#!/bin/bash ETHERPAD_LITE_USER=${ETHERPAD_LITE_USER:-etherpad} ETHERPAD_LITE_GROUP=${ETHERPAD_LITE_GROUP:-etherpad} set -eux # -x for verbose logging to juju debug-log apt-get -y install git-core sqlite3 python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y nodejs mkdir /opt/apps -p ( cd /opt/apps && git clone git://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite.git && cd etherpad-lite && adduser --system --home=/home/"$ETHERPAD_LITE_USER" --group "$ETHERPAD_LITE_GROUP" && chown "$ETHERPAD_LITE_USER":"$ETHERPAD_LITE_GROUP" /opt/apps/etherpad-lite -R && ## -H is to force HOME environment variable to change to etherpad one. sudo -u "$ETHERPAD_LITE_USER" -H bin/installDeps.sh ) ## ## Config file ## config_file="/etc/etherpad-lite/settings.json" [ -e "$config_file" ] || cp "src/etc/etherpad-lite/settings.json" "$config_file" ln -sf "$config_file" /opt/apps/etherpad-lite/settings.json ## ## Storage ## # is set from config file and by lxc-scripts as its declared as a data-dir ## ## Startup file ## cp src/etc/init/etherpad-lite.conf /etc/init/etherpad-lite.conf ## ## Logrotate ## cp src/etc/logrotate.d/etherpad-lite /etc/logrotate.d/etherpad-lite ## ## sqlite3 module ## apt-get install -y build-essential ( ## XXXvlab: not very sure why you need to go in this directory cd /opt/apps/etherpad-lite && sudo -u "$ETHERPAD_LITE_USER" -H npm install sqlite3 ) chown "$ETHERPAD_LITE_USER" /var/lib/etherpad-lite