from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class SurveySurvey(models.Model): _inherit = "survey.survey"
answer_selection = fields.Boolean( string="Manual selection", help="Checking this box allows you to select completed real answers (regardless of the scoring success, if enable).", ) answer_selected_count = fields.Integer( "Number of selected answers", compute="_compute_selected_answer" ) answer_selected_ratio = fields.Integer( "Ratio of selected anwers", compute="_compute_selected_answer" )
@api.depends("user_input_ids", "user_input_ids.select") def _compute_selected_answer(self): default_vals = { "answer_count": 0, "answer_selected_count": 0, } stats = dict((sid, default_vals) for sid in self.ids) UserInput = self.env["survey.user_input"] base_domain = [ ("survey_id", "in", self.ids), ("state", "=", "done"), ("test_entry", "=", False), ] read_group_res = UserInput._read_group( base_domain, ["survey_id", "select"], ["survey_id", "select"], lazy=False, )
for item in read_group_res: stats[item["survey_id"][0]]["answer_count"] += item["__count"] if item["select"] == "done": stats[item["survey_id"][0]]["answer_selected_count"] += item["__count"]
for survey_stats in stats.values(): survey_stats["answer_selected_ratio"] = ( survey_stats["answer_selected_count"] / (survey_stats["answer_count"] or 1) * 100 )
for survey in self: survey.update(stats.get(survey._origin.id, default_vals))
def action_survey_user_input(self): action = super(SurveySurvey, self).action_survey_user_input() if self.env.context.get("search_default_selected", False): action["display_name"] += _(" selected") return action