# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2016 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html) from openerp import models, api, exceptions @api.multi def check_access_rule_all(self, operations=None): """Verifies that the operation given by ``operations`` is allowed for the user according to ir.rules. If ``operations`` is empty, it returns the result for all actions. :param operation: a list of ``read``, ``create``, ``write``, ``unlink`` :return: {operation: access} (access is a boolean) """ if operations is None: operations = ['read', 'create', 'write', 'unlink'] result = {} for operation in operations: if self.is_transient() and not self.ids: # If we call check_access_rule() without id, it will try to run a # SELECT without ID which will crash, so we just blindly allow the # operations result[operation] = True continue try: self.check_access_rule(operation) except exceptions.AccessError: result[operation] = False else: result[operation] = True return result # Could be any model, we just use a core model to have a 'register_hook' class IrModel(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.model' def _register_hook(self, cr): # Add method check_access_rule_all for all models models.BaseModel.check_access_rule_all = check_access_rule_all return super(IrModel, self)._register_hook(cr)