#!/bin/bash ## Load action gets a first argument a DIRECTORY holding the necessary files. ## ## if [ -z "$SERVICE_DATASTORE" ]; then echo "This script is meant to be run through 'compose' to work properly." >&2 exit 1 fi depends curl usage="$exname [-h|--help] SRC_FILE DBNAME" dbname= source= while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in "--help"|"-h") print_usage exit 0 ;; --*|-*) err "Unexpected optional argument '$1'" print_usage exit 1 ;; *) [ -z "$source" ] && { source=$1 ; shift ; continue ; } [ -z "$dbname" ] && { dbname=$1 ; shift ; continue ; } err "Unexpected positional argument '$1'" print_usage exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ -z "$source" ]; then err "You must provide a source filename name as first argument." print_usage exit 1 fi if [ -z "$dbname" ]; then err "You must provide a database name as second argument." print_usage exit 1 fi if ! [ -e "$source" ]; then err "File '$source' not found. Please provide an existing file as first argument." print_usage exit 1 fi set -e ## Ensure odoo is launched service_def=$(get_compose_service_def "$SERVICE_NAME") ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(echo "$service_def" | shyaml get-value options.admin-password) || { err "Could not find 'admin-password' in $SERVICE_NAME service definition." exit 1 } containers="$(get_running_containers_for_service "$SERVICE_NAME")" if [ -z "$containers" ]; then err "No containers running for service $DARKYELLOW$SERVICE_NAME$NORMAL." die "Please ensure that $DARKYELLOW$SERVICE_NAME$NORMAL is running before using '$exname'." fi ## XXXvlab: taking first container is probably not a good idea container="$(echo "$containers" | head -n 1)" ## XXXvlab: taking first ip is probably not a good idea container_ip="$(get_docker_ips "$container" | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 -d ":")" curl -X POST \ -F "master_pwd=${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \ -F "backup_file=@${source}" \ -F "name=${dbname}" \ http://${container_ip}:8069/web/database/restore >/dev/null 2>&1 || { die "Querying odoo through curl was unsuccessfull." } info "Restored '$source' odoo database and filestore to '$dbname'."