You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

316 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright 2016 LasLabs Inc.
* License LGPL-3.0 or later ( */
odoo.define('web_responsive', function(require) {
'use strict';
var Menu = require('web.Menu');
var Class = require('web.Class');
var SearchView = require('web.SearchView');
var core = require('web.core');
var config = require('web.config');
var ViewManager = require('web.ViewManager');
// Force all_outside to prevent app icons from going into more menu
reflow: function() {
/* Overload to collapse unwanted visible submenus
* @param allow_open bool Switch to allow submenus to be opened
open_menu: function(id, allowOpen) {
if (allowOpen) {
var $clicked_menu = this.$secondary_menus.find('a[data-menu=' + id + ']');
$clicked_menu.parents('.oe_secondary_submenu').css('display', '');
// Prevent focus of search field on mobile devices
toggle_visibility: function(is_visible) {
'focus', $.proxy(this.preventMobileFocus, this));
return this._super(is_visible);
// It prevents focusing of search el on mobile
preventMobileFocus: function(event) {
if (this.isMobile()) {
// For lack of Modernizr, TouchEvent will do
isMobile: function() {
try {
return true;
} catch (ex) {
return false;
var AppDrawer = Class.extend({
LEFT: 'left',
RIGHT: 'right',
UP: 'up',
DOWN: 'down',
isOpen: false,
keyBuffer: '',
keyBufferTime: 500,
keyBufferTimeoutEvent: false,
dropdownHeightFactor: 0.90,
initialized: false,
init: function() {
this.directionCodes = {
'left': this.LEFT,
'right': this.RIGHT,
'up': this.UP,
'pageup': this.UP,
'down': this.DOWN,
'pagedown': this.DOWN,
'+': this.RIGHT,
'-': this.LEFT
var $clickZones = $('.odoo_webclient_container, ' +
'a.oe_menu_leaf, ' +
'a.oe_menu_toggler, ' +
'a.oe_logo, ' +
$$.proxy(this.handleClickZones, this));
core.bus.on('resize', this, this.handleWindowResize);
core.bus.on('keydown', this, this.handleNavKeys);
// It provides initialization handlers for Drawer
initDrawer: function() {
this.$el = $('.drawer');
this.$'drawer.opened', $.proxy(this.onDrawerOpen, this));
this.$el.on('drawer.opened', function setIScrollProbes() {
var onIScroll = function() {
var transform = this.iScroll.y ? this.iScroll.y * -1 : 0;
'transform', 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, ' + transform + ')'
// Scroll probe aggressiveness level
// 2 == always executes the scroll event except during momentum and bounce.
this.iScroll.options.probeType = 2;
// Set options because
this.iScroll.on('scroll', $.proxy(onIScroll, this));
this.initialized = true;
// It provides handlers to hide drawer when "unfocused"
handleClickZones: function() {
// It resizes bootstrap dropdowns for screen
handleWindowResize: function() {
'max-height', $(window).height() * this.dropdownHeightFactor
// It provides keyboard shortcuts for app drawer nav
handleNavKeys: function(e) {
if (!this.isOpen) {
var directionCode = $.hotkeys.specialKeys[e.keyCode.toString()];
if (Object.keys(this.directionCodes).indexOf(directionCode) !== -1) {
var $link = this.findAdjacentAppLink(
this.$el.find('a:first, a:focus').last(),
} else if ($.hotkeys.specialKeys[e.keyCode.toString()] === 'esc') {
} else {
var buffer = this.handleKeyBuffer(e.keyCode);
/* It adds to keybuffer, sets expire timer, and returns buffer
* @returns str of current buffer
handleKeyBuffer: function(keyCode) {
this.keyBuffer += String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
if (this.keyBufferTimeoutEvent) {
this.keyBufferTimeoutEvent = setTimeout(
$.proxy(this.clearKeyBuffer, this),
return this.keyBuffer;
clearKeyBuffer: function() {
this.keyBuffer = '';
/* It performs close actions
* @fires ``drawer.closed`` to the ``core.bus``
* @listens ``drawer.opened`` and sends to onDrawerOpen
onDrawerClose: function() {
this.$'drawer.opened', $.proxy(this.onDrawerOpen, this));
this.isOpen = false;
// Remove inline style inserted by drawer.js
this.$el.css("overflow", "");
/* It finds app links and register event handlers
* @fires ``drawer.opened`` to the ``core.bus``
* @listens ``drawer.closed`` and sends to :meth:``onDrawerClose``
onDrawerOpen: function() {
this.$appLinks = $('.app-drawer-icon-app').parent();
this.$'drawer.closed', $.proxy(this.onDrawerClose, this));
this.isOpen = true;
// It selects an app link visibly
selectAppLink: function($appLink) {
if ($appLink) {
/* It returns first App Link by its name according to query
* @param query str to search
* @return jQuery obj
searchAppLinks: function(query) {
return this.$appLinks.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('menuName').toUpperCase().startsWith(query);
/* It returns the link adjacent to $appLink in provided direction.
* It also handles edge cases in the following ways:
* * Moves to last link if LEFT on first
* * Moves to first link if PREV on last
* * Moves to first link of following row if RIGHT on last in row
* * Moves to last link of previous row if LEFT on first in row
* * Moves to top link in same column if DOWN on bottom row
* * Moves to bottom link in same column if UP on top row
* @param $appLink jQuery obj of App icon link
* @param direction str of direction to go (constants LEFT, UP, etc.)
* @return jQuery obj for adjacent applink
findAdjacentAppLink: function($appLink, direction) {
var obj = [],
$objs = this.$appLinks;
switch (direction) {
case this.LEFT:
obj = $objs[$objs.index($appLink) - 1];
if (!obj) {
obj = $objs[$objs.length - 1];
case this.RIGHT:
obj = $objs[$objs.index($appLink) + 1];
if (!obj) {
obj = $objs[0];
case this.UP:
$objs = this.getRowObjs($appLink, this.$appLinks);
obj = $objs[$objs.index($appLink) - 1];
if (!obj) {
obj = $objs[$objs.length - 1];
case this.DOWN:
$objs = this.getRowObjs($appLink, this.$appLinks);
obj = $objs[$objs.index($appLink) + 1];
if (!obj) {
obj = $objs[0];
if (obj.length) {
return $(obj);
/* It returns els in the same row
* @param @obj jQuery object to get row for
* @param $grid jQuery objects representing grid
* @return $objs jQuery objects of row
getRowObjs: function($obj, $grid) {
// Filter by object which middle lies within left/right bounds
function filterWithin(left, right) {
return function() {
var $this = $(this),
thisMiddle = $this.offset().left + $this.width() / 2;
return thisMiddle >= left && thisMiddle <= right;
var left = $obj.offset().left,
right = left + $obj.outerWidth();
return $grid.filter(filterWithin(left, right));
// It inits a new AppDrawer when the web client is ready
core.bus.on('web_client_ready', null, function() {
return new AppDrawer();
// if we are in small screen change default view to kanban if exists
get_default_view: function() {
var default_view = this._super();
if (config.device.size_class <= config.device.SIZES.XS &&
default_view.type !== 'kanban' &&
this.views.kanban) {
default_view.type = 'kanban';
return default_view;
return {
'AppDrawer': AppDrawer,
'SearchView': SearchView,
'Menu': Menu,
'ViewManager': ViewManager,