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* Copyright 2016 LasLabs Inc.
* License AGPL-3.0 or later (
odoo.define_section('web_widget_float_formula', ['web.form_common', 'web.form_widgets', 'web.core'], function(test) {
'use strict';
window.test_setup = function(self, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
var field_manager = new form_common.DefaultFieldManager(null, {});
var filler = {'attrs': {}}; // Needed to instantiate FieldFloat
self.field = new form_widgets.FieldFloat(field_manager, filler);
self.$element = $('<input>');
test('Float fields should have a _formula_text property that defaults to an empty string',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.strictEqual(this.field._formula_text, '');
test('.initialize_content() on float fields should clear the _formula_text property',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
this.field._formula_text = 'test';
assert.strictEqual(this.field._formula_text, '');
test('._clean_formula_text() on float fields should clear the _formula_text property',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
this.field._formula_text = 'test';
assert.strictEqual(this.field._formula_text, '');
test('._process_formula() on float fields should return false when given invalid formulas',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.strictEqual(this.field._process_formula('2*3'), false);
assert.strictEqual(this.field._process_formula('=2*3a'), false);
test('._process_formula() on float fields should properly process a valid formula',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.strictEqual(this.field._process_formula(' =2*3\n'), '2*3');
test('._eval_formula() on float fields should properly evaluate a valid formula',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.equal(this.field._eval_formula('2*3'), 6);
test('._eval_formula() on float fields should properly handle alternative decimal points and thousands seps',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
var translation_params = core._t.database.parameters;
translation_params.decimal_point = ',';
translation_params.thousands_sep = '.';
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.equal(this.field._eval_formula('2.000*3,5'), 7000);
test('._eval_formula() on float fields should return false when given an input that evals to undefined',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.equal(this.field._eval_formula(''), false);
test('._eval_formula() on float fields should return false when given an input that cannot be evaluated',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.equal(this.field._eval_formula('*/'), false);
test('._compute_result() on float fields should always clean up _formula_text',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
this.field._formula_text = 'test';
assert.strictEqual(this.field._formula_text, '');
test('._compute_result() should not change the value of the associated input when it is not a valid formula',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.strictEqual(this.$element.val(), '=2*3a');
test('._compute_result() should not change the value of the associated input when it cannot be evaled',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.strictEqual(this.$element.val(), '=*/');
test('._compute_result() should behave properly when the current value of the input element is a valid formula',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
assert.equal(this.$element.val(), '6');
assert.strictEqual(this.field._formula_text, '=2*3');
test('._display_formula() should update the value of the input element when there is a stored formula',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
this.field._formula_text = "test";
assert.equal(this.$element.val(), 'test');
test('.start() on float fields should add a handler that calls ._compute_result() when the field is blurred',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
this.field.called = false;
this.field._compute_result = function() {
this.called = true;
assert.strictEqual(this.field.called, true);
test('.start() on float fields should add a handler that calls ._display_formula() when the field is focused',
function(assert, form_common, form_widgets, core) {
window.test_setup(this, form_common, form_widgets, core);
this.field.called = false;
this.field._display_formula = function() {
this.called = true;
assert.strictEqual(this.field.called, true);