Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; cursor:text" }); var $cleditor = $textarea.cleditor()[0]; // Down to -- end, this is a workaround for the bug // // The editor is initially created with a fixed size so // the buggy event is not bound to $(window), then we restore // a percentage width and bind the "normal" event without the // CHM's buggy change. $cleditor.$main.width('95%'); $cleditor.options.width = '95%'; $(window).resize(function() { //Forcefully blurred iframe contentWindow, chrome, IE, safari doesn't trigger blur on window resize and due to which text disappears var contentWindow = $cleditor.$frame[0].contentWindow; if(!$.browser.mozilla && contentWindow){ $(contentWindow).trigger('blur'); } }); $cleditor.refresh(); // -- end $cleditor.change(function() { this.updateTextArea(); this.$area.toggleClass('touched', (this.$area.val() != this.$area.attr('data-value'))); }); }); }, set_fields_values: function(lang, values) { var self = this; _.each(this.translatable_fields_keys, function(f) { self.$el.find('.oe_translation_field[name="' + lang.code + '-' + f + '"]') .val(values[f] || '') .attr('data-value', values[f] || ''); var $tarea = self.$el.find('.oe_form_field_html .oe_translation_field[name="' + lang.code + '-' + f + '"]'); if ($tarea.length) { $tarea.cleditor()[0].updateFrame(); } }); var $textarea = this.$el.find('textarea.oe_translation_field'); $textarea.css({minHeight:'100px'}); $textarea.autosize(); $(window).resize(); // triggers the autosize }, do_load_fields_values: function() { var self = this, deferred = []; this.$el.find('.oe_translation_field').val('').removeClass('touched'); _.each(self.languages, function(lg) { var deff = $.Deferred(); deferred.push(deff); if (lg.code === self.view_language) { var values = {}; _.each(self.translatable_fields_keys, function(field) { values[field] = self.view.fields[field].get_value(); }); self.set_fields_values(lg, values); deff.resolve(); } else { 'read', [[], self.translatable_fields_keys, self.view.dataset.get_context({ 'lang': lg.code })]).done(function (rows) { self.set_fields_values(lg, rows[0]); deff.resolve(); }); }; }); return deferred; }, on_button_save: function() { var translations = {}, self = this, translation_mutex = new $.Mutex(); self.$el.find('.oe_translation_field.touched').each(function() { var field = $(this).attr('name').split('-'); if (!translations[field[0]]) { translations[field[0]] = {}; } translations[field[0]][field[1]] = $(this).val(); }); _.each(translations, function(data, code) { if (code === self.view_language) { self.view.set_values(data); } translation_mutex.exec(function() { return new instance.web.DataSet(self, self.view.dataset.model, self.view.dataset.get_context()).write(, data, { context : { 'lang': code }}); }); }); this.close(); }, on_button_close: function() { this.close(); }, }); instance.web.form.AbstractField.include({ on_translate: function() { // the image next to the fields opens the translate dialog this.view.open_translate_dialog(); }, }); };