## -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################# ## See __openerp__.py file for Copyright and Licence Informations. ################################################################################# from openerp.osv.orm import Model from openerp.osv import fields from openerp.tools import image_resize_image class res_company(Model): _inherit = 'res.company' ### Custom Section def _switch_company_get_companies_from_partner(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): return self.pool['res.company'].search(cr, uid, [('partner_id', 'in', ids)], context=context) ### Fields function Section def _get_logo_topbar(self, cr, uid, ids, _field_name, _args, context=None): result = dict.fromkeys(ids, False) for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): size = (48, 48) result[record.id] = image_resize_image(record.partner_id.image, size) return result ### Columns Section _columns = { 'logo_topbar': fields.function(_get_logo_topbar, string="Logo displayed in the switch company menu", type="binary", store={ 'res.company': (lambda s, c, u, i, x: i, ['partner_id'], 10), 'res.partner': (_switch_company_get_companies_from_partner, ['image'], 10), }), }