# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################ # See Copyright and Licence Informations undermentioned. ################################################################################ { 'name': 'Multicompany - Easy Switch Company', 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'web', 'description': """ Add menu to allow user to switch to another company more easily =============================================================== Functionnality: --------------- * Add a new menu in the top bar to switch to another company more easily; * Remove the old behaviour to switch company; Documentations: --------------- * Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpm6dg-IEQQ Technical informations: ----------------------- * Create a field function 'logo_topbar' in res_company to have a good resized logo; Limits : -------- * It would be interesting to show the structure of the companies; Copyright, Author and Licence: ------------------------------ * Copyright: 2014, Groupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité * Author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain); * Licence: AGPL-3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/) """, 'author': 'GRAP', 'website': 'http://www.grap.coop', 'license': 'AGPL-3', 'depends': [ 'web', ], 'data': [ 'view/res_users_view.xml', ], 'demo': [], 'js': [ 'static/src/js/switch_company.js', ], 'css': [], 'qweb': [ 'static/src/xml/switch_company.xml', ], 'images': [], 'post_load': '', 'application': False, 'installable': True, 'auto_install': False, }