# License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). { "name": "Event question sale renting", "version": "1.0.0", "summary": """
Set booking order extra products on event question answers. """,
"description": """
This module extends the functionnalities of event questions and event tickets sale. On the event questions you can check the box to be able to add on each answer, zero, one or more extra products (giving price and qty) that will be added to the sale order. For the questions asked once per registration, you can choose to add the extra products once or for each attendee. """,
"author": "RemiFr82", "contributors": "Hike2River", "website": "https://remifr82.me", "license": "LGPL-3", "category": "Events", # "price": 0, # "currency": "EUR", "application": False, "installable": True, "auto_install": False, "pre_init_hook": "", "post_init_hook": "", "uninstall_hook": "", "excludes": [], "external_dependencies": [], "depends": [ "website_event_questions", "website_event_sale", ], "data": [], "assets": {}, "css": [], "images": [], "js": [], "test": [], "demo": [], "maintainer": "RemiFr82", }