You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
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openerp.web_graph_radar = function(instance) {
var _t = instance.web._t;
template: 'GraphWidgetRadar',
radar: function() {
var self = this,
dim_x = this.pivot.rows.groupby.length,
dim_y = this.pivot.cols.groupby.length,
// No groupby
if ((dim_x === 0) && (dim_y === 0)) {
data = [{key: _t('Total'), values:[{
label: _t('Total'),
value: this.pivot.get_total()[0],
// Only column groupbys
} else if ((dim_x === 0) && (dim_y >= 1)){
data =, function (header) {
return {
key: header.title,
values: [{label:header.title, value: self.pivot.get_total(header)[0]}]
// Just 1 row groupby
} else if ((dim_x === 1) && (dim_y === 0)) {
data =, function(measure, i) {
var series =, function (pt) {
var value = self.pivot.get_total(pt)[i],
title = (pt.title !== undefined) ? pt.title : _t('Undefined');
return {label: title, value: value};
return {key: self.pivot.measures[i].string, values:series};
// 1 row groupby and some col groupbys
} else if ((dim_x === 1) && (dim_y >= 1)) {
data =, function (colhdr) {
var values =, function (header) {
return {
label: header.title || _t('Undefined'),
value: self.pivot.get_values(,[0] || 0
return {key: colhdr.title || _t('Undefined'), values: values};
// At least two row groupby
} else {
var keys = _.uniq(, function (hdr) {
return hdr.title || _t('Undefined');
data =, function (key) {
var values =, function (hdr) {
var subhdr = _.find(hdr.children, function (child) {
return ((child.title === key) || ((child.title === undefined) && (key === _t('Undefined'))));
return {
label: hdr.title || _t('Undefined'),
value: (subhdr) ? self.pivot.get_total(subhdr)[0] : 0
return {key:key, values: values};
nv.addGraph(function () {
var chart = nv.models.radarChart();
chart.margin({left:200, top:20, bottom:20});
.attr('width', self.width)
.attr('height', self.height)
return chart;