# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). { "name": "Assign leads to me", "version": "1.0.0", "summary": "This module adds buttons to assign leads tu the curren user", "description": """This module updates the kanban and form views.
In the kanban view, the "Assign to me" button appears in place of the assigned user avatar. In the form view, the button appears with the other action buttons, in the header. """,
"author": "RemiFr82", "contributors": "", "maintainer": "RemiFr82", "website": "https://remifr82.me", "license": "LGPL-3", "category": "", # "price": 5.0, # "currency": "EUR", "application": False, "installable": True, "auto_install": False, # "pre_init_hook": "", # "post_init_hook": "", # "uninstall_hook": "", "excludes": [], "external_dependencies": [], "depends": [ "crm", ], "data": [ "views/crm_lead.xml", ], "assets": {}, "css": [], "images": [], "js": [], "test": [], "demo": [], }