## ## Get domain in option of relation "web-proxy" ##
## XXXvlab: there is a tiny lapse of time where database is not yet ## installed, and admin password is the default value.
. lib/common
set -ex
admin_password=$(options-get admin-password 2>/dev/null ) || exit 1
CONTROL_PASSWORD_FILE="$SERVICE_DATASTORE/.control-pass" ## Was it already properly propagated to database ? control_password=$(H "${admin_password}") if ! [ -e "$CONTROL_PASSWORD_FILE" ] || [ "$control_password" != "$(cat "$CONTROL_PASSWORD_FILE")" ]; then
hash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 USER "$admin_password" | cut -f 2- -d :)" || { err "Couldn't generate hash for admin password." exit 1 }
if ! sql < <(e " UPDATE passwords SET value = '$hash' WHERE user_id = 1 AND status = 'ACTIVE' AND password_type_id in ( SELECT id FROM password_types WHERE input_method = 'TEXT_BOX' AND password_mode = 'MANUAL'); "); then debug "Failed to set password for admin users." exit 1 fi mkdir -p "${CONTROL_PASSWORD_FILE%/*}" e "$control_password" > "$CONTROL_PASSWORD_FILE" fi
if ! url=$(named-relation-get "web-proxy" url); then ## no proxy, so we don't know our url, might want to do it in ## post-deploy exit 0 fi
## In ``configurations`` table, columns login_url, logout_url, root_url if ! sql < <(e " UPDATE configurations SET root_url = '$url' "); then debug "Failed to set password for admin users." exit 1 fi