from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError class SurveySurvey(models.Model): _inherit = "survey.survey" @api.model def cron_close_deadline_survey(self): deadline = [ ("date_deadline", "!=", False), ("date_deadline", "<",, ] ) to_close = deadline.filtered("auto_close") if to_close: to_close.action_close_survey() for survey in deadline - to_close: survey.message_post( subtype="survey_deadline_autoclose.mail_message_subtype_survey_deadline", body=_("This survey has expired."), ) date_deadline = fields.Date( string="Deadline", copy=False, track_visibility="onchange" ) auto_close = fields.Boolean( string="Auto close", default=False, help="If checked, the survey will be automatically closed when deadline is overpassed.", track_visibility="onchange", ) # ACTIONS @api.multi def action_send_survey(self): self.ensure_one() action = super(SurveySurvey, self).action_send_survey() action["context"].update( { "default_date_deadline": self.date_deadline, } ) return action @api.multi def action_close_survey(self): stage = self.env["survey.stage"].search([("closed", "=", True)], limit=1) if not stage: if self.env.context.get("cron", False): for survey in self: survey.message_post( subtype="survey_deadline_autoclose.mail_message_subtype_survey_closed", subject=_("Survey closing impossible"), body=_( 'Survey should have been automatically closed but no "closed" ' "stage was found, the requested operation was impossible to proceed.\n" 'To fix this situation, you have to check "Closed" at least on one survey stage.' ), ) else: raise UserError( _( 'No "closed" stage found, the requested operation is impossible.\n' 'To fix this situation, you have to check "Closed" at least on one survey stage.' ) ) else: self.write({"stage_id":}) for survey in self: survey.message_post( subtype="survey_deadline_autoclose.mail_message_subtype_survey_closed", body=_("This survey was automatically closed."), ) # ONCHANGES @api.onchange("date_deadline") def onchange_date_deadline(self): self.ensure_one() if not self.date_deadline: self.auto_close = False elif not self.auto_close: self.auto_close = True