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  1. docker-image:
  2. data-resources:
  3. - /var/lib/odoo
  4. # config-resources:
  5. # ## XXXvlab: should this be there or declared dynamically in the relation that
  6. # ## create/update this file ?
  7. # # - /etc/odoo-server.conf
  8. docker-compose:
  9. command:
  10. - odoo
  11. - --config=/opt/odoo/auto/odoo.conf
  12. ## YYYvlab: useful ?
  13. tty: true
  14. environment:
  16. LIST_DB: 'true'
  17. default-options:
  18. workers: 1
  19. # modules:
  20. # - l10n_fr
  21. #database: MYDATABASE ## will be the one connected to postgres
  22. uses:
  23. postgres-database:
  24. #constraint: required | recommended | optional
  25. #auto: pair | summon | none ## default: pair
  26. constraint: required
  27. auto: summon
  28. solves:
  29. database: "main storage"
  30. default-options:
  31. extensions:
  32. - unaccent
  33. log-rotate:
  34. #constraint: required | recommended | optional
  35. #auto: pair | summon | none ## default: pair
  36. constraint: recommended
  37. auto: pair
  38. solves:
  39. unmanaged-logs: "in docker logs"
  40. #default-options:
  41. web-proxy:
  42. #constraint: required | recommended | optional
  43. #auto: pair | summon | none ## default: pair
  44. constraint: recommended
  45. auto: pair
  46. solves:
  47. proxy: "Public access"
  48. default-options:
  49. target: !var-expand ${MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME}:8069
  50. apache-custom-rules:
  51. - !bash-stdout |
  52. workers=$(relation-base-compose-get workers 2>/dev/null)
  53. workers=${workers:-1}
  54. if [ "$workers" -gt 1 ]; then
  55. echo "ProxyPass /longpolling/ http://${MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME}:8072/longpolling/"
  56. echo "ProxyPassReverse /longpolling/ http://${MASTER_BASE_SERVICE_NAME}:8072/longpolling/"
  57. fi
  58. # network-isolation:
  59. # whitelist: ## required external services used by this service
  60. # -
  61. # -
  62. # -
  63. # -
  64. # -