You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1392 lines
52 KiB

/** @preserve
jSignature v2 "${buildDate}" "${commitID}"
Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corp
Copyright (c) 2010 Brinley Ang
MIT License <>
;(function() {
var apinamespace = 'jSignature'
Allows one to delay certain eventual action by setting up a timer for it and allowing one to delay it
by "kick"ing it. Sorta like "kick the can down the road"
@returns {Type}
var KickTimerClass = function(time, callback) {
var timer
this.kick = function() {
timer = setTimeout(
, time
this.clear = function() {
return this
var PubSubClass = function(context){
'use strict'
/* @preserve
JavaScript PubSub library
2012 (c) Willow Systems Corp (
based on Peter Higgins (
Loosely based on Dojo publish/subscribe API, limited in scope. Rewritten blindly.
Original is (c) Dojo Foundation 2004-2010. Released under either AFL or new BSD, see: for more information.
this.topics = {}
// here we choose what will be "this" for the called events.
// if context is defined, it's context. Else, 'this' is this instance of PubSub
this.context = context ? context : this
* Allows caller to emit an event and pass arguments to event listeners.
* @public
* @function
* @param topic {String} Name of the channel on which to voice this event
* @param **arguments Any number of arguments you want to pass to the listeners of this event.
this.publish = function(topic, arg1, arg2, etc) {
'use strict'
if (this.topics[topic]) {
var currentTopic = this.topics[topic]
, args =, 1)
, toremove = []
, fn
, i, l
, pair
for (i = 0, l = currentTopic.length; i < l; i++) {
pair = currentTopic[i] // this is a [function, once_flag] array
fn = pair[0]
if (pair[1] /* 'run once' flag set */){
pair[0] = function(){}
fn.apply(this.context, args)
for (i = 0, l = toremove.length; i < l; i++) {
currentTopic.splice(toremove[i], 1)
* Allows listener code to subscribe to channel and be called when data is available
* @public
* @function
* @param topic {String} Name of the channel on which to voice this event
* @param callback {Function} Executable (function pointer) that will be ran when event is voiced on this channel.
* @param once {Boolean} (optional. False by default) Flag indicating if the function is to be triggered only once.
* @returns {Object} A token object that cen be used for unsubscribing.
this.subscribe = function(topic, callback, once) {
'use strict'
if (!this.topics[topic]) {
this.topics[topic] = [[callback, once]];
} else {
return {
"topic": topic,
"callback": callback
* Allows listener code to unsubscribe from a channel
* @public
* @function
* @param token {Object} A token object that was returned by `subscribe` method
this.unsubscribe = function(token) {
if (this.topics[token.topic]) {
var currentTopic = this.topics[token.topic]
for (var i = 0, l = currentTopic.length; i < l; i++) {
if (currentTopic[i][0] === token.callback) {
currentTopic.splice(i, 1)
/// Returns front, back and "decor" colors derived from element (as jQuery obj)
function getColors($e){
var tmp
, undef
, frontcolor = $e.css('color')
, backcolor
, e = $e[0]
var toOfDOM = false
while(e && !backcolor && !toOfDOM){
tmp = $(e).css('background-color')
} catch (ex) {
tmp = 'transparent'
if (tmp !== 'transparent' && tmp !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'){
backcolor = tmp
toOfDOM = e.body
e = e.parentNode
var rgbaregex = /rgb[a]*\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)/ // modern browsers
, hexregex = /#([AaBbCcDdEeFf\d]{2})([AaBbCcDdEeFf\d]{2})([AaBbCcDdEeFf\d]{2})/ // IE 8 and less.
, frontcolorcomponents
// Decomposing Front color into R, G, B ints
tmp = undef
tmp = frontcolor.match(rgbaregex)
if (tmp){
frontcolorcomponents = {'r':parseInt(tmp[1],10),'g':parseInt(tmp[2],10),'b':parseInt(tmp[3],10)}
} else {
tmp = frontcolor.match(hexregex)
if (tmp) {
frontcolorcomponents = {'r':parseInt(tmp[1],16),'g':parseInt(tmp[2],16),'b':parseInt(tmp[3],16)}
// if(!frontcolorcomponents){
// frontcolorcomponents = {'r':255,'g':255,'b':255}
// }
var backcolorcomponents
// Decomposing back color into R, G, B ints
// HIghly unlikely since this means that no background styling was applied to any element from here to top of dom.
// we'll pick up back color from front color
if (Math.max.apply(null, [frontcolorcomponents.r, frontcolorcomponents.g, frontcolorcomponents.b]) > 127){
backcolorcomponents = {'r':0,'g':0,'b':0}
} else {
backcolorcomponents = {'r':255,'g':255,'b':255}
} else {
// arg!!! front color is in format we don't understand (hsl, named colors)
// Let's just go with white background.
backcolorcomponents = {'r':255,'g':255,'b':255}
} else {
tmp = undef
tmp = backcolor.match(rgbaregex)
if (tmp){
backcolorcomponents = {'r':parseInt(tmp[1],10),'g':parseInt(tmp[2],10),'b':parseInt(tmp[3],10)}
} else {
tmp = backcolor.match(hexregex)
if (tmp) {
backcolorcomponents = {'r':parseInt(tmp[1],16),'g':parseInt(tmp[2],16),'b':parseInt(tmp[3],16)}
// if(!backcolorcomponents){
// backcolorcomponents = {'r':0,'g':0,'b':0}
// }
// Deriving Decor color
// THis is LAZY!!!! Better way would be to use HSL and adjust luminocity. However, that could be an overkill.
var toRGBfn = function(o){return 'rgb(' + [o.r, o.g, o.b].join(', ') + ')'}
, decorcolorcomponents
, frontcolorbrightness
, adjusted
if (frontcolorcomponents && backcolorcomponents){
var backcolorbrightness = Math.max.apply(null, [frontcolorcomponents.r, frontcolorcomponents.g, frontcolorcomponents.b])
frontcolorbrightness = Math.max.apply(null, [backcolorcomponents.r, backcolorcomponents.g, backcolorcomponents.b])
adjusted = Math.round(frontcolorbrightness + (-1 * (frontcolorbrightness - backcolorbrightness) * 0.75)) // "dimming" the difference between pen and back.
decorcolorcomponents = {'r':adjusted,'g':adjusted,'b':adjusted} // always shade of gray
} else if (frontcolorcomponents) {
frontcolorbrightness = Math.max.apply(null, [frontcolorcomponents.r, frontcolorcomponents.g, frontcolorcomponents.b])
var polarity = +1
if (frontcolorbrightness > 127){
polarity = -1
// shifting by 25% (64 points on RGB scale)
adjusted = Math.round(frontcolorbrightness + (polarity * 96)) // "dimming" the pen's color by 75% to get decor color.
decorcolorcomponents = {'r':adjusted,'g':adjusted,'b':adjusted} // always shade of gray
} else {
decorcolorcomponents = {'r':191,'g':191,'b':191} // always shade of gray
return {
'color': frontcolor
, 'background-color': backcolorcomponents? toRGBfn(backcolorcomponents) : backcolor
, 'decor-color': toRGBfn(decorcolorcomponents)
function Vector(x,y){
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.reverse = function(){
return new this.constructor(
this.x * -1
, this.y * -1
this._length = null
this.getLength = function(){
if (!this._length){
this._length = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y, 2) )
return this._length
var polarity = function (e){
return Math.round(e / Math.abs(e))
this.resizeTo = function(length){
// proportionally changes x,y such that the hypotenuse (vector length) is = new length
if (this.x === 0 && this.y === 0){
this._length = 0
} else if (this.x === 0){
this._length = length
this.y = length * polarity(this.y)
} else if(this.y === 0){
this._length = length
this.x = length * polarity(this.x)
} else {
var proportion = Math.abs(this.y / this.x)
, x = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(length, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(proportion, 2)))
, y = proportion * x
this._length = length
this.x = x * polarity(this.x)
this.y = y * polarity(this.y)
return this
* Calculates the angle between 'this' vector and another.
* @public
* @function
* @returns {Number} The angle between the two vectors as measured in PI.
this.angleTo = function(vectorB) {
var divisor = this.getLength() * vectorB.getLength()
if (divisor === 0) {
return 0
} else {
// JavaScript floating point math is screwed up.
// because of it, the core of the formula can, on occasion, have values
// over 1.0 and below -1.0.
return Math.acos(
( this.x * vectorB.x + this.y * vectorB.y ) / divisor
, -1.0
, 1.0
) / Math.PI
function Point(x,y){
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.getVectorToCoordinates = function (x, y) {
return new Vector(x - this.x, y - this.y)
this.getVectorFromCoordinates = function (x, y) {
return this.getVectorToCoordinates(x, y).reverse()
this.getVectorToPoint = function (point) {
return new Vector(point.x - this.x, point.y - this.y)
this.getVectorFromPoint = function (point) {
return this.getVectorToPoint(point).reverse()
* About data structure:
* We don't store / deal with "pictures" this signature capture code captures "vectors"
* We don't store bitmaps. We store "strokes" as arrays of arrays. (Actually, arrays of objects containing arrays of coordinates.
* Stroke = mousedown + mousemoved * n (+ mouseup but we don't record that as that was the "end / lack of movement" indicator)
* Vectors = not classical vectors where numbers indicated shift relative last position. Our vectors are actually coordinates against top left of canvas.
* we could calc the classical vectors, but keeping the the actual coordinates allows us (through Math.max / min)
* to calc the size of resulting drawing very quickly. If we want classical vectors later, we can always get them in backend code.
* So, the data structure:
* var data = [
* { // stroke starts
* x : [101, 98, 57, 43] // x points
* , y : [1, 23, 65, 87] // y points
* } // stroke ends
* , { // stroke starts
* x : [55, 56, 57, 58] // x points
* , y : [101, 97, 54, 4] // y points
* } // stroke ends
* , { // stroke consisting of just a dot
* x : [53] // x points
* , y : [151] // y points
* } // stroke ends
* ]
* we don't care or store stroke width (it's canvas-size-relative), color, shadow values. These can be added / changed on whim post-capture.
function DataEngine(storageObject, context, startStrokeFn, addToStrokeFn, endStrokeFn){ = storageObject // we expect this to be an instance of Array
this.context = context
if (storageObject.length){
// we have data to render
var numofstrokes = storageObject.length
, stroke
, numofpoints
for (var i = 0; i < numofstrokes; i++){
stroke = storageObject[i]
numofpoints = stroke.x.length, stroke)
for(var j = 1; j < numofpoints; j++){, stroke, j)
}, stroke)
this.changed = function(){}
this.startStrokeFn = startStrokeFn
this.addToStrokeFn = addToStrokeFn
this.endStrokeFn = endStrokeFn
this.inStroke = false
this._lastPoint = null
this._stroke = null
this.startStroke = function(point){
if(point && typeof(point.x) == "number" && typeof(point.y) == "number"){
this._stroke = {'x':[point.x], 'y':[point.y]}
this._lastPoint = point
this.inStroke = true
// 'this' does not work same inside setTimeout(
var stroke = this._stroke
, fn = this.startStrokeFn
, context = this.context
// some IE's don't support passing args per setTimeout API. Have to create closure every time instead.
function() {, stroke)}
, 3
return point
} else {
return null
// that "5" at the very end of this if is important to explain.
// we do NOT render links between two captured points (in the middle of the stroke) if the distance is shorter than that number.
// not only do we NOT render it, we also do NOT capture (add) these intermediate points to storage.
// when clustering of these is too tight, it produces noise on the line, which, because of smoothing, makes lines too curvy.
// maybe, later, we can expose this as a configurable setting of some sort.
this.addToStroke = function(point){
if (this.inStroke &&
typeof(point.x) === "number" &&
typeof(point.y) === "number" &&
// calculates absolute shift in diagonal pixels away from original point
(Math.abs(point.x - this._lastPoint.x) + Math.abs(point.y - this._lastPoint.y)) > 4
var positionInStroke = this._stroke.x.length
this._lastPoint = point
var stroke = this._stroke
, fn = this.addToStrokeFn
, context = this.context
// some IE's don't support passing args per setTimeout API. Have to create closure every time instead.
function() {, stroke, positionInStroke)}
, 3
return point
} else {
return null
this.endStroke = function(){
var c = this.inStroke
this.inStroke = false
this._lastPoint = null
if (c){
var stroke = this._stroke
, fn = this.endStrokeFn // 'this' does not work same inside setTimeout(
, context = this.context
, changedfn = this.changed
// some IE's don't support passing args per setTimeout API. Have to create closure every time instead.
function(){, stroke)
, 3
return true
} else {
return null
var basicDot = function(ctx, x, y, size){
var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.strokeStyle
ctx.fillRect(x + size / -2 , y + size / -2, size, size)
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle
, basicLine = function(ctx, startx, starty, endx, endy){
ctx.moveTo(startx, starty)
ctx.lineTo(endx, endy)
, basicCurve = function(ctx, startx, starty, endx, endy, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y){
ctx.moveTo(startx, starty)
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, endx, endy)
, strokeStartCallback = function(stroke) {
// this = jSignatureClass instance
basicDot(this.canvasContext, stroke.x[0], stroke.y[0], this.settings.lineWidth)
, strokeAddCallback = function(stroke, positionInStroke){
// this = jSignatureClass instance
// Because we are funky this way, here we draw TWO curves.
// 1. POSSIBLY "this line" - spanning from point right before us, to this latest point.
// 2. POSSIBLY "prior curve" - spanning from "latest point" to the one before it.
// Why you ask?
// long lines (ones with many pixels between them) do not look good when they are part of a large curvy stroke.
// You know, the jaggedy crocodile spine instead of a pretty, smooth curve. Yuck!
// We want to approximate pretty curves in-place of those ugly lines.
// To approximate a very nice curve we need to know the direction of line before and after.
// Hence, on long lines we actually wait for another point beyond it to come back from
// mousemoved before we draw this curve.
// So for "prior curve" to be calc'ed we need 4 points
// A, B, C, D (we are on D now, A is 3 points in the past.)
// and 3 lines:
// pre-line (from points A to B),
// this line (from points B to C), (we call it "this" because if it was not yet, it's the only one we can draw for sure.)
// post-line (from points C to D) (even through D point is 'current' we don't know how we can draw it yet)
// Well, actually, we don't need to *know* the point A, just the vector A->B
var Cpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-1], stroke.y[positionInStroke-1])
, Dpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke], stroke.y[positionInStroke])
, CDvector = Cpoint.getVectorToPoint(Dpoint)
// Again, we have a chance here to draw TWO things:
// BC Curve (only if it's long, because if it was short, it was drawn by previous callback) and
// CD Line (only if it's short)
// So, let's start with BC curve.
// if there is only 2 points in stroke array, we don't have "history" long enough to have point B, let alone point A.
// Falling through to drawing line CD is proper, as that's the only line we have points for.
if(positionInStroke > 1) {
// we are here when there are at least 3 points in stroke array.
var Bpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-2], stroke.y[positionInStroke-2])
, BCvector = Bpoint.getVectorToPoint(Cpoint)
, ABvector
if(BCvector.getLength() > this.lineCurveThreshold){
// Yey! Pretty curves, here we come!
if(positionInStroke > 2) {
// we are here when at least 4 points in stroke array.
ABvector = (new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-3], stroke.y[positionInStroke-3])).getVectorToPoint(Bpoint)
} else {
ABvector = new Vector(0,0)
var minlenfraction = 0.05
, maxlen = BCvector.getLength() * 0.35
, ABCangle = BCvector.angleTo(ABvector.reverse())
, BCDangle = CDvector.angleTo(BCvector.reverse())
, BCP1vector = new Vector(ABvector.x + BCvector.x, ABvector.y + BCvector.y).resizeTo(
Math.max(minlenfraction, ABCangle) * maxlen
, CCP2vector = (new Vector(BCvector.x + CDvector.x, BCvector.y + CDvector.y)).reverse().resizeTo(
Math.max(minlenfraction, BCDangle) * maxlen
, Bpoint.x
, Bpoint.y
, Cpoint.x
, Cpoint.y
, Bpoint.x + BCP1vector.x
, Bpoint.y + BCP1vector.y
, Cpoint.x + CCP2vector.x
, Cpoint.y + CCP2vector.y
if(CDvector.getLength() <= this.lineCurveThreshold){
, Cpoint.x
, Cpoint.y
, Dpoint.x
, Dpoint.y
, strokeEndCallback = function(stroke){
// this = jSignatureClass instance
// Here we tidy up things left unfinished in last strokeAddCallback run.
// What's POTENTIALLY left unfinished there is the curve between the last points
// in the stroke, if the len of that line is more than lineCurveThreshold
// If the last line was shorter than lineCurveThreshold, it was drawn there, and there
// is nothing for us here to do.
// We can also be called when there is only one point in the stroke (meaning, the
// stroke was just a dot), in which case, again, there is nothing for us to do.
// So for "this curve" to be calc'ed we need 3 points
// A, B, C
// and 2 lines:
// pre-line (from points A to B),
// this line (from points B to C)
// Well, actually, we don't need to *know* the point A, just the vector A->B
// so, we really need points B, C and AB vector.
var positionInStroke = stroke.x.length - 1
if (positionInStroke > 0){
// there are at least 2 points in the stroke.we are in business.
var Cpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke], stroke.y[positionInStroke])
, Bpoint = new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-1], stroke.y[positionInStroke-1])
, BCvector = Bpoint.getVectorToPoint(Cpoint)
, ABvector
if (BCvector.getLength() > this.lineCurveThreshold){
// yep. This one was left undrawn in prior callback. Have to draw it now.
if (positionInStroke > 1){
// we have at least 3 elems in stroke
ABvector = (new Point(stroke.x[positionInStroke-2], stroke.y[positionInStroke-2])).getVectorToPoint(Bpoint)
var BCP1vector = new Vector(ABvector.x + BCvector.x, ABvector.y + BCvector.y).resizeTo(BCvector.getLength() / 2)
, Bpoint.x
, Bpoint.y
, Cpoint.x
, Cpoint.y
, Bpoint.x + BCP1vector.x
, Bpoint.y + BCP1vector.y
, Cpoint.x
, Cpoint.y
} else {
// Since there is no AB leg, there is no curve to draw. This line is still "long" but no curve.
, Bpoint.x
, Bpoint.y
, Cpoint.x
, Cpoint.y
var getDataStats = function(){
var strokecnt = strokes.length
, stroke
, pointid
, pointcnt
, x, y
for(strokeid = 0; strokeid < strokecnt; strokeid++){
stroke = strokes[strokeid]
pointcnt = stroke.length
for(pointid = 0; pointid < pointcnt; pointid++){
x = stroke.x[pointid]
y = stroke.y[pointid]
if (x > maxX){
maxX = x
} else if (x < minX) {
minX = x
if (y > maxY){
maxY = y
} else if (y < minY) {
minY = y
return {'maxX': maxX, 'minX': minX, 'maxY': maxY, 'minY': minY}
function conditionallyLinkCanvasResizeToWindowResize(jSignatureInstance, settingsWidth, apinamespace, globalEvents){
'use strict'
if ( settingsWidth === 'ratio' || settingsWidth.split('')[settingsWidth.length - 1] === '%' ) {
this.eventTokens[apinamespace + '.parentresized'] = globalEvents.subscribe(
apinamespace + '.parentresized'
, (function(eventTokens, $parent, originalParentWidth, sizeRatio){
'use strict'
return function(){
'use strict'
var w = $parent.width()
if (w !== originalParentWidth) {
// UNsubscribing this particular instance of signature pad only.
// there is a separate `eventTokens` per each instance of signature pad
for (var key in eventTokens){
if (eventTokens.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete eventTokens[key]
var settings = jSignatureInstance.settings
for (var key in jSignatureInstance){
if (jSignatureInstance.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete jSignatureInstance[key]
// scale data to new signature pad size = (function(data, scale){
var newData = []
var o, i, l, j, m, stroke
for ( i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
stroke = data[i]
o = {'x':[],'y':[]}
for ( j = 0, m = stroke.x.length; j < m; j++) {
o.x.push(stroke.x[j] * scale)
o.y.push(stroke.y[j] * scale)
return newData
, w * 1.0 / originalParentWidth
, this.$parent
, this.$parent.width()
, this.canvas.width * 1.0 / this.canvas.height
function jSignatureClass(parent, options, instanceExtensions) {
var $parent = this.$parent = $(parent)
, eventTokens = this.eventTokens = {}
, events = = new PubSubClass(this)
, globalEvents = $.fn[apinamespace]('globalEvents')
, settings = {
'width' : 'ratio'
,'height' : 'ratio'
,'sizeRatio': 4 // only used when height = 'ratio'
,'color' : '#000'
,'background-color': '#fff'
,'decor-color': '#eee'
,'lineWidth' : 0
,'minFatFingerCompensation' : -10
,'showUndoButton': false
,'data': []
$.extend(settings, getColors($parent))
if (options) {
$.extend(settings, options)
this.settings = settings
for (var extensionName in instanceExtensions){
if (instanceExtensions.hasOwnProperty(extensionName)) {
instanceExtensions[extensionName].call(this, extensionName)
// these, when enabled, will hover above the sig area. Hence we append them to DOM before canvas.
this.$controlbarUpper = (function(){
var controlbarstyle = 'padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;'+
'width: 100% !important; height: 0 !important;'+
'margin-top:-1em !important;margin-bottom:1em !important;'
return $('<div style="'+controlbarstyle+'"></div>').appendTo($parent)
this.isCanvasEmulator = false // will be flipped by initializer when needed.
var canvas = this.canvas = this.initializeCanvas(settings)
, $canvas = $(canvas)
this.$controlbarLower = (function(){
var controlbarstyle = 'padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;'+
'width: 100% !important; height: 0 !important;'+
'margin-top:-1.5em !important;margin-bottom:1.5em !important;'
return $('<div style="'+controlbarstyle+'"></div>').appendTo($parent)
this.canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d")
// Most of our exposed API will be looking for this:
$ + '.this', this)
settings.lineWidth = (function(defaultLineWidth, canvasWidth){
if (!defaultLineWidth){
return Math.max(
Math.round(canvasWidth / 400) /*+1 pixel for every extra 300px of width.*/
, 2 /* minimum line width */
} else {
return defaultLineWidth
})(settings.lineWidth, canvas.width);
this.lineCurveThreshold = settings.lineWidth * 3
// Add custom class if defined
if(settings.cssclass && $.trim(settings.cssclass) != "") {
// used for shifting the drawing point up on touch devices, so one can see the drawing above the finger.
this.fatFingerCompensation = 0
var movementHandlers = (function(jSignatureInstance) {
// mouse down, move, up handlers:
// shifts - adjustment values in viewport pixels drived from position of canvas on the page
var shiftX
, shiftY
, setStartValues = function(){
var tos = $(jSignatureInstance.canvas).offset()
shiftX = tos.left * -1
shiftY = * -1
, getPointFromEvent = function(e) {
var firstEvent = (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length > 0 ? e.changedTouches[0] : e)
// All devices i tried report correct coordinates in pageX,Y
// Android Chrome 2.3.x, 3.1, 3.2., Opera Mobile, safari iOS 4.x,
// Windows: Chrome, FF, IE9, Safari
// None of that scroll shift calc vs screenXY other sigs do is needed.
// ... oh, yeah, the "fatFinger.." is for tablets so that people see what they draw.
return new Point(
Math.round(firstEvent.pageX + shiftX)
, Math.round(firstEvent.pageY + shiftY) + jSignatureInstance.fatFingerCompensation
, timer = new KickTimerClass(
, function() { jSignatureInstance.dataEngine.endStroke() }
this.drawEndHandler = function(e) {
try { e.preventDefault() } catch (ex) {}
this.drawStartHandler = function(e) {
// for performance we cache the offsets
// we recalc these only at the beginning the stroke
jSignatureInstance.dataEngine.startStroke( getPointFromEvent(e) )
this.drawMoveHandler = function(e) {
if (!jSignatureInstance.dataEngine.inStroke){
jSignatureInstance.dataEngine.addToStroke( getPointFromEvent(e) )
return this
}).call( {}, this )
;(function(drawEndHandler, drawStartHandler, drawMoveHandler) {
var canvas = this.canvas
, $canvas = $(canvas)
, undef
if (this.isCanvasEmulator){
$canvas.bind('mousemove.'+apinamespace, drawMoveHandler)
$canvas.bind('mouseup.'+apinamespace, drawEndHandler)
$canvas.bind('mousedown.'+apinamespace, drawStartHandler)
} else {
canvas.ontouchstart = function(e) {
canvas.onmousedown = undef
canvas.onmouseup = undef
canvas.onmousemove = undef
this.fatFingerCompensation = (
settings.minFatFingerCompensation &&
settings.lineWidth * -3 > settings.minFatFingerCompensation
) ? settings.lineWidth * -3 : settings.minFatFingerCompensation
canvas.ontouchend = drawEndHandler
canvas.ontouchstart = drawStartHandler
canvas.ontouchmove = drawMoveHandler
canvas.onmousedown = function(e) {
canvas.ontouchstart = undef
canvas.ontouchend = undef
canvas.ontouchmove = undef
canvas.onmousedown = drawStartHandler
canvas.onmouseup = drawEndHandler
canvas.onmousemove = drawMoveHandler
, movementHandlers.drawEndHandler
, movementHandlers.drawStartHandler
, movementHandlers.drawMoveHandler
// various event handlers
// on mouseout + mouseup canvas did not know that mouseUP fired. Continued to draw despite mouse UP.
// it is bettr than
// $canvas.bind('mouseout', drawEndHandler)
// because we don't want to break the stroke where user accidentally gets ouside and wants to get back in quickly.
eventTokens[apinamespace + '.windowmouseup'] = globalEvents.subscribe(
apinamespace + '.windowmouseup'
, movementHandlers.drawEndHandler
// If we have proportional width, we sign up to events broadcasting "window resized" and checking if
// parent's width changed. If so, we (1) extract settings + data from current signature pad,
// (2) remove signature pad from parent, and (3) reinit new signature pad at new size with same settings, (rescaled) data.
, this
, settings.width.toString(10)
, apinamespace, globalEvents
// end of event handlers.
// ===============================
// resetCanvas renders the data on the screen and fires ONE "change" event
// if there is data. If you have controls that rely on "change" firing
// attach them to something that runs before this.resetCanvas, like
// apinamespace+'.attachingEventHandlers' that fires a bit higher.'.initialized')
return this
} // end of initBase
// jSignatureClass's methods and supporting fn's
jSignatureClass.prototype.resetCanvas = function(data){
var canvas = this.canvas
, settings = this.settings
, ctx = this.canvasContext
, isCanvasEmulator = this.isCanvasEmulator
, cw = canvas.width
, ch = canvas.height
// preparing colors, drawing area
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cw + 30, ch + 30)
ctx.shadowColor = ctx.fillStyle = settings['background-color']
if (isCanvasEmulator){
// FLashCanvas fills with Black by default, covering up the parent div's background
// hence we refill
ctx.fillRect(0,0,cw + 30, ch + 30)
ctx.lineWidth = Math.ceil(parseInt(settings.lineWidth, 10))
ctx.lineCap = ctx.lineJoin = "round"
// signature line
ctx.strokeStyle = settings['decor-color']
ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0
var lineoffset = Math.round( ch / 5 )
basicLine(ctx, lineoffset * 1.5, ch - lineoffset, cw - (lineoffset * 1.5), ch - lineoffset)
ctx.strokeStyle = settings.color
if (!isCanvasEmulator){
ctx.shadowColor = ctx.strokeStyle
ctx.shadowOffsetX = ctx.lineWidth * 0.5
ctx.shadowOffsetY = ctx.lineWidth * -0.6
ctx.shadowBlur = 0
// setting up new dataEngine
if (!data) { data = [] }
var dataEngine = this.dataEngine = new DataEngine(
, this
, strokeStartCallback
, strokeAddCallback
, strokeEndCallback
) = data // onwindowresize handler uses it, i think.
$(canvas).data(apinamespace+'.data', data)
.data(apinamespace+'.settings', settings)
// we fire "change" event on every change in data.
// setting this up:
dataEngine.changed = (function(target, events, apinamespace) {
'use strict'
return function() {
})(this.$parent,, apinamespace)
// let's trigger change on all data reloads
// import filters will be passing this back as indication of "we rendered"
return true
function initializeCanvasEmulator(canvas){
if (canvas.getContext){
return false
} else {
// for cases when jSignature, FlashCanvas is inserted
// from one window into another (child iframe)
// 'window' and 'FlashCanvas' may be stuck behind
// in that other parent window.
// we need to find it
var window = canvas.ownerDocument.parentWindow
var FC = window.FlashCanvas ?
canvas.ownerDocument.parentWindow.FlashCanvas :
typeof FlashCanvas === "undefined" ?
undefined :
if (FC) {
canvas = FC.initElement(canvas)
var zoom = 1
// FlashCanvas uses flash which has this annoying habit of NOT scaling with page zoom.
// It matches pixel-to-pixel to screen instead.
// Since we are targeting ONLY IE 7, 8 with FlashCanvas, we will test the zoom only the IE8, IE7 way
if (window && window.screen && window.screen.deviceXDPI && window.screen.logicalXDPI){
zoom = window.screen.deviceXDPI * 1.0 / window.screen.logicalXDPI
if (zoom !== 1){
try {
// We effectively abuse the brokenness of FlashCanvas and force the flash rendering surface to
// occupy larger pixel dimensions than the wrapping, scaled up DIV and Canvas elems.
$(canvas).children('object').get(0).resize(Math.ceil(canvas.width * zoom), Math.ceil(canvas.height * zoom))
// And by applying "scale" transformation we can talk "browser pixels" to FlashCanvas
// and have it translate the "browser pixels" to "screen pixels"
canvas.getContext('2d').scale(zoom, zoom)
// Note to self: don't reuse Canvas element. Repeated "scale" are cumulative.
} catch (ex) {}
return true
} else {
throw new Error("Canvas element does not support 2d context. jSignature cannot proceed.")
jSignatureClass.prototype.initializeCanvas = function(settings) {
// ===========
// Init + Sizing code
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
, $canvas = $(canvas)
// We cannot work with circular dependency
if (settings.width === settings.height && settings.height === 'ratio') {
settings.width = '100%'
, 0
, 0
, 'none'
, settings.height === 'ratio' || !settings.height ? 1 : settings.height.toString(10)
, settings.width === 'ratio' || !settings.width ? 1 : settings.width.toString(10)
// we could not do this until canvas is rendered (appended to DOM)
if (settings.height === 'ratio') {
, Math.round( $canvas.width() / settings.sizeRatio )
} else if (settings.width === 'ratio') {
, Math.round( $canvas.height() * settings.sizeRatio )
// canvas's drawing area resolution is independent from canvas's size.
// pixels are just scaled up or down when internal resolution does not
// match external size. So...
canvas.width = $canvas.width()
canvas.height = $canvas.height()
// Special case Sizing code
this.isCanvasEmulator = initializeCanvasEmulator(canvas)
// End of Sizing Code
// ===========
// normally select preventer would be short, but
// Canvas emulator on IE does NOT provide value for Event. Hence this convoluted line.
canvas.onselectstart = function(e){if(e && e.preventDefault){e.preventDefault()}; if(e && e.stopPropagation){e.stopPropagation()}; return false;}
return canvas
var GlobalJSignatureObjectInitializer = function(window){
var globalEvents = new PubSubClass()
// common "window resized" event listener.
// jSignature instances will subscribe to this chanel.
// to resize themselves when needed.
;(function(globalEvents, apinamespace, $, window){
'use strict'
var resizetimer
, runner = function(){
apinamespace + '.parentresized'
// jSignature knows how to resize its content when its parent is resized
// window resize is the only way we can catch resize events though...
$(window).bind('resize.'+apinamespace, function(){
if (resizetimer) {
resizetimer = setTimeout(
, 500
// when mouse exists canvas element and "up"s outside, we cannot catch it with
// callbacks attached to canvas. This catches it outside.
.bind('mouseup.'+apinamespace, function(e){
apinamespace + '.windowmouseup'
})(globalEvents, apinamespace, $, window)
var jSignatureInstanceExtensions = {
// we are called very early in instance's life.
// right after the settings are resolved and
// is created
// and right before first ("jSignature.initializing") event is called.
// You don't really need to manupilate
// jSignatureInstance directly, just attach
// a bunch of events to
// (look at the source of jSignatureClass to see when these fire)
// and your special pieces of code will attach by themselves.
// this function runs every time a new instance is set up.
// this means every var you create will live only for one instance
// unless you attach it to something outside, like "window."
// and pick it up later from there.
// when globalEvents' events fire, 'this' is globalEvents object
// when jSignatureInstance's events fire, 'this' is jSignatureInstance
// Here,
// this = is new jSignatureClass's instance.
// The way you COULD approch setting this up is:
// if you have multistep set up, attach event to "jSignature.initializing"
// that attaches other events to be fired further lower the init stream.
// Or, if you know for sure you rely on only one jSignatureInstance's event,
// just attach to it directly
// name of the event
apinamespace + '.initializing'
// event handlers, can pass args too, but in majority of cases,
// 'this' which is jSignatureClass object instance pointer is enough to get by.
, function(){
if (this.settings.hasOwnProperty('non-existent setting category?')) {
console.log(extensionName + ' is here')
var exportplugins = {
'default':function(data){return this.toDataURL()}
, 'native':function(data){return data}
, 'image':function(data){
/*this = canvas elem */
var imagestring = this.toDataURL()
if (typeof imagestring === 'string' &&
imagestring.length > 4 &&
imagestring.slice(0,5) === 'data:' &&
imagestring.indexOf(',') !== -1){
var splitterpos = imagestring.indexOf(',')
return [
imagestring.slice(5, splitterpos)
, imagestring.substr(splitterpos + 1)
return []
// will be part of "importplugins"
function _renderImageOnCanvas( data, formattype, rerendercallable ) {
'use strict'
// #1. Do NOT rely on this. No worky on IE
// (url max len + lack of base64 decoder + possibly other issues)
// #2. This does NOT affect what is captured as "signature" as far as vector data is
// concerned. This is treated same as "signature line" - i.e. completely ignored
// the only time you see imported image data exported is if you export as image.
// we do NOT call rerendercallable here (unlike in other import plugins)
// because importing image does absolutely nothing to the underlying vector data storage
// This could be a way to "import" old signatures stored as images
// This could also be a way to import extra decor into signature area.
var img = new Image()
// this = Canvas DOM elem. Not jQuery object. Not Canvas's parent div.
, c = this
img.onload = function() {
var ctx = c.getContext("2d").drawImage(
img, 0, 0
, ( img.width < c.width) ? img.width : c.width
, ( img.height < c.height) ? img.height : c.height
img.src = 'data:' + formattype + ',' + data
var importplugins = {
'native':function(data, formattype, rerendercallable){
// we expect data as Array of objects of arrays here - whatever 'default' EXPORT plugin spits out.
// returning Truthy to indicate we are good, all updated.
rerendercallable( data )
, 'image': _renderImageOnCanvas
, 'image/png;base64': _renderImageOnCanvas
, 'image/jpeg;base64': _renderImageOnCanvas
, 'image/jpg;base64': _renderImageOnCanvas
function _clearDrawingArea( data ) {
.data(apinamespace+'.this').resetCanvas( data )
return this
function _setDrawingData( data, formattype ) {
var undef
if (formattype === undef && typeof data === 'string' && data.substr(0,5) === 'data:') {
formattype = data.slice(5).split(',')[0]
// 5 chars of "data:" + mimetype len + 1 "," char = all skipped.
data = data.slice(6 + formattype.length)
if (formattype === data) return
var $canvas = this.find('canvas.'+apinamespace).add(this.filter('canvas.'+apinamespace))
if (!importplugins.hasOwnProperty(formattype)){
throw new Error(apinamespace + " is unable to find import plugin with for format '"+ String(formattype) +"'")
} else if ($canvas.length !== 0){
, data
, formattype
, (function(jSignatureInstance){
return function(){ return jSignatureInstance.resetCanvas.apply(jSignatureInstance, arguments) }
return this
var elementIsOrphan = function(e){
var topOfDOM = false
e = e.parentNode
while (e && !topOfDOM){
topOfDOM = $(e).find(".oe_form")
e = e.parentNode
return !topOfDOM
//These are exposed as methods under $obj.jSignature('methodname', *args)
var plugins = {'export':exportplugins, 'import':importplugins, 'instance': jSignatureInstanceExtensions}
, methods = {
'init' : function( options ) {
return this.each( function() {
if (!elementIsOrphan(this)) {
new jSignatureClass(this, options, jSignatureInstanceExtensions)
, 'getSettings' : function() {
return this.find('canvas.'+apinamespace)
// around since v1
, 'clear' : _clearDrawingArea
// was mistakenly introduced instead of 'clear' in v2
, 'reset' : _clearDrawingArea
, 'addPlugin' : function(pluginType, pluginName, callable){
if (plugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginType)){
plugins[pluginType][pluginName] = callable
return this
, 'listPlugins' : function(pluginType){
var answer = []
if (plugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginType)){
var o = plugins[pluginType]
for (var k in o){
if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)){
return answer
, 'getData' : function( formattype ) {
var undef, $canvas=this.find('canvas.'+apinamespace).add(this.filter('canvas.'+apinamespace))
if (formattype === undef) formattype = 'default'
if ($canvas.length !== 0 && exportplugins.hasOwnProperty(formattype)){
return exportplugins[formattype].call(
$canvas.get(0) // canvas dom elem
, $'.data') // raw signature data as array of objects of arrays
// around since v1. Took only one arg - data-url-formatted string with (likely png of) signature image
, 'importData' : _setDrawingData
// was mistakenly introduced instead of 'importData' in v2
, 'setData' : _setDrawingData
// this is one and same instance for all jSignature.
, 'globalEvents' : function(){return globalEvents}
// there will be a separate one for each jSignature instance.
, 'events' : function() {
return this.find('canvas.'+apinamespace)
} // end of methods declaration.
$.fn[apinamespace] = function(method) {
'use strict'
if ( !method || typeof method === 'object' ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments )
} else if ( typeof method === 'string' && methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ))
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + String(method) + ' does not exist on jQuery.' + apinamespace )
} // end of GlobalJSignatureObjectInitializer